Article: Q252459
Product(s): Microsoft Exchange
Version(s): 2.5
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbADSI kbExchange kbMsg kbVBp kbGrpDSMsg kbDSupport kbATM
Last Modified: 16-MAY-2002
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server
- Microsoft Active Directory Service Interfaces, version 2.5
This article contains a Microsoft Visual Basic code sample that demonstrates how
to programmatically retrieve the properties of a User object with Active
Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI) and ActiveX Data Objects (ADO).
The following sample code demonstrates how to identify the Lightweight Data
Access Protocol (LDAP) properties that are displayed by the Users and Computers
snap-in when you view the User object's Exchange General and Exchange Advanced
To create and run the sample program, perform the following steps:
1. Create a new Visual Basic project called Project1.vbp.
2. Paste the following code in the code window:
Sub Main()
Dim oRootDSE As IADs
Dim oDomain As IADs
Dim obj As IADs
Dim objUser As IADsUser
Dim dacl As IADsAccessControlList
Dim ace As IADsAccessControlEntry
Dim oConnection As New ADODB.Connection
Dim oCommand As New ADODB.Command
Dim RS As ADODB.Recordset
Dim RS2 As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strQuery As String, strAlias As String, mystring As String
Dim varDomainNC As Variant, Desc As Variant, varReports As Variant
Dim PropArray As Variant, Prop As Variant, DescList As Variant
Dim Everyone As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Const RIGHT_DS_DELETE = &H10000
Const RIGHT_DS_READ = &H20000
Const RIGHT_DS_CHANGE = &H40000
On Error Resume Next
' To do: change to the alias for the mailbox you are looking for.
strAlias = "EmailAlias"
' Get the Configuration Naming Context.
Set oRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
varDomainNC = oRootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext")
' Open the Connection
oConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
oConnection.Open "ADs Provider"
' Build the query to find the user based on their alias.
strQuery = "<LDAP://" & varDomainNC & ">;(mailNickName=" & strAlias & ");adspath;subtree"
oCommand.ActiveConnection = oConnection
oCommand.CommandText = strQuery
Set RS = oCommand.Execute
If RS.RecordCount = 0 Then
Debug.Print strAlias, " is not a valid email alias"
' Iterate through the results.
While Not RS.EOF
' Retrieve the properties and display in debug window.
Set objUser = GetObject(RS.Fields("adspath"))
Debug.Print "*************************************************"
Debug.Print "Information From the Exchange GENERAL Tab:"
Debug.Print "*************************************************"
Debug.Print "Mailbox Store:", objUser.homeMDB
Debug.Print "Alias:", objUser.mailNickname
Debug.Print "Delivery Restrictions:"
Debug.Print " Outgoing Message Size Limit:"
If objUser.submissionContlength > 0 Then
Debug.Print " No Limit: Is Not Selected"
Debug.Print " Maxumum Size KB: Is Selected"
Debug.Print " Maximum Size KB: ", objUser.submissionContlength
Debug.Print " No Limit: Is selected"
Debug.Print " Maximum Size KB: Is not Selected"
End If
Debug.Print " Incoming Message Size:"
If objUser.delivContLength > 0 Then
Debug.Print " No Limit: Is Not Selected"
Debug.Print " Maximum Size: Is Selected"
Debug.Print " Maximum Size:", objUser.delivContLength
Debug.Print " No Limit: Is Selected"
Debug.Print " Maximum Size: Is Not Selected"
End If
Debug.Print " Message Restriction:"
Debug.Print " Accept Messages from:"
Everyone = True
' Initialize the array of properties to pass to GetInfoEx.
PropArray = Array("authOrig", "unauthOrig", "dlMemSubmitPerms", "dlMemRejectPerms")
' Make the array a single variant for passing to GetInfoEx.
Prop = PropArray
objUser.GetInfoEx Prop, 0
DescList = objUser.Get("dlMemSubmitPerms")
If Err.Number <> -2147463155 Then
Debug.Print " From Everyone: IS Not Selected"
Debug.Print " Only From:"
For Each Desc In DescList
' Print the descriptions.
Debug.Print " ", (Desc)
Everyone = False
End If
DescList = Null
DescList = objUser.Get("authOrig")
If Err.Number <> -2147463155 Then
For Each Desc In DescList
' Print the descriptions.
Debug.Print " ", (Desc)
Everyone = False
End If
DescList = Null
DescList = objUser.Get("dlMemRejectPerms")
If Err.Number <> -2147463155 Then
Debug.Print " From Everyone Except:"
For Each Desc In DescList
' Print the descriptions.
Debug.Print " ", (Desc)
Everyone = False
End If
DescList = Null
DescList = objUser.Get("unauthOrig")
If Err.Number <> -2147463155 Then
For Each Desc In DescList
' Print the descriptions.
Debug.Print " ", (Desc)
Everyone = False
End If
If Everyone = True Then
Debug.Print " From Everyone: Is Selected"
End If
Debug.Print "Delivery Options:"
Debug.Print " Delegates:"
Debug.Print " Grant Permission to:"
DescList = Null
DescList = objUser.Get("publicDelegates")
If Err.Number <> -2147463155 Then
For Each Desc In DescList
' Print the descriptions.
Debug.Print " ", (Desc)
Debug.Print " Not Set"
End If
Debug.Print " Forwarding Address:", objUser.altRecipient
If objUser.deliverAndRedirect = True Then
Debug.Print " Deliver message to both forwarding address and mailbox: Checked"
Debug.Print " Deliver message to both forwarding address and mailbox: Not Checked"
End If
Debug.Print " Recipient Limits:"
DescList = objUser.Get("msExchRecipLimit")
If Err.Number <> -2147463155 Then
For Each Desc In DescList
Debug.Print " Maximum users:", objUser.msExchRecipLimit
Debug.Print " Not Set"
End If
Debug.Print "Storage Limits:"
Debug.Print " Use mailbox store defaults:", objUser.mdbusedefaults
Debug.Print " When mailbox exceeds the indicated amount:"
Debug.Print " Issue warning at:", objUser.mdbstoragequota
Debug.Print " Prohibit send at:", objUser.mdbOverquotalimit
Debug.Print " Prohibit send and receive at:", objUser.mdbOverhardquotalimit
Debug.Print " Maximum Size:", objUser.MaxStorage
Debug.Print " Deleted items retension:"
If objUser.deletedItemflags > 0 Then
Debug.Print " Use mailbox store defaults: is Not Checked"
Debug.Print " Use mailbox store defaults: is Checked"
End If
Debug.Print " Keep deleted items for days:", objUser.garbageCollPeriod / 86400
If objUser.deletedItemflags = 3 Then
Debug.Print " Don't permenently delete until the store has been backed up: is Checked"
Debug.Print " Don't permenently delete until the store has been backed up: is Not Checked"
End If
Debug.Print "*************************************************"
Debug.Print "Information From the Exchange Advanced Tab:"
Debug.Print "*************************************************"
Debug.Print "Simple Display Name:", objUser.displayNamePrintable
Debug.Print "Hide from Exchange Address list", objUser.msExchHidefromAddressLists
varReports = objUser.securityProtocol
If varReports(3) <> 0 Then
Debug.Print "Downgrade high priority mail bound for X400: Is Checked"
Debug.Print "Downgrade high priority mail bound for X400: Is Not Checked"
End If
Debug.Print "Custom Attributes:"
Debug.Print " extensionAttribute1:", objUser.extensionAttribute1
Debug.Print " extensionAttribute2:", objUser.extensionAttribute2
Debug.Print " extensionAttribute3:", objUser.extensionAttribute3
Debug.Print " extensionAttribute4:", objUser.extensionAttribute4
Debug.Print " extensionAttribute5:", objUser.extensionAttribute5
Debug.Print " extensionAttribute6:", objUser.extensionAttribute6
Debug.Print " extensionAttribute7:", objUser.extensionAttribute7
Debug.Print " extensionAttribute8:", objUser.extensionAttribute8
Debug.Print " extensionAttribute9:", objUser.extensionAttribute9
Debug.Print " extensionAttribute10:", objUser.extensionAttribute10
Debug.Print " extensionAttribute11:", objUser.extensionAttribute11
Debug.Print " extensionAttribute12:", objUser.extensionAttribute12
Debug.Print " extensionAttribute13:", objUser.extensionAttribute13
Debug.Print " extensionAttribute14:", objUser.extensionAttribute14
Debug.Print " extensionAttribute15:", objUser.extensionAttribute15
Debug.Print "Protocol Setting:"
DescList = Null
DescList = objUser.Get("protocolsettings")
If Err.Number <> -2147463155 Then
For Each Desc In DescList
i = InStr(1, Desc, "<A7>", vbTextCompare)
If Left(Desc, i - 1) = "HTTP" Then
Desc = Right(Desc, Len(Desc) - i)
If Left(Desc, 1) = "1" Then
Debug.Print " HTTP: is enabled for mailbox"
Debug.Print " HTTP: is not enabled for mailbox"
End If
Desc = Right(Desc, Len(Desc) - 2)
If Left(Desc, 1) = "1" Then
Debug.Print " HTTP: Use protocol defaults"
Debug.Print " HTTP: Do not use protocol defaults"
End If
ElseIf Left(Desc, i - 1) = "IMAP4" Then
Desc = Right(Desc, Len(Desc) - i)
If Left(Desc, 1) = "1" Then
Debug.Print " IMAP4: is enabled for mailbox"
Debug.Print " IMAP4: is not enabled for mailbox"
End If
Desc = Right(Desc, Len(Desc) - 2)
If Left(Desc, 1) = "1" Then
Debug.Print " IMAP4: Use server defaults"
Debug.Print " IMAP4: Do not use server defaults"
End If
Debug.Print " IMAP4 MIME Encoding:"
Desc = Right(Desc, Len(Desc) - 2)
If Left(Desc, 1) = "0" Then
Debug.Print " Message should be MIME-encoded with both text and HTML body parts"
ElseIf Left(Desc, 1) = "1" Then
Debug.Print " Message should be MIME-encoded with text only body parts"
ElseIf Left(Desc, 1) = "4" Then
Debug.Print " Message should be MIME-encoded with HTML only body parts"
End If
Desc = Right(Desc, Len(Desc) - 2)
i = InStr(1, Desc, "<A7>", vbTextCompare)
Debug.Print " Default Character set:", Left(Desc, i - 1)
'The last 4 values are not documented.
'Setting these programmatically is not supported.
ElseIf Left(Desc, i - 1) = "POP3" Then
Desc = Right(Desc, Len(Desc) - i)
If Left(Desc, 1) = "1" Then
Debug.Print " POP3: is enabled for mailbox"
Debug.Print " POP3: is not enabled for mailbox"
End If
Desc = Right(Desc, Len(Desc) - 2)
If Left(Desc, 1) = "1" Then
Debug.Print " POP3: Use server defaults"
Debug.Print " POP3: Do not use protocol defaults"
End If
Debug.Print " POP3 MIME Encoding:"
Desc = Right(Desc, Len(Desc) - 2)
If Left(Desc, 1) = "0" Then
Debug.Print " Message should be MIME-encoded with both text and HTML body parts"
ElseIf Left(Desc, 1) = "1" Then
Debug.Print " Message should be MIME-encoded with text only body parts"
ElseIf Left(Desc, 1) = "2" Then
Debug.Print " POP3 UUencoding: Is Enabled "
Debug.Print " POP3 UUencoding: Use Binhex for macintosh is enabled"
ElseIf Left(Desc, 1) = "3" Then
Debug.Print " POP3 UUencoding: Is Enabled "
ElseIf Left(Desc, 1) = "4" Then
Debug.Print " Message should be MIME-encoded with HTML only body parts"
End If
Desc = Right(Desc, Len(Desc) - 2)
i = InStr(1, Desc, "<A7>", vbTextCompare)
Debug.Print " Default Character set:", Left(Desc, i - 1)
i = InStr(1, Desc, "<A7>", vbTextCompare)
Desc = Right(Desc, Len(Desc) - i)
If Left(Desc, 1) = "0" Then
Debug.Print " Use Rich Text is not enabled"
Debug.Print " Use Rich Text is enabled"
End If
End If
End If
mystring = "<A7>"
i = Asc(mystring)
Debug.Print "ILS Settings"
i = InStr(1, objUser.autoReplyMessage, "/", vbTextCompare)
Debug.Print " ILS Server:", Left(objUser.autoReplyMessage, i - 1)
Debug.Print " ILS Account:", Right(objUser.autoReplyMessage, Len(objUser.autoReplyMessage) - i)
DescList = Null
Debug.Print "Mailbox Rights"
' msExchMailboxSecurityDescriptoris a copy of what is in the MDB.
' It cannot be modified programmatically.
objUser.GetInfoEx "msExchMailboxSecurityDescriptor", 0
Dim objsd As IADsSecurityDescriptor
Set objsd = objUser.Get("msExchMailboxSecurityDescriptor")
'----Enumerate an ACE in DACL----
Set dacl = objsd.DiscretionaryAcl
For Each ace In dacl
mystring = ace.Trustee
'----ACE TYPE-----
mystring = " " & mystring & " is allowed:"
mystring = " " & mystring & " is denied:"
End If
'----ACE MASK----
If (ace.AccessMask And RIGHT_DS_SEND_AS) Then
mystring = mystring & " -send mail as"
End If
If (ace.AccessMask And RIGHT_DS_CHANGE) Then
mystring = mystring & " -modify user attributes"
End If
If (ace.AccessMask And RIGHT_DS_DELETE) Then
mystring = mystring & " -delete mailbox store"
End If
If (ace.AccessMask And RIGHT_DS_READ) Then
mystring = mystring & " -read permissions"
End If
If (ace.AccessMask And RIGHT_DS_TAKE_OWNERSHIP) Then
mystring = mystring & " -take ownership of this object"
End If
If (ace.AccessMask And RIGHT_DS_MAILBOX_OWNER) Then
mystring = mystring & " -is mailbox owner of this object"
End If
If (ace.AccessMask And RIGHT_DS_PRIMARY_OWNER) Then
mystring = mystring & " -is mailbox Primary owner of this object"
End If
Debug.Print mystring
obj = Nothing
objUser = Nothing
dacl = Nothing
ace = Nothing
End If
oRootDSE = Nothing
oDomain = Nothing
Set oConnection = Nothing
Set oCommand = Nothing
Set RS = Nothing
Set RS2 = Nothing
End Sub
3. Modify the code to set the value of the strAlias variable to the email alias
of the user for whom you want to retrieve properties.
4. Reference the project with the ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Libraries.
5. Run the project in debug mode.
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbADSI kbExchange kbMsg kbVBp kbGrpDSMsg kbDSupport kbATM
Technology : kbAudDeveloper kbExchangeSearch kbADSISearch kbExchange2000Search kbADSI250 kbExchange2000Serv
Version : :2.5
Issue type : kbinfo