Q255589: Common Name Connector Space Is Not Synchronized with the Connect

Article: Q255589
Product(s): Microsoft Windows NT
Version(s): 2.1
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): metadirectory Zoomit MMS
Last Modified: 23-OCT-2000

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Metadirectory Services, version 2.1 


The connector space common name is not synchronized with the connected directory
and metaverse common names.

For example, when you use the Account Joiner to join an unconnected connector
space object to a metaverse object, if you search the metaverse (by common
name), you may not receive the hits you expect because the common name attribute
has not been populated in the connector space.


This issue occurs because the attribute assignment rules for the common name
have not been implemented in the connector space construction template. The
common name attribute is not assigned to the connector space record in the
connector space construction template (zcDsiAliasThingConstruction) by default.


To resolve this issue, upgrade to MMS 2.2.

To work around this issue, ensure that the following assignments are made in the
connector space construction template (zcDsiAliasThingConstruction):

  $cs.cn = $cd.cn

This workaround sets the common name attribute of the connector space object to
the connected directory's common name attribute.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Metadirectory Services

Additional query words: Zoomit Via MA zscript genlogs

Keywords          : metadirectory Zoomit MMS 
Technology        : kbMMSSearch kbMMS210
Version           : :2.1
Issue type        : kbbug
