Article: Q257790
Product(s): Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows
Version(s): 2.0,2.01,2.1,2.1 SP1,2.1 SP2,2.5,2.6,6.0,6.0 SP3
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbVBp600 kbGrpDSVBDB kbGrpDSMDAC kbDSupport kbMDAC250 kbVS600sp4bug kbMDAC260 kbATM kbm
Last Modified: 23-AUG-2001
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Visual Basic Learning Edition for Windows, version 6.0
- Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows, version 6.0
- Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows, versions 6.0, 6.0 SP3
- ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), versions 2.0, 2.01, 2.1, 2.1 SP1, 2.1 SP2, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7
If you add a new record to an ADO recordset by calling the AddNew method, enter
data of an invalid datatype in a control bound to this recordset, and then
cancel the change by calling the CancelUpdate method, the CancelUpdate method
appears to generate an error due to the invalid datatype, and displays the
following run-time error message if you are using ADO 2.1 SP2 or earlier:
Run-time error '-2147217842 (80040e4e)':
The change was canceled during notification; no columns are changed
If you are using ADO 2.5, then the error message may look like this:
Run-time error '-2147217842 (80040e4e)':
Operation was canceled.
This data validation makes sense when calling the Update method, but should not
occur when canceling any changes that have been made.
To work around this problem, make sure that you enter a valid datatype. For
example, using the above-mentioned sample, this unexpected validation error
occurs when a string value is entered in a bound control where the underlying
database is expecting a numeric value. To work around the error, you only need
to check and fix the values that are entered in controls that are bound to
numeric fields. The simplest approach is use the IsNumeric function to check the
value that is entered in the control and, if the result is False, change the
string in the control to a number. Because the record is not saved, the number
that is chosen is not important.
To implement this workaround in the Visual Basic project that is described in the
"Symptoms" section, add the following code to the CancelUpdate command button's
Click procedure as follows:
Private Sub Command2_Click()
If Not IsNumeric(Text1.Text) Then
Text1.Text = 0 'Zero
End If
End Sub
Steps to Reproduce Behavior
This bug can be reproduced by following these steps:
1. Open a new Visual Basic Standard EXE project and set a Reference to the
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects library.
2. Place an ADO Data control on the form, enter connection information for the
sample Northwind database (located by default in the Visual Basic 98 folder
as NWIND.MDB), and select the Orders table as its RecordSource property.
3. Place a TextBox control on the form, set its DataSource to the ADO Data
control, and then select the numeric Freight field as the DataField property.
4. Place a Command button on the form and enter the following line of code in
its click event:
5. Place another Command button on the form and enter the following line of code
in its click event:
6. Run the project.
7. Click the AddNew command button and enter a character (string) value in the
Freight textbox.
8. Click the CancelUpdate command button and note that you see one of the the
error messages described in the "Symptoms" section.
If you follow the same steps and enter a numeric value in the field, the error
message does not appear, indicating that the data entered is being validated in
spite of the fact that the update has been canceled.
Additional query words: sp4 error -2147217842 (80040e4e)
Keywords : kbVBp600 kbGrpDSVBDB kbGrpDSMDAC kbDSupport kbMDAC250 kbVS600sp4bug kbMDAC260 kbATM kbmdac270 kbado270
Technology : kbVBSearch kbAudDeveloper kbADOsearch kbADO210 kbADO201 kbADO200 kbADO210sp1 kbADO210sp2 kbADO250 kbADO260 kbZNotKeyword6 kbZNotKeyword2 kbVB600Search kbVB600 kbVB600SP3 kbADO270
Version : :2.0,2.01,2.1,2.1 SP1,2.1 SP2,2.5,2.6,6.0,6.0 SP3
Issue type : kbprb
Solution Type : kbnofix