Q262856: SMS: Invalid Pointer Causes Low-rights Client Install to Fail

Article: Q262856
Product(s): Microsoft Systems Management Server
Version(s): winnt:2.0
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbsetup kbClient kbsms200 kbDiscovery
Last Modified: 30-JUL-2000

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Systems Management Server version 2.0 


When a non-administrative user installs the Systems Management Server 2.0 client
on a Windows NT 4.0 system via the logon installation method, installation fails
and no client components are installed. When this behavior occurs, the following
error is present in the Wn_logon.log:

  ASSIGNMENT ***************************************
  Before adding new sites, there are 1 site keys and 0 sites in the site list
     Site Key #0: "XXX"
  Some sites in the registry are not assigned
  Assessing assignment state from "\SITES\XXX"
  Calling GetAccessiblePath with \SITES\XXX\ 
  GetAccessiblePath failed for NAL path \SITES\XXX\. Error = 0x80004003
  Warning: Unable to Check Assignment for site "XXX" - Invalid pointer
  After adding any new sites, there are 1 site keys and 0 sites in the site list
     Site Key #0: "XXX" 
  Not writing Site List data back to the registry (no new sites)
  Client is not assigned to any sites - finished.
  ReWriteSitesRegistry returning 28931
  Finished CliEx processing.
  Unloading CliEx.


This behavior occurs because the logged on user is not able to create registry
entries under the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT registry hive. As a result, Network
Abstraction Layer (NAL) components are not installed correctly and the client
installation cannot be completed.


On the system experiencing this problem, verify the Interactive Group has the
following permissions on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and all its subkeys:

- Query Value

- Set Value

- Create Subkey

- Enumerate Subkeys

- Notify

- Delete

- Read Control

NOTE: These are the default permissions for the Interactive Group, but may have
been changed by an administrator for security purposes.


When the Systems Management Server client core components are installed, several
Nal.dll files must be registered under the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT registry hive. If
these files are not registered, NAL is unable to resolve paths on behalf of
System Management Server client components, resulting in failure to install the

Additional query words: prodsms

Keywords          : kbsetup kbClient kbsms200 kbDiscovery 
Technology        : kbSMSSearch kbSMS200
Version           : winnt:2.0
Issue type        : kbprb
