Article: Q265161
Product(s): Word Front Page
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbdta
Last Modified: 06-AUG-2002
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft FrontPage 2002
- Microsoft FrontPage 2000
When you attempt to browse to an Active Server Page (ASP) database results page
created in Microsoft FrontPage, you may receive an error message similar to one
of the following:
Error #1:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ad'
ActiveX component can't create object
/_fpclass/, line 99
NOTE: This error message may be followed by a description of why the resource was
Error #2:
Execute Access Denied
This Virtual Directory does not allow objects to be executed.
Error #3:
Database Results Error
The database connection named 'Sample' is undefined.
This problem can occur if:
* the connection has been removed from the web.
* the file 'global.asa' is missing or contains errors.
* the root folder does not have Scripting permissions enabled.
* the web is not marked as an Application Root.
This behavior can occur if the following respective conditions are true:
Error #1:
The NTFS permissions are defined incorrectly for the "%ProgramFiles%\Common
Files\System" folder.
Error #2:
The virtual directory that you are connecting to is not marked as an ASP
Error #3:
The virtual directory that you are connecting to does not have at least Script
permissions defined in the Microsoft Internet Information Service (IIS)
To resolve this problem, use the method appropriate to the error message you are
Error #1:
Reset the NTFS permisions on the "%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\System" folder. To
do this, follow these steps:
1. Right-click the Start button, and then click Open to start Windows Explorer.
2. Expand the "%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\System" folder in Folders view.
3. Right-click the folder and then click Properties on the shortcut menu.
4. Click the Security tab.
5. Add Everyone to the exisiting permissions with at least Read permissions and
apply these new settings to all files and subfolders.
6. Click OK.
Error #2:
Mark the folder as an Application Root. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Start Internet Services Manager. To do this, follow the steps for your
version of IIS:
- For IIS 5.1:
a. Open Control Panel.
b. Double-click Administrative Tools.
c. Double-click Internet Information Services.
- For IIS 5.0:
a. On the Windows Start menu, point to Programs, and then click
Administrative Tools.
b. Click Internet Services Manager.
- For IIS 4.0:
a. On the Windows Start menu, point to Programs, and then click "Windows
NT 4.0 Option Pack".
b. Click "Microsoft Internet Information Server".
c. Click Internet Service Manager.
2. Expand the path to the folder in Tree view.
3. Right-click the folder and then click Properties on the shortcut menu.
4. Click the Directory or Home Directory tab.
5. Click Create.
6. Click OK.
Error #3:
Configure the folder to have at least Script permissions. To do this, follow
these steps:
1. Start Internet Services Manager. To do this, follow the steps for your
version of IIS:
- For IIS 5.1:
a. Open Control Panel.
b. Double-click Administrative Tools.
c. Double-click Internet Information Services.
- For IIS 5.0:
a. On the Windows Start menu, point to Programs, and then click
Administrative Tools.
b. Click Internet Services Manager.
- For IIS 4.0:
a. On the Windows Start menu, point to Programs, and then click "Windows
NT 4.0 Option Pack".
b. Click "Microsoft Internet Information Server".
c. Click Internet Service Manager.
2. Expand the path to the folder in the Tree view.
3. Right-click the folder and then click Properties on the shortcut menu.
4. Click the Directory or Home Directory tab.
5. Choose Scripts only for the execute permissions.
6. Click OK.
If you are trying to gain access to a Microsoft Access database, make sure that
you have established the appropriate permissions. For additional information,
click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge
Q187506 List of NTFS Permissions Required for IIS Site to Work
When a user attempts to perform an Internet Database Connector (IDC) or ActiveX
Data Objects (ADO) query, the query is run in context of the authenticated Web
user. Typically, you (the FrontPage Web developer) might grant the directory
permissions listed later in this article to an anonymous user or to the
authenticated Microsoft Windows NT user account. (By default, the anonymous user
is IUSR_<machine-name>.)
When you apply these permissions, apply them to all existing files unless
otherwise noted.
When you set permissions for the IUSR account, you need to add all user accounts
that need to be authenticated on the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)
The directories identified in the sixth and seventh bullets that follow are
located by default in the Program Files/Common Files/System directory and are
needed only for ASP and ADO queries.
Typical permissions for IUSR are as follows:
- Read permission to the root directory of the drive on which ASP is installed.
- Write permission to the Windows NT directory in Windows NT, or to the WinNT
directory in Windows 2000.
- Read permission to the System32 directory.
- Read permission to the Inetsrv directory.
- Read permission to the InetPub (or content directory).
- Read permission to the OLE DB directory.
- Read permission to the ADO directory.
- Change permissions to the database file and directories.
NOTE: The Microsoft Jet database engine uses the System Temp and Tmp environment
variables to specify the location of temporary files that are created during Jet
operations. By default, these environment variables are defined for users and
are not system-wide settings. For additional information, click the article
number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q315456 FP: Error: Unable to Open Jet Temporary Key When You Attempt to
Connect to Database
For additional information about troubleshooting ASP/IIS errors when working
with FrontPage database connectivity features, click the article numbers below
to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q201740 Cannot Create Object Error when Browsing ASP Pages
Q219170 FP2000: Error Browsing Database Results Pages After Publishing from
Disk-Based Web
Q315453 FP: ASP Error 0177: 800401f3 When You Attempt to Connect to Database
Results Page
Q315454 FP: ASP Error 0178: 80070005 When You Attempt to Connect to Database
Results Page
Q315456 FP: Error: Unable to Open Jet Temporary Key When You Attempt to
Connect to Database
For additional information about troubleshooting IIS permissions, click the
article numbers below to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q185874 How to Troubleshoot Permissions in Internet Information Server 4.0
Q309051 HOW TO: Troubleshoot ASP in IIS 5.0
For additional information about virtual directories and application objects, see
the Internet Information Services Documentation on your Web server. To view this
documentation, follow these steps:
1. On the Start menu, click Run. In the Open box, type
"http://localhost/iishelp" (without the quotation marks), and then click OK.
2. On the IIS Documentation page, click the Index tab, type "virtual directory"
(without the quotation marks), select the subtopic that you want, and then
click Display.
Additional query words: ocsso front page 800a01ad run time
Keywords : kbdta
Technology : kbFrontPageSearch kbFrontPage2002 kbFrontPage2000Search kbFrontPage2002Search kbZNotKeyword5
Version : :
Issue type : kbprb