Article: Q265746
Product(s): Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows
Version(s): 3.0
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbGrpDSVB kbDSupport kbVBM300
Last Modified: 23-MAR-2001
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft eMbedded Visual Basic, version 3.0
When you place a small horizontal or vertical scrollbar on a form, the scrollbar
appears blank or without arrows, depending on the size of the control.
This behavior is by design.
This behavior occurs because of the way that Windows CE handles the painting of
the control.
Steps to Reproduce Behavior
1. Create a new HPC Pro or Pocket PC project in eMbedded Visual Basic. Form1 is
created by default.
2. Add a vertical scrollbar to Form1.
3. Add the following code to Form1:
Private Sub Form_Load()
VScroll1.Height = 450
End Sub
4. Press the F5 key to run the project in emulation. Notice that no arrows
appear in the scrollbar.
5. Change the code provided in Step 3 to read:
Private Sub Form_Load()
VScroll1.Height = 250
End Sub
6. Press the F5 key to run the project. Notice that in the HPC Pro project you
get a white rectangle, while in the Pocket PC project no scrollbar appears on
the form.
Additional query words: wce evb scroll bar scroll-bar
Keywords : kbGrpDSVB kbDSupport kbVBM300
Technology : kbVBSearch kbAudDeveloper kbZNotKeyword2 kbVBeMbSearch kbVBeMb300
Version : :3.0
Issue type : kbprb