Article: Q268494
Product(s): Microsoft Exchange
Version(s): 5.0 SP1
Operating System(s):
Last Modified: 18-JUL-2001
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Exchange Server, version 5.0 SP1
When you are running two Exchange Server 5.0 Service Pack 1 (SP1) computers on
the same subnet in the same Exchange site, you may experience a problem if you
have the Internet Mail Service installed on both servers.
If both servers are connected to an Internet service provider over a T1 line, and
Server A is designated for inbound and outbound messages while Server B is set
for outbound messages only, Internet messages may stop in the outbound waiting
delivery queue in the Internet Mail Service (IMS) on Server B.
This behavior can occur when the routing table for the site has not been
To resolve this behavior, update the routing table in the MTA on the server set
for outbound messages (Server B):
1. In Control Panel, double-click Services, and then stop the Internet Mail
2. Start the Exchange Administrator program, expand the Configuration container,
expand the Servers container, and then click Server B.
3. Open the Message Transfer Agent properties page, click the General tab, and
then click Recalculate Routing.
4. Back up the Imcdata\Out directory, which is located in
<DRIVE>:\Exchsrvr\Imcdata. Then delete all files in the Imcdata\Out
5. In <DRIVE>:Exchsrvr\Imcdata\, delete the Queue.dat file.
6. In Control Panel, double-click Services, and then start the Internet Mail
7. Send a test message to make sure that the message is delivered.
8. To recover messages, repeat Steps 3 through 5.
For additional information, click the article numbers below to view the articles
in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q197792 XFOR: General Troubleshooting for Stuck Messages in Internet Mail
Q234065 XGEN: Troubleshooting the MTA Queue to Internet Mail Service
Q165505 XFOR: How to View/Delete Messages in MTS-IN and MTS-OUT Queues
Q247133 XCON: List of KB Articles on MTA Concepts and Troubleshooting
Additional query words:
Keywords :
Technology : kbExchangeSearch kbZNotKeyword2 kbExchange500SP1
Version : :5.0 SP1
Issue type : kbprb