Q276554: INFO: How To Modify a Resize Object to Work with an OptionGroup

Article: Q276554
Product(s): Microsoft FoxPro
Version(s): 6.0
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbOOP kbvfp600 kbFFC kbGrpDSFox kbDSupport kbCodeSnippet
Last Modified: 09-NOV-2000

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, version 6.0 


If you use the OptionGroup control on a form with the Resize object, the option
button group does not resize automatically. This article describes how to make
an option button group resize and move with the other controls on the form.


NOTE: The code in the following set of instructions works for an option button
group with either horizontal buttons or vertical buttons, but not both.

1. Start Visual FoxPro version 6.0.

2. On the File menu, click Open, and then browse to the Vfp98\FFC folder. (This
  folder is a subfolder of the folder in which Microsoft Visual Studio is

3. Select the _controls.vcx file. In the Class Name list, click _controls, and
  then double-click _resizable.

4. In the Properties window, double-click the LoopThroughControls method.

5. Add "Optiongroup" (without the quotation marks) to the end of line 11 as

  #define BASE_CLASS "Commandbutton Combobox Checkbox Listbox Form Grid Textbox Label Shape Editbox Olecontrol Pageframe Image Spinner Optiongroup"

6. In the Procedure drop-down list box, click SetSize, and then add the
  following code after the existing code:

  * Resize Option Group.
  IF oControl.BaseClass $ "Optiongroup" THEN
     LOCAL nNumButtons,nLoop, nHorzSpaceBtwnButtons, nVertSpaceBtwnButtons, nButtonHeight, nWidestButton
     * Initialize Variables.
     nNumButtons = oControl.ButtonCount
     nButtonHeight = oControl.Buttons(1).Height  && Assume all the buttons are the same height
     nWidestButton = 0

     * Find the widest button.
     FOR nLoop = 1 TO nNumButtons
         IF (oControl.Buttons(nLoop).Width > nWidestButton) THEN
            nWidestButton = oControl.Buttons(nLoop).Width

     * Determine whether the buttons are horizontal or vertical.	
     IF (oControl.Buttons(1).Top != oControl.Buttons(2).Top) THEN
        lVertical = .T.		&& Vertical Buttons
        lVertical = .F.		&& Horizontal Buttons

     * Take care of the vertical buttons.	
     IF (lVertical) THEN
         nVertSpaceBtwnButtons = (oControl.Height  - (nNumButtons * nButtonHeight)) / (nNumButtons + 1)
         FOR nLoop = 1 TO nNumButtons
            oControl.Buttons(nLoop).Left = (oControl.Width - nWidestButton) / 2
            IF nLoop = 1 THEN
               oControl.Buttons(nLoop).Top = nVertSpaceBtwnButtons
               oControl.Buttons(nLoop).Top = (nLoop * nVertSpaceBtwnButtons) + (nButtonHeight * (nLoop - 1))
        * Take care of the horizontal buttons.
        nHorzSpaceBtwnButtons =(oControl.Width	- (nNumButtons * nWidestButton)) / (nNumButtons + 1)

        FOR nLoop = 1 TO nNumButtons
           oControl.Buttons(nLoop).Top = (oControl.Height - nButtonHeight) / 2
           IF (nLoop = 1) THEN
              oControl.Buttons(nLoop).Left = nHorzSpaceBtwnButtons
  	    oControl.Buttons(nLoop).Left = (nLoop * nHorzSpaceBtwnButtons) + (nWidestButton * (nLoop - 1))
  ENDIF   && Optiongroup resize

7. Save the class.

8. Create a form and place the Resize object on the form.

9. Add the following code to the Resize event of the form:


10. Add a command button, an option button group, and text box objects to the

11. Run the form, and then resize the form.

The option button group now moves with the rest of the controls on the form.


For additional information about the Resize object, consult the Visual FoxPro 6
Help file.

(c) Microsoft Corporation 2000, All Rights Reserved. Contributions by Mark
Barnard, Microsoft Corporation.

Additional query words:

Keywords          : kbOOP kbvfp600 kbFFC kbGrpDSFox kbDSupport kbCodeSnippet 
Technology        : kbVFPsearch kbAudDeveloper kbVFP600
Version           : :6.0
Issue type        : kbinfo
