Article: Q306826
Product(s): Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows
Version(s): 3.0
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbVBM300
Last Modified: 10-SEP-2001
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft eMbedded Visual Basic, version 3.0
This article demonstrates how to use an eMbedded Visual Basic (eVB) application
to adjust the system memory division.
On Microsoft Windows CE devices, you can adjust the memory settings to allocate
memory between object store (storage) and program memory. This adjustment is
typically made in the system's Control Panel. The sample code to follow
illustrates how you can use the SetSystemMemoryDivision function to
programmatically set this boundary line.
Step-by-Step Example
1. Start a new PocketPC project in eVB. Form1 is created by default.
2. Add six labels, two text boxes, two command buttons, one horizontal scroll
bar, and one shape control to Form1. Do not be concerned with the placement
of these controls.
3. Paste the following code into Form1:
Option Explicit
Declare Function GetLastError Lib "coredll" () As Long
Declare Function GetSystemMemoryDivision Lib "coredll" _
(lpdwStorePages As Long, _
lpdwRamPages As Long, _
lpdwPageSize As Long) As Long
Declare Function SetSystemMemoryDivision Lib "coredll" _
(ByVal dwStorePages As Long) As Long
Dim lStorePages As Long
Dim lPageSize As Long
Dim lRamPages As Long
Private Sub GetMemoryInfo()
Dim lRet As Long
lRet = GetSystemMemoryDivision(lStorePages, lRamPages, lPageSize)
If lRet > 0 Then
MsgBox "Call failed"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim lRet As Long
lRet = SetSystemMemoryDivision(lStorePages)
MsgBox "Failure....GetLastError returned: " & GetLastError
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_OKClick()
End Sub
Sub SetUI()
HScroll1.Max = lStorePages + lRamPages
HScroll1.Value = lStorePages
Label4.Caption = "Total main memory: " & _
FormatNumber(TurntoMB(lStorePages + lRamPages)) & " MB"
Text1.Text = FormatNumber(TurntoMB(lStorePages), 2) & " MB"
Text2.Text = FormatNumber(TurntoMB(lRamPages), 2) & " MB"
Label5.Caption = Text1.Text
Label6.Caption = Text2.Text
End Sub
Public Function TurntoMB(lsize As Long) As Long
TurntoMB = (lsize * lPageSize) / 1024 ^ 2
End Function
Public Function TurnToMem(lsize As Long) As Long
TurnToMem = (lsize / lPageSize) * 1024 ^ 2
End Function
Private Sub HScroll1_Change()
Text1.Text = FormatNumber(TurntoMB(HScroll1.Value), 2) & " MB"
Text2.Text = FormatNumber(TurntoMB(HScroll1.Max - _
HScroll1.Value), 2) & " MB"
lStorePages = HScroll1.Value
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Label1.Caption = "Storage"
Label2.Caption = "Program"
Label3.Caption = "Allocated"
Label4.Caption = ""
Label5.Caption = ""
Label6.Caption = ""
Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
Form1.Caption = "Memory Division"
Command1.Caption = "Get Memory Info"
Command2.Caption = "Set Memory Info"
HScroll1.Min = 0
HScroll1.Max = 8000
HScroll1.LargeChange = 100
HScroll1.SmallChange = 10
Label1.Move 120, 480, 735, 255
Label2.Move 2400, 480, 735, 255
Label3.Move 1320, 1680, 855, 255
Label4.Move 120, 120, 2895, 255
Label5.Move 240, 1680, 975, 255
Label6.Move 2280, 1680, 975, 255
Text1.Move 120, 840, 975, 255
Text2.Move 2400, 840, 975, 255
Command1.Move 120, 2520, 2055, 375
Command2.Move 120, 3000, 2055, 375
HScroll1.Move 120, 1200, 3255, 255
Shape1.Move 120, 1560, 3255, 495
End Sub
4. Ensure that the remote device is being targeted, and run the application.
5. Scroll the horizontal scroll bar, and click Set Memory Info to change the
memory settings.
IMPORTANT: A PocketPC runs a memory division check at least once every 5 seconds
and whenever the Task Manager starts an application. As a part of this check,
the memory division is set to equal parts if it is determined that free memory
in one division is 5 times larger than the free memory in the other.
For more information about Windows CE memory architecture, see the following
MSDN Web site:
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbVBM300
Technology : kbVBSearch kbAudDeveloper kbZNotKeyword2 kbVBeMbSearch kbVBeMb300
Version : :3.0
Issue type : kbhowto