Q319462: SMS: Travel Mode Discovery Property May Not Be Reported in DDRs

Article: Q319462
Product(s): Microsoft Systems Management Server
Version(s): 2.0 SP3,2.0 SP4
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbenv kbtool kbui kbsms200 kbsms200preSP4fix
Last Modified: 06-AUG-2002

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Systems Management Server versions 2.0 SP3, 2.0 SP4 


The TravelMode discovery property may not be reported in client discovery
properties in the SMS Administrator tool or its associated DDR after you apply
the hotfix that is described in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:

  Q281107 Travel-Mode Clients May Lose Inventory or Not Run Advertisements

This affects existing Microsoft Windows NT clients on which the SMS Client was
installed with the Windows NT Remote Client Installation. This includes SMS
component servers on which the SMS Client was installed by using the SMS Windows
NT Service Discovery Agent/Windows NT Remote Client Installation combination.
However, new clients that are installed after the hotfix from Q281107 has been
installed report the new property in their discovery data.


The clients Ccmdata.tcf file that is located in the
%systemroot%\MS\SMS\Core\Data folder only exists for clients that are installed
by using the Windows NT Remote Client Installation method. The discovery
properties to be collected during the discovery process are contained in the
[DISCOVERY PROPERTIES] section of this file. This file is not updated when the
hotfix from Q281107 is applied.


A supported fix is now available from Microsoft, but it is only intended to
correct the problem that is described in this article. Only apply it to systems
that are experiencing this specific problem. This fix may receive additional
testing. Therefore, if you are not severely affected by this problem, Microsoft
recommends that you wait for the next Systems Management Server service pack
that contains this fix.

To resolve this problem immediately, contact Microsoft Product Support Services
to obtain the fix. For a complete list of Microsoft Product Support Services
phone numbers and information about support costs, visit the following Microsoft
Web site:


NOTE: In special cases, charges that are ordinarily incurred for support calls
may be canceled if a Microsoft Support Professional determines that a specific
update will resolve your problem. The usual support costs will apply to
additional support questions and issues that do not qualify for the specific
update in question.

The English post-Systems Management Server (SMS) Service Pack 3 version of this
fix should have the following file attributes or later:

 Date       Time   Version        Size       File name            Platform
 02-Mar-01  00:30         394,290  Apasetup.exe         Intel
 01-Mar-01  13:00  2.0.1493.3125    259,936  Bindclin.dll         Intel
 02-Mar-01  00:15  2.0.1493.3251    182,096  Ccim32.dll           Intel
 02-Mar-01  00:15       1,324,082  Ccmcore.exe          Intel
 02-Mar-01  00:15  2.0.1493.3251  3,402,213  Clicore.exe          Intel
 02-Mar-01  00:10  2.0.1493.3238     88,432  Clisvcl.exe          Intel
 02-Mar-01  00:15  2.0.1493.3251      8,512  Cliver.exe           Intel
 02-Mar-01  01:15                        67  Compverbase.ini      Intel
 02-Mar-01  01:15                        67  Compversmsapm32.ini  Intel
 02-Mar-01  01:15                        67  Compverswdist.ini    Intel
 01-Mar-01  22:20  2.0.1493.3216     39,264  Cqmgr32.dll          Intel
 01-Mar-01  13:00  2.0.1493.3125    338,272  Mslmclin.dll         Intel
 01-Mar-01  13:00  2.0.1493.3125    269,664  Ndsclin.dll          Intel
 02-Mar-01  00:00  2.0.1493.3236     54,128  Odpsys32.exe         Intel
 02-Mar-01  00:00  2.0.1493.3236     60,272  Odpusr32.exe         Intel
 25-Sep-01  23:14  2.0.1250.7       762,688  Preinst.exe          Intel
 02-Mar-01  00:30  2.0.1493.3242    289,136  Smsapm32.exe         Intel
 02-Mar-01  00:00         639,507  Swdist32.exe         Intel
 02-Mar-01  00:30         654,799  Apasetup.exe         Alpha  
 02-Mar-01  00:15  2.0.1493.3251    293,648  Ccim32.dll           Alpha
 02-Mar-01  00:15       1,925,241  Ccmcore.exe          Alpha
 02-Mar-01  00:15  2.0.1493.3251  4,442,606  Clicore.exe          Alpha
 02-Mar-01  00:10  2.0.1493.3238    125,712  Clisvcl.exe          Alpha
 02-Mar-01  00:15  2.0.1493.3251     13,584  Cliver.exe           Alpha
 02-Mar-01  01:15                        67  Compverbase.ini      Alpha
 02-Mar-01  01:15                        67  Compversmsapm32.ini  Alpha
 02-Mar-01  01:15                        67  Compverswdist.ini    Alpha
 01-Mar-01  22:20  2.0.1493.3216     66,832  Cqmgr32.dll          Alpha
 01-Mar-01  13:00  2.0.1493.3125    578,832  Mslmclin.dll         Alpha
 02-Mar-01  00:00  2.0.1493.3236     75,024  Odpsys32.exe         Alpha
 02-Mar-01  00:00  2.0.1493.3236     83,728  Odpusr32.exe         Alpha
 02-Mar-01  00:30  2.0.1493.3242    384,272  Smsapm32.exe         Alpha
 02-Mar-01  00:00         693,008  Swdist32.exe         Alpha

NOTE: Because of file dependencies, the most recent hotfix or feature that
contains the preceding files may also contain additional files.


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that
are listed at the beginning of this article. This problem was first corrected in
the Systems Management Server 2.0 Service Pack 4 Hotfix Rollup Package (HRP).

For additional information about the SMS 2.0 SP4 HRP, click the article number
below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

  Q323206 SMS: List of Bugs Fixed in the Systems Management Server 2.0 SP4 HRP


How to Install the Hotfix

Apply this fix on all of the sites in the SMS hierarchy. To install the fix, use
one of the following methods.

How to Use the Hotfix Installer:

NOTE: You can use this method only on Intel-based computers.

1. Copy the hotfix folder structure to a local folder on your site server or to
  a share on your network. The I386 and Alpha subfolders are required; you must
  also download them from the Microsoft FTP site. It is important to keep the
  folder structure intact. The Q319462.exe file is a Microsoft Windows
  Installer file that updates specific files on your site server.

2. Log on to your site server by using an account with administrator rights.

3. On the site server, quit the SMS Administrator console.

4. Run the Q319462.exe file and follow the instructions in the wizard. The SMS
  services are stopped and restarted as part of the installation process.

How to Manually Install the Hotfix:

1. Copy the update program file (Q319462.exe) and platform folders to a new
  folder. The folder structure must be such that the program file is located
  one folder "above" the platform folders.

2. Quit the SMS Administrator console and stop all SMS services in Control
  Panel. If the SMS_SITE_BACKUP service is running, stop it also.

3. Replace the Clicore.exe file in the
  SMS\Inboxes\Clicomp.src\Base\<platform> folder with the version that is
  located in the hotfix <platform> folder.

4. Replace the Compver.ini file in the SMS\Inboxes\Clicomp.src\Base folder with
  the Compverbase.ini file that is located in the hotfix <platform>
  folder. The file should maintain its original name of Compver.ini.

5. Replace the Ccmcore.exe file in the
  SMS\Inboxes\Clicomp.src\Base\<platform> folder with the version that is
  located in the hotfix <platform> folder.

6. Replace the Apasetup.exe file in the
  SMS\Inboxes\Clicomp.src\Base\<platform> folder with the version that is
  located in the hotfix <platform> folder.

7. Replace the Compver.ini file in the SMS\Inboxes\Clicomp.src\Smsapm32 folder
  with the Compversmsapm32.ini file that is located in the hotfix
  <platform> folder. The file should maintain its original name of

8. Replace the Swdist32.exe file in the
  SMS\Inboxes\Clicomp.src\SWDist\<platform> folder with the version that
  is located in the hotfix <platform> folder.

9. Replace the Compver.ini file in the SMS\Inboxes\Clicomp.src\SWDist folder
  with the Compverswdist.ini file that is located in the hotfix
  <platform> folder. The file should maintain its original name of

10. Replace the Bindclin.dll file in the SMS\Bin\<platform> folder with
  the version that is located in the hotfix <platform> folder.

11. Replace the CCIM32.DLL file in the SMS\Bin\<platform> folder with the
  version that is located in the hotfix <platform> folder.

12. Replace the Clisvcl.exe file in the SMS\Bin\<platform> folder with the
  version that is located in the hotfix <platform> folder.

13. Replace the Cqmgr32.dll file in the SMS\Bin\<platform> folder with the
  version that is located in the hotfix <platform> folder.

14. Replace the Mslmclin.dll file in the SMS\Bin\<platform> folder with
  the version that is located in the hotfix <platform> folder.

15. Replace the Ndsclin.dll file in the SMS\Bin\<platform> folder with the
  version that is located in the hotfix <platform> folder.

16. Replace the Odpsys32.exe file in the SMS\Bin\<platform> folder with
  the version that is located in the hotfix <platform> folder.

17. Replace the Odpusr32.exe file in the SMS\Bin\<platform> folder with
  the version that is located in the hotfix <platform> folder.

18. Replace the Smsapm32.exe file in the SMS\Bin\<platform> folder with
  the version that is located in the hotfix <platform> folder.

19. Restart the SMS site services.

Additional query words: prodsms

Keywords          : kbenv kbtool kbui kbsms200 kbsms200preSP4fix 
Technology        : kbSMSSearch kbSMS200SP3 kbSMS200SP4
Version           : :2.0 SP3,2.0 SP4
Issue type        : kbbug
Solution Type     : kbfix
