Suspend-to-Disk Utility: Dell Latitude CS/CSx Portable Computers User's Guide

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Suspend-to-Disk Utility: Dell™ Latitude™ CS/CSx Portable Computers User's Guide

bullet.gif (1107 bytes) Suspend-to-Disk Utility
bullet.gif (1107 bytes) Removing the S2D Partition
bullet.gif (1107 bytes) Creating the S2D Partition

Suspend-to-Disk Utility

The Suspend-to-Disk (S2D) utility allows you to manage the S2D partition in your file system as your computing needs change. For instance, you can remove the S2D partition if you need the space on the hard-disk drive for other purposes, or you can use the S2D utility to create the partition if you have removed it.

Removing the S2D Partition

If you want to use the S2D partition on your hard-disk drive for another purpose (for instance, if you are running out of file space), perform the following steps to remove the partition:

  1. At an MS-DOSŪ prompt, type cd c:\dell\util and press <Enter> to change to the directory on your hard-disk drive that contains the S2D utility files.

If you are using an operating system that is not compatible with MS-DOS, see the readme.s2d file for instructions.

  1. Type rms2d and press <Enter>.

Status messages appear on the display as the removal process progresses. When the S2D partition has been removed, the following message appears:

The S2D partition was successfully removed.

note.gif (515 bytes) NOTE: After you remove the S2D partition, the computer cannot enter S2D mode until you recreate the partition. If you try to enter S2D mode and receive the message No Suspend-To-Disk partition available, you must create an S2D partition.

Creating the S2D Partition

The mks2d.exe file creates the S2D partition the computer uses to store the system data that is saved when you put the computer in S2D mode. Use the mks2d.exe file to create a new S2D partition in the following cases:

To create an S2D partition, perform the following steps.

note.gif (515 bytes) NOTE: If you are creating the partition on a new hard-disk drive, if Dell did not install MS-DOS on your hard-disk drive, or if you are using an operating system that is not compatible with MS-DOS, read the readme.s2d file before performing the following procedure.
  1. At an MS-DOS prompt, type cd c:\dell\util and press <Enter> to change to the directory on your hard-disk drive that contains the S2D utility files.

  2. Type mks2d and press <Enter>.

As the utility builds the partition, status messages appear on the display. If an error message appears, it provides information about which steps to take to continue building the partition.

When the S2D partition has been built and verified, the following message appears:

The S2D partition was successfully created.

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