87410b.zip 701310 10-18-95 9:13 IDE drivers for DOS/Win311/Win95.... opa795.zip 97706 10-18-95 9:13 bios 08-31-95 OPA895.ZIP 96969 9-11-95 1:30 bios 09-11-95 **********Warning********** Do not Flash your BIOS just because you can! Do so only to rectify some issues or problems. Make double sure you are using the right BIOS for your Mother Board. Incorrect usage of or using the wrong BIOS is not covered under warranty! If in doubt, Ask Us! ****************************** Unzip the file to a bootable floppy disk. Then boot to that floppy disk. You do this in order to eliminate the possible conflict with TSR's. When you unzip the file, take note of the filename.BIN. The flash utility will ask for it. You will then be prompted to save the old file. Say yes! Then give it a name like, " old.bin ". If the need arises you can flash down to the old BIOS. After you have done this, Enter the CMOS and " Load Setup Defaults " and run the IDE HDD Autodetect. Save & Exit. Boot normally.