Model Name: TDA1156, ADA1156 and DDA1156 BIOS version: (1156) B005_0 for NTSC TV-OUT. (1156) B005_1 for PAL TV-OUT. Changes: 1. This version is modified from version B004. The version is increased to B005. 2. The major purpose of this version is to support AMD K6-2 550 MHz CPU. 3. There are 2 versions of BIOS can be used for this model: a. B005_0 supports NTSC TV-OUT. Checksum = 938Ch b. B005_1 supports PAL TV-OUT. Checksum = 0086h Update procedures: 1. Make sure which version you want. 2. Make a bootable diskette and copy all necessary files into it. Please don't install any driver in config.sys or autoexec.bat. 3. Insert diskette into your machine and turn it on. 4. Let your machine boot from FDD. 5. If you want to support PAL TV-OUT, run 'PAL.BAT'. Otherwise, run 'NTSC.BAT'. 6. Re-start or turn off your machine when BIOS update is finished.