How to copy this image to a diskette: ------------------------------------- Unix: 1) Transfer the image to a Unix machine. If you are using ftp, make sure that you use BINARY mode. 2) On the Unix machine, copy the image to a floppy disk using the 'dd' command: dd if=dd.img of=/dev/fd0 (The image is a full-sized diskette image - you will not be able to download it to a diskette using standard windows tools.) Windows: Use the same procedure as is necessary to build a new boot image. See the Red Hat Linux 7.0 Installation Guide, Chapter 3. (Summary) 1) Insert your Red Hat Linux CD into your Windows machines CD drive (I'll assume this is drive letter d:) 2) C:> cd \d: D:> cd \dosutils D:\dosutils> rawrite Enter disk image source file name: c:\driverdisk\dd.img Enter target diskette drive: a: Please insert a formatted diskette into drive A: and press -- ENTER--: D:\dosutils> Note: rawrite may not like long path names....I had to use c:\dd.img. I did one install with a windows-created disk and things went nicely. How to use this image: ---------------------- During a Red Hat 7.0 install, the initial screen gives the installer 5 or 6 options. Select the driver update install option. For a graphical install, enter linux dd For a text-based install, enter text dd The installation routine will ask if you have a driver upate disk, answer yes, and follow the directions. I have tested this on three different machines 1) SMP Intel 686 processor - SMP, UP boot were fine. 2) UP Intel 686 processa - boot was fine. 3) UP AMD K6 processor - will not reboot. This particular machine masquerades as a Intel 586 processor but does not handle the 586 assembly very well.