URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/blueboot.exe
Filesize: 38085 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-11-96
Description: Executing this file creates a diskette which will install an icon on your
Windows95 desktop. That icon, when clicked, will reboot your system to MSDOS Mode and
allow the selection of an user defineable memory configuration for DOS applications. For
Aptiva models Mxx, Axx and Cxx with Windows 95 ONLY.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/blueboot.txt
Filesize: 5530 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-10-97
Description: Readme for BLUEBOOT.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/c3ddvd.txt
Filesize: 3104 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 12-11-98
Description: Readme for c3ddvdup.exe
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/c3ddvdup.exe
Filesize: 2605748 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 08-28-98
Description: Updated DVD drivers and Cinemaster software for 2161-C3D
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/cdcreatr.pdf
Filesize: 958219 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-01-99
Description: User's Guide for Adaptec Easy CD Creator software.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/cdvsdupd.exe
Filesize: 71317 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 04-21-97
Description: Executing this file will create a diskette which contains an updated
driver for CD AutoPlay under Windows95. This driver corrects compatability problems with
AutoPlay and APM/RapidResume.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/cdvsdupd.txt
Filesize: 4742 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-12-97
Description: Readme for CDVSDUPD.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/cer.exe
Filesize: 6080 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 02-11-98
Description: Phone numbers in the French version of Wall Street Money appear as eight
digit numbers instead of ten digit numbers. Installing a CER.DLL will modify these phone
numbers. Run the CER.EXE file and the CER.DLL will be installed in the correct
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/cktier.exe
Filesize: 11538 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-08-98
Description: Check the amplifier TIER level on Aptiva 2140/2142 systems.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/cktier.txt
Filesize: 3460 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-08-98
Description: Instructions for using CKTIER.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/colormon.exe
Filesize: 318464 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-07-99
Description: Color matching profile for IBM E-Series 2122, 2124, 2126, and 2127
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/colormon.txt
Filesize: 3127 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-07-99
Description: Readme file color matching profile for IBM E-Series 2122, 2124, 2126, and
2127 monitors.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/couflash.exe
Filesize: 1059418 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 02-11-99
Description: Executing this file will run a program which creates a bootable floppy
which will flash the BIOS, updating it to the most current level (BST_4I/BFL_4N). This
can solve conflicts that require information not in the original BIOS in order to
interact with the system. This BIOS flash is for use with 2134, 2159 and 2176
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/couflash.txt
Filesize: 2304 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-21-99
Description: Instructions for using couflash.exe
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/cxxremov.pdf
Filesize: 223543 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-04-98
Description: Mwave removal instructions for the Mwave card used in Aptiva Cxx systems
preloaded with Windows 95. In order to view the instructions you are required to obtain
and install the Adobe Acrobat Reader.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/devfix.reg
Filesize: 870 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 01-26-99
Description: This file corrects incorrect characters in Device Manager for the
harddisk controller and the PCI busmastering. This file is only for the 2140-L35, L44,
L45, L46, 2142-S34, S35, S36, S44, S45, S46, S47 with the Italian preload and it is not
recommended to be used on any other load.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/disk21gb.exe
Filesize: 316988 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-23-97
Description: This is a firmware upgrade for the 2.1 GB Seagate Drives in some 2136
system units. Apply this file if ScanDisk is reporting errors such as lost clusters, bad
sectors, etc... It will not change the firmware on a NON-Seagate Drive.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/disk21gb.txt
Filesize: 1856 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-23-97
Description: Readme for DISK21GB.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/dosrcreg.com
Filesize: 10865 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-15-98
Description: Installation Wizard attempts to dial a US Telephone number to register
Ring Central when the program is initiated in select international machines. DOSRCREG.COM
changes the registry settings so that Ring Central records as being registered. Run
DOSRCREG.COM from anywhere on the machine.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/dsk4w32.exe
Filesize: 89600 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 01-08-99
Description: Utility for creating 2158/2163 diagnostics diskette
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/dvdflash.exe
Filesize: 651241 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-23-99
Description: Firmware update for Hitachi DVD-ROM drives.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/dvdflash.txt
Filesize: 6196 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-23-99
Description: Instructions for using dvdflash.exe
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/e26fix.exe
Filesize: 458805 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 03-17-98
Description: This diskette contains the files necessary to update your Aptiva 2137-E26
to the most current available BIOS level. This file should be used to correct problems
such as lock ups and hangs while using ViaVoice.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/e26fix.txt
Filesize: 4532 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 03-17-98
Description: Readme for E26FIX.EXE.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/essswten.exe
Filesize: 1540903 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 02-12-99
Description: Software Wavetable for ESS drivers.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/essswten.txt
Filesize: 1148 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 02-12-99
Description: Readme for ESSSWTEN.EXE.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/essupus.exe
Filesize: 912806 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 02-12-99
Description: Updated ESS audio drivers (version for Aptiva 2158 and 2163
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/essupus.txt
Filesize: 1008 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 02-12-99
Description: Readme for ESSUPUS.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/fixpar.exe
Filesize: 16834 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 04-21-97
Description: Fixes 'Invalid Partition Table' on Cxx Models
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/fixpar.txt
Filesize: 1293 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-12-97
Description: Readme for FIXPAR.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/flyflsdk.exe
Filesize: 881639 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-03-98
Description: Aptiva 2153 Flash BIOS update (Danish)
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/flyflsdk.txt
Filesize: 224 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-03-98
Description: Readme for FLYFLSDK.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/flyflsfi.exe
Filesize: 876243 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-03-98
Description: Aptiva 2153 Flash BIOS update (Finnish)
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/flyflsfi.txt
Filesize: 224 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-03-98
Description: Readme for FLYFLSFI.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/flyflsfr.exe
Filesize: 882163 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-03-98
Description: Aptiva 2153 Flash BIOS update (French)
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/flyflsfr.txt
Filesize: 224 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-03-98
Description: Readme for FLYFLSFR.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/flyflsgr.exe
Filesize: 882712 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-03-98
Description: Aptiva 2153 Flash BIOS update (German)
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/flyflsgr.txt
Filesize: 224 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-03-98
Description: Readme for FLYFLSGR.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/flyflsh.exe
Filesize: 879887 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-22-98
Description: BIOS Update for 2153 model Aptivas
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/flyflsh.txt
Filesize: 484 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-22-98
Description: Instructions for using BIOS update for 2153 model Aptivas
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/flyflsit.exe
Filesize: 876275 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-03-98
Description: Aptiva 2153 Flash BIOS update (Italian)
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/flyflsit.txt
Filesize: 224 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-03-98
Description: Readme for FLYFLSIT.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/flyflsnl.exe
Filesize: 876123 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-03-98
Description: Aptiva 2153 Flash BIOS update (Dutch)
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/flyflsnl.txt
Filesize: 224 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-03-98
Description: Readme for FLYFLSNL.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/flyflsno.exe
Filesize: 873647 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-03-98
Description: Aptiva 2153 Flash BIOS update (Norwegian)
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/flyflsno.txt
Filesize: 224 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-03-98
Description: Readme for FLYFLSNO.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/flyflspt.exe
Filesize: 875757 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-03-98
Description: Aptiva 2153 Flash BIOS update (Portuguese)
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/flyflspt.txt
Filesize: 224 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-03-98
Description: Readme for FLYFLSPT.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/flyflssp.exe
Filesize: 881867 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-03-98
Description: Aptiva 2153 Flash BIOS update (Spanish)
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/flyflssp.txt
Filesize: 224 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-03-98
Description: Readme for FLYFLSSP.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/flyflssv.exe
Filesize: 881046 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-03-98
Description: Aptiva 2153 Flash BIOS Update (Swedish)
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/flyflssv.txt
Filesize: 224 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-03-98
Description: Readme for FLYFLSSV.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/frmup.exe
Filesize: 1043733 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 02-13-98
Description: Firmware update for 2140/2142 French systems ONLY. Please read FRMUP.TXT
before attempting to apply.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/frmup.txt
Filesize: 475 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 02-13-98
Description: Readme file for FRMUP.EXE.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/fwv95-1.exe
Filesize: 1276643 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-11-96
Description: This file is needed to run Faxworks Voice properly under Win95. Only use
this fix if your Aptiva came pre-loaded with the Faxworks Voice software package.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/fwv95-2.exe
Filesize: 1392447 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-11-96
Description: This file is needed to run Faxworks Voice properly under Win95. Only use
this fix if your Aptiva came pre-loaded with the Faxworks Voice software package.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/fwv95.txt
Filesize: 4811 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-10-97
Description: Readme for FWV95.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/idflash.exe
Filesize: 1067162 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 01-22-99
Description: Flash BIOS for Aptiva Model 2140 and 2142 systems, this file updates the
BIOS to level BSW_4G/BLX_4M.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/idflash.txt
Filesize: 5892 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-21-99
Description: Instructions for using idflash.exe
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/iosfix.exe
Filesize: 134541 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 03-14-97
Description: This file will create a diskette containing an update for your system.
This update resolves occurrences of the following error message: "While initializing
device IOS: Windows protection error. You need to restart your computer." This file
should also be installed after a full recovery of your system software to prevent
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/iosfix.txt
Filesize: 4710 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-11-97
Description: Readme for IOSFIX.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/japn0117.exe
Filesize: 4638151 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 01-15-98
Description: This is the latest AudioStation program for Aptiva systems which were
preloaded with Windows 95 as the operating system and MWave. This requires that MWave
version 20D drivers have already been installed. Failure to install MWave version 20D
drivers before making AudioStation upgrade will cause problems with the software. This
software is NOT applicable to 2159 systems. (JAPAN)
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/kidstsr.exe
Filesize: 102521 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 04-21-97
Description: Executing this file starts a program which will create a bootable floppy
diskette. If the one is getting "file not found", or "file corrupted", or "can't open
file", the file KIDSTSR.COM is probably causing the problem. This disk installs a newer
version which will eliminate the problem. The bootable diskette runs a program
whichreplaces the existing file with a new KIDSTSR.COM.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/kidstsr.txt
Filesize: 4644 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-12-97
Description: Readme for KIDSTSR.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/klflash.exe
Filesize: 822110 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-08-99
Description: Flash BIOS update disk for 2156-133, 140, 143, 145, and 146 model IBM
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/klflash.txt
Filesize: 7335 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-05-99
Description: Instruction on applying BIOS update on 2156-1xx Aptivas.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/kwflash.exe
Filesize: 855763 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-08-99
Description: BIOS update for 2156-D1N and J1N ONLY
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/kwflash.txt
Filesize: 7334 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-05-99
Description: Readme for KWFLASH.EXE .
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/lotmwave.exe
Filesize: 21884 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-11-96
Description: This file is needed if you are using Lotus Notes and are not able to dial
out using Lotus Organizer on Aptivas with the MWave modem.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/lotmwave.txt
Filesize: 2006 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-12-97
Description: Readme for LOTMWAVE.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/lt423.exe
Filesize: 1194519 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 02-11-98
Description: The files contained in this document are used for updating Aptiva 2137,
2140, 2142, 2161 and 2162 systems equipped with the Lucent Technologies Winmodem to
driver version 4.23. This is a self-extracting zip file which contains all necessary
files for updating the Lucent Technologies Winmodem.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/lt423.txt
Filesize: 4515 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 02-11-98
Description: Readme for LT423.EXE.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/lt428d.exe
Filesize: 1158912 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-01-98
Description: Lucent Technologies Winmodem driver version 4.28D for Australian 2140 and
2142 systems.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/lt428d.txt
Filesize: 548 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-01-98
Description: Readme file for the Lucent Technologies Winmodem driver version 4.28D for
Australian 2140 and 2142 systems.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/lt518.exe
Filesize: 2290901 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 08-11-98
Description: Lucent 5.18 drivers with K56Flex and V.90 support.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/lt518.txt
Filesize: 5446 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 08-11-98
Description: Readme file for the Lucent 5.18 drivers.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/lt518a.exe
Filesize: 1214258 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-23-99
Description: Updated Lucent Technologies modem drivers for Australia.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/lt518a.txt
Filesize: 3705 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-23-99
Description: Instructions for using lt518a.exe.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/ltwn56k.exe
Filesize: 20719 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-12-98
Description: Lotus CC:Mail script file for the Lucent 56k Winmodem
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/m91video.exe
Filesize: 757379 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-21-96
Description: Running this file creates a diskette which contains drivers for the
installation of Matrox Millennium video board on the Aptiva 2168-M91 system. This
diskette is needed by anyone who has installed OS/2 on their M91.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/m91video.txt
Filesize: 20424 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-13-97
Description: Readme for M91VIDEO.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/magicmem.exe
Filesize: 1332993 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-21-96
Description: Executing this file will creates a bootable floppy diskette. Booting the
system off of this disk will bring up a menu giving selections for Aptiva memory
configurations. Some DOS games and other programs may require more "expanded" memory
and/or more "conventional" memory than normal. This diskette loads only those files
required to get such a program to run.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/magicmem.txt
Filesize: 4883 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-10-97
Description: Readme for MAGICMEM.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/mfix.exe
Filesize: 55213 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-06-95
Description: Executing this file will creates a bootable floppy diskette. Booting the
computer off of this diskette will update the software on your Aptiva system. This
upgrade fixes some lockup and sound problems found while playing the game Descent.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/mfix.txt
Filesize: 4954 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-11-97
Description: Readme for MFIX.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/mflash.exe
Filesize: 1384735 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 01-22-99
Description: Flash BIOS for Aptiva Model 2144-Mxx and 2168-Mxx systems, this file
updates the BIOS to level BGO__1L/BO2__0W. This can resolve conflicts with new hardware
and software that require information not in the original BIOS in order to interact with
the system.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/mflash.txt
Filesize: 6008 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-21-99
Description: Instructions for using mflash.exe
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/mouse.exe
Filesize: 87554 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-23-99
Description: MOUSE.EXE file which was not included in the preload of the 2165-11V
Aptiva system.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/mpeginst.exe
Filesize: 565274 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-21-96
Description: Executing this file runs a program that creates a bootable floppy
diskette. Booting the system off of this diskette installs the MPEG drivers and creates
the "TOTAL IMAGE MPEG" group in Windows 3.11. It will also allow for creation of the
system recovery diskette. This program is only for use on the 'select-a-load' systems
preloaded with WIN 3.1/DOS/OS2. Do not use on WIN 95 systems.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/mpeginst.txt
Filesize: 498 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-11-97
Description: Readme for MPEGINST.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/mwdiag.exe
Filesize: 378600 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-25-96
Description: This file contains the updated MWave diagnostic program for use on Aptiva
2144/2168-Mxx systems preloaded with OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 as the operating system. For
Aptivas preloaded with Windows '95 please download and install the MWave drivers version
20D which contains the latest MWave diagnostic program (US).
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/mwdiag.txt
Filesize: 5486 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-23-97
Description: Readme for MWDIAG.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/mwdos01.exe
Filesize: 1074353 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-26-96
Description: These are the latest drivers for MWave-equipped Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx
systems which were preloaded with OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 as the operating system. These
drivers provide 28.8Kbps data capability and 14.4Kbps capability. These drivers will
function, but are NOT recommended for the 2144/2168-Mxx and 2144/2168-Axx systems
preloaded with Windows '95. (US)
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/mwdos01.txt
Filesize: 6715 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-11-97
Description: Readme for MWDOS01.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/mwdos02.exe
Filesize: 953393 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-26-96
Description: These are the latest drivers for MWave-equipped Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx
systems which were preloaded with OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 as the operating system. These
drivers provide 28.8Kbps data capability and 14.4Kbps capability. These drivers will
function, but are NOT recommended for the 2144/2168-Mxx and 2144/2168-Axx systems
preloaded with Windows '95. (US)
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/mwmidi01.exe
Filesize: 334886 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-26-96
Description: These MIDI drivers are for MWave (60AE7) equipped Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx
systems which were preloaded with OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 as the operating system. These
drivers provide 28.8Kbps data capability and 14.4Kbps capability. These drivers will
function, but are NOT recommended for the 2144/2168-Mxx and 2144/2168-Axx systems
preloaded with Windows '95 (US), Disk 1 of 3.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/mwmidi01.txt
Filesize: 6343 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-11-97
Description: Readme for MWMIDI01.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/mwmidi02.exe
Filesize: 1357186 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-26-96
Description: These MIDI drivers are for MWave (60AE7) equipped Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx
systems which were preloaded with OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 as the operating system. These
drivers provide 28.8Kbps data capability and 14.4Kbps capability. These drivers will
function, but are NOT recommended for the 2144/2168-Mxx and 2144/2168-Axx systems
preloaded with Windows '95 (US), Disk 2 of 3.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/mwmidi03.exe
Filesize: 920771 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-26-96
Description: These MIDI drivers are for MWave (60AE7) equipped Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx
systems which were preloaded with OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 as the operating system. These
drivers provide 28.8Kbps data capability and 14.4Kbps capability. These drivers will
function, but are NOT recommended for the 2144/2168-Mxx and 2144/2168-Axx systems
preloaded with Windows '95 (US), Disk 3 of 3.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/mwos201.exe
Filesize: 1147925 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-26-96
Description: These are the latest drivers for MWave-equipped Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx
systems which were preloaded with OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 as the operating system. These
drivers provide 28.8Kbps data capability and 14.4Kbps capability. These drivers are NOT
applicable to the 2144/2168-Mxx and 2144/2168-Axx systems preloaded with Windows '95.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/mwos201.txt
Filesize: 5637 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-11-97
Description: Readme for MWOS201.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/mwos202.exe
Filesize: 1328960 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-26-96
Description: These are the latest drivers for MWave-equipped Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx
systems which were preloaded with OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 as the operating system. These
drivers provide 28.8Kbps data capability and 14.4Kbps capability. These drivers are NOT
applicable to the 2144/2168-Mxx and 2144/2168-Axx systems preloaded with Windows '95.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/mwos2vsd.exe
Filesize: 178910 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-26-96
Description: This file is for use on Aptiva 21xx-Mxx and 21xx-Axx systems (North
America-US English ONLY) with Mwave card. These drivers will supply sound capabilities
along with modem support for 28.8kbps data and 14.4kbps fax.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/mwv34.exe
Filesize: 305911 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-24-96
Description: This file contains the updated V34 driver file for use on Aptiva MWave to
improve 28.8Kbps data connection reliability on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx systems preloaded
with OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 as the operating system. For Aptivas preloaded with Windows
'95 please download and install the MWave drivers version 20D which contains the latest
V.34 driver (US).
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/mwv34.txt
Filesize: 4696 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-23-97
Description: Readme for MWV34.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/mwwin01.exe
Filesize: 1334336 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-26-96
Description: These are the latest drivers for MWave-equipped Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx
systems which were preloaded with OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 as the operating system. These
drivers provide 28.8Kbps data capability and 14.4Kbps capability. These drivers will
function, but are NOT recommended for the 2144/2168-Mxx and 2144/2168-Axx systems
preloaded with Windows '95. Disk 1 of 3
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/mwwin01.txt
Filesize: 6090 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-11-97
Description: Readme for MWWIN01.EXE
for PART -5- please CLICK here
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