URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neacpw9c.exe
Filesize: 844959 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-16-98
Description: Netherland - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.36) disk 3 of 5 for Windows
95/98: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neacpw9e.exe
Filesize: 971764 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-16-98
Description: Netherland - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.36) disk 5 of 5 for Windows
95/98: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED (NOTE: Diskette 4 is common to all languages,
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neafbos2.exe
Filesize: 115722 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-07-98
Description: Dutch - Audio Features Diskette (v1.02) for OS/2 Warp v4.0: ThinkPad 390,
i series 1720
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neafh98a.exe
Filesize: 204022 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-23-98
Description: Dutch - Audio Features Diskette (v4.05.2341) for Windows 98, Disk 1 of 2:
ThinkPad i series 1400
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neafh98b.exe
Filesize: 1144577 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-23-98
Description: Dutch - Audio Features Diskette (v4.05.2341) for Windows 98, Disk 2 of 2:
ThinkPad i series 1400
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neafw31.exe
Filesize: 997859 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-04-98
Description: Netherlands - Audio Features Diskette (v1.82) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad
380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770,
770E, 770ED, 770X
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nebatchk.exe
Filesize: 306092 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-22-98
Description: Netherland - Battery Installation Check Utility Diskette (v1.02) for
Windows 3.1/95/98/NT & OS/2: ThinkPad 765D, 765L
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/necdtpgd.exe
Filesize: 94515 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-09-98
Description: Netherlands - CD-ROM Driver Diskette (v3.12) for DOS and Windows 3.1:
ThinkPad 365XD, 380D, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 600, 600E, 760CD, 760ED,
760ELD, 760LD, 760E*, 760EL*, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L*, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X (*For
760E, 760EL, 765D, 765L only models with CD-ROM capable Ultra Bay.)
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/necrd95a.exe
Filesize: 720677 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-19-98
Description: Netherlands - CardWorks (v5.32.24) for Windows 95 Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad
380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/necrd95b.exe
Filesize: 986027 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-19-98
Description: Netherlands - CardWorks (v5.32.24) for Windows 95 Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad
380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/necrdw31.exe
Filesize: 1179841 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-19-98
Description: Netherlands - CardWizard Driver (V5.32.21) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad
380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/necrdwnt.exe
Filesize: 1103694 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-09-98
Description: Netherlands - CardWizard (v3.10.04k) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 380XD,
385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neirdwo.exe
Filesize: 241832 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-09-98
Description: Netherlands - Infrared Features II Diskette (v1.02) for DOS, Windows 3.1,
Windows 95, and Warp: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD,
560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X. Do NOT use for 560.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nempcwnt.exe
Filesize: 228913 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-22-98
Description: Netherlands - MPEG-2 Features Diskette III (v1.47) for Windows NT 4.0:
ThinkPad 770X
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nempdw9x.exe
Filesize: 454018 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-22-98
Description: Netherland - MPEG Features Disk III (v1.10) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad
770, 770E, 770ED
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nempfw9x.exe
Filesize: 232060 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-22-98
Description: Netherland - MPEG Features Diskette II (v1.12) for Windows 95: Thinkpad
760ED, 760XD, 765D
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nemw224a.exe
Filesize: 1267203 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-22-98
Description: Netherland - Mwave DSP Features Diskette 1 of 3 (v2.24, 69i) for Windows
95/98: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED,
760XD, 765D (NOTE: Disk 1 is unique to this country. Disk 2 and 3 are common with the
English version.)
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nemwptch.exe
Filesize: 533724 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-22-98
Description: Netherland - Mwave APM Patch (v1.00) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 755CD,
755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nentide.exe
Filesize: 166447 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-09-98
Description: Netherlands - IDE Driver Diskette (v1.00) for Windows NT : ThinkPad 365X,
365XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770,
770E, 770ED, 770X
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nepcbw31.exe
Filesize: 1197033 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-07-98
Description: Dutch - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.30.09H) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad
390, i series 1720
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nepcbw9a.exe
Filesize: 772373 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-07-98
Description: Dutch - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 1 of
3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nepcbw9b.exe
Filesize: 661686 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-07-98
Description: Dutch - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 2 of
3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nepcbw9c.exe
Filesize: 988372 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-07-98
Description: Dutch - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 3 of
3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nepcbwnt.exe
Filesize: 1197717 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-07-98
Description: Dutch - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v4.00.09a3) for Windows NT 4.0:
ThinkPad 390, i series 1720
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nepcmh98.exe
Filesize: 151255 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-23-98
Description: Dutch - PCMCIA PC Card Features Diskette (v1.32) for Windows 98: ThinkPad
i series 1400
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nepcmos2.exe
Filesize: 605190 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-15-98
Description: Netherlands - PCMCIA PC Card Director (v4.10) for OS/2: ThinkPad 345C,
345CS, 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E,
560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD,
760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/netp1os2.exe
Filesize: 822977 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-22-98
Description: Netherland - TrackPoint Driver Disk I (v1.02) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600,
600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/netp1win.exe
Filesize: 1070414 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-20-99
Description: NE (Dutch) - TrackPoint Driver Package I (v1.12) for Windows 95/98 and
Windows NT: ThinkPad 390, 390E, 570, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z, i series
1400, 1500, 1720, 1721 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3PWQT4
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/netp2os2.exe
Filesize: 823441 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-09-98
Description: Netherlands - TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.00) for OS/2: ThinkPad
380Z, 560Z
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/netp2win.exe
Filesize: 123692 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-09-98
Description: Netherlands - TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.00) for Windows 95,
Windows 98, Windows NT: ThinkPad 380Z, 560Z
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neubayw9.exe
Filesize: 65035 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-22-98
Description: Netherland - UltraBay Utility Driver Diskette (v1.00) for Windows 95:
ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neut1os2.exe
Filesize: 1471186 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-17-99
Description: Dutch - Utility Features (v4.14a) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C,
760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E,
770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NP6UJ
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neut1w31.exe
Filesize: 1254590 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-17-99
Description: Dutch - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600, 600E,
760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770,
770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-3AZJEQ
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neut1w95.exe
Filesize: 2057719 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-17-99
Description: Dutch - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600, 600E*,
760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770,
770E, 770ED, 770X* (*NOT FOR USE ON 600E, 770X WITH WINDOWS 98!) [PFTW] Web Doc ID:
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neut1w98.exe
Filesize: 3071710 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-17-99
Description: Dutch - Utility Features (v1.11) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E,
760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW]
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neut1wnt.exe
Filesize: 2402559 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-17-99
Description: Dutch - Utility Features (v4.15) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 600, 600E,
760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770,
770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NCUWE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neut2os2.exe
Filesize: 1645033 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-17-99
Description: Dutch - Features (v4.14a) for OS/2: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D,
380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID:
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neut2w31.exe
Filesize: 1437566 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-17-99
Description: Dutch - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD,
380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z [LZHEXE]
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neut2w95.exe
Filesize: 2195788 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-17-99
Description: Dutch - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD,
380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z*, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z* (*NOTE:
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neut2w98.exe
Filesize: 3544860 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-17-99
Description: Dutch - Utility Features (v1.11) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD,
380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neut2wnt.exe
Filesize: 2540981 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-17-99
Description: Dutch - Utility Features (v4.15) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD,
380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neutbapm.exe
Filesize: 664786 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-07-98
Description: Dutch - APM Utility Support Diskette (v1.00) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad
390, i series 1720
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neutbdos.exe
Filesize: 86148 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-07-98
Description: Dutch - Utility Diskette (v1.00) for DOS: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neutbswp.exe
Filesize: 1308499 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-03-98
Description: Dutch - Warm Swap Driver (v3.10.05b) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i
series 1720
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neutbw9x.exe
Filesize: 1282554 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-07-98
Description: Dutch - Utility Diskette (v1.01) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i
series 1720
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neutldos.exe
Filesize: 603071 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-13-98
Description: Nederlands - Utility Diskette (v4.13) for DOS and Personalization:
ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E,
560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD,
760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X (*Requires Utility Data Diskette I, II, or III
depending on model: uttpf3xx, uttpf5xx, or uttpf7xx)
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neutnm98.exe
Filesize: 1181710 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-23-98
Description: Dutch - NoteBook Manager Utility (v2.21) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i
series 1400
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neutsk98.exe
Filesize: 1023314 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-23-98
Description: Dutch - ShortCut Key Utility Diskette (v0.99) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i
series 1400
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neutsm98.exe
Filesize: 985121 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-23-98
Description: Dutch - Sleep Manager Utility Diskette (1.63) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i
series 1400
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neutso98.exe
Filesize: 809942 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-23-98
Description: Dutch - SafeOff Utility Diskette (1.44) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neutswap.exe
Filesize: 100345 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-29-98
Description: Netherland - UltraBay Utility Driver Diskette (v1.01) for Windows 95,
Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nevc2w9x.exe
Filesize: 216419 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-22-98
Description: Netherland - Video Capture Driver II (v1.13) for Windows 95: Thinkpad
760ED, 760XD, 765D
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nevc3w9x.exe
Filesize: 335542 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-22-98
Description: Netherland - Video Capture Driver III (v1.10) for Windows 95: ThinkPad
770, 770E, 770ED
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nevc4w95.exe
Filesize: 795835 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-22-98
Description: Netherland - Video Capture Driver III (v1.11) for Windows 95: ThinkPad
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nevc4wnt.exe
Filesize: 69276 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-22-98
Description: Netherlands - Video Capture Driver III (v2.03) for Windows NT 4.0:
ThinkPad 770X
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nevcdply.exe
Filesize: 352535 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-22-98
Description: Netherland - Video CD Player Install Diskette (v1.20) for Windows 3.1 and
Windows 95/98: Thinkpad 760CD, 760ED, 760XD, 765D
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nevfdos2.exe
Filesize: 1111112 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-19-98
Description: Netherlands - Video Features Diskette IV (v1.03) for OS/2: ThinkPad 770,
770E, 770ED, 770X
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nevfdw31.exe
Filesize: 620954 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-22-98
Description: Netherland - Video Features Diskette IV (v1.10) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad
770, 770E, 770ED, 770X
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nevfos2.exe
Filesize: 1405113 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 04-29-98
Description: Netherlands - Video Features Diskette III (v3.37) for OS/2: ThinkPad
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nevfw31.exe
Filesize: 810766 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 04-27-98
Description: Netherlands - Video Features Diskette III (v5.08) for Windows 3.1:
ThinkPad 600
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/newrpiu1.exe
Filesize: 921571 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 04-30-98
Description: Netherlands - Install Update Diskette (v1.01) Disk 1 of 2 for Warp
Version 4: ThinkPad 600 - Replaces Warp 4 Diskette 1
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/newrpiu2.exe
Filesize: 1022895 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-04-98
Description: Netherlands - Install Update Diskette (v1.00) Disk 2 of 2 for Warp
Version 4: ThinkPad 600 - Replaces Warp 4 Diskette 2
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neysh98a.exe
Filesize: 1299741 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-23-98
Description: Dutch - Y-Station Audio Software Diskette (v3.20) for Windows 98, Disk 1
of 2: ThinkPad i series 1400
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/neysh98b.exe
Filesize: 262634 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-23-98
Description: Dutch - Y-Station Audio Software Diskette (v3.20) for Windows 98, Disk 2
of 2: ThinkPad i series 1400
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/no95sfd1.exe
Filesize: 270780 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-19-98
Description: Norway - Supplement File Disk I (v1.02) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 600,
600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/no95sfd3.exe
Filesize: 157836 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-07-98
Description: Norwegian - Supplement File Diskette III (v1.10) for Windows 95: ThinkPad
390, i series 1720
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/no95sup2.exe
Filesize: 257254 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-09-98
Description: Norway - Supplement File Diskette II (v1.02) for Windows 95: ThinkPad
380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/noacp2wa.exe
Filesize: 1178790 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-19-98
Description: Norway - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem II (v2.50) for Windows 95, Windows
98, and Windows NT, Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad 600E, 770X ONLY!
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/noacp2wb.exe
Filesize: 1046215 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-19-98
Description: Norway - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem II (v2.50) for Windows 95, Windows
98, and Windows NT, Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad 600E, 770X
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/noacpnta.exe
Filesize: 933759 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-19-98
Description: Norway - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.351) for Windows NT, Disk 1 of
2: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/noacpntb.exe
Filesize: 985581 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-19-98
Description: Norway - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.351) for Windows NT, Disk 2 of
2: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/noacpos2.exe
Filesize: 1825731 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-07-99
Description: Norwegian - ThinkPad ACP Modem Driver (v2.37) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600,
600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZH]
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/noacpw31.exe
Filesize: 2185070 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-07-99
Description: Norwegian - ThinkPad ACP Modem Driver (v2.37) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad
600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZH]
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/noacpw9a.exe
Filesize: 1057624 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-16-98
Description: Norway - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.36) disk 1 of 5 for Windows
95/98: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/noacpw9b.exe
Filesize: 1161311 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-16-98
Description: Norway - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.36) disk 2 of 5 for Windows
95/98: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/noacpw9c.exe
Filesize: 844764 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-16-98
Description: Norway - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.36) disk 3 of 5 for Windows
95/98: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/noacpw9e.exe
Filesize: 971780 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-16-98
Description: Norway - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.36) disk 5 of 5 for Windows
95/98: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED (NOTE: Diskette 4 is common to all languages,
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/noafbos2.exe
Filesize: 497087 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-07-98
Description: Norwegian - Audio Features Diskette (v1.02) for OS/2 Warp v4.0: ThinkPad
390, i series 1720
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/noafw31.exe
Filesize: 994244 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-04-98
Description: Norway - Audio Features Diskette (v1.82) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380,
380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E,
770ED, 770X
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nobatchk.exe
Filesize: 306404 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-22-98
Description: Norway - Battery Installation Check Utility Diskette (v1.02) for Windows
3.1/95/98/NT & OS/2: ThinkPad 765D, 765L
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nocdtpgd.exe
Filesize: 94121 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-09-98
Description: Norway - CD-ROM Driver Diskette (v3.12) for DOS and Windows 3.1: ThinkPad
365XD, 380D, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 600, 600E, 760CD, 760ED, 760ELD,
760LD, 760E*, 760EL*, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L*, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X (*For 760E,
760EL, 765D, 765L only models with CD-ROM capable Ultra Bay.)
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nocrd95a.exe
Filesize: 718750 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-19-98
Description: Norway - CardWorks (v5.32.24) for Windows 95 Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad 380XD,
385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nocrd95b.exe
Filesize: 986125 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-19-98
Description: Norway - CardWorks (v5.32.24) for Windows 95 Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad 380XD,
385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nocrdw31.exe
Filesize: 1180425 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-19-98
Description: Norway - CardWizard Driver (V5.32.21) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380XD,
380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nocrdwnt.exe
Filesize: 1101529 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-09-98
Description: Norway - CardWizard (v3.10.04k) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD,
380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/noirdwo.exe
Filesize: 241403 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-09-98
Description: Norway - Infrared Features II Diskette (v1.02) for DOS, Windows 3.1,
Windows 95, and Warp: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD,
560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X. Do NOT use for 560.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nomdlt98.exe
Filesize: 909956 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-23-98
Description: Norwegian - Lucent Modem Driver (v5.19) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nompcwnt.exe
Filesize: 229173 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-22-98
Description: Norway - MPEG-2 Features Diskette III (v1.47) for Windows NT 4.0:
ThinkPad 770X
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nompdw9x.exe
Filesize: 453814 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-22-98
Description: Norway - MPEG Features Disk III (v1.10) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 770,
770E, 770ED
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nompfw9x.exe
Filesize: 232037 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-22-98
Description: Norway - MPEG Features Diskette II (v1.12) for Windows 95: Thinkpad
760ED, 760XD, 765D
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nomw224a.exe
Filesize: 1264824 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-22-98
Description: Norway - Mwave DSP Features Diskette 1 of 3 (v2.24, 69i) for Windows
95/98: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED,
760XD, 765D (NOTE: Disk 1 is unique to this country. Disk 2 and 3 are common with the
English version.)
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nomwptch.exe
Filesize: 533728 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-22-98
Description: Norway - Mwave APM Patch (v1.00) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV,
755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nontide.exe
Filesize: 166447 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-09-98
Description: Norway - IDE Driver Diskette (v1.00) for Windows NT : ThinkPad 365X,
365XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770,
770E, 770ED, 770X
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nopcbw31.exe
Filesize: 1196710 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-07-98
Description: Norwegian - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.30.09H) for Windows 3.1:
ThinkPad 390, i series 1720
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nopcbw9a.exe
Filesize: 776017 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-07-98
Description: Norwegian - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 1
of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nopcbw9b.exe
Filesize: 661658 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-07-98
Description: Norwegian - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 2
of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nopcbw9c.exe
Filesize: 981617 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-07-98
Description: Norwegian - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 3
of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nopcbwnt.exe
Filesize: 1197437 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-07-98
Description: Norwegian - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v4.00.09a3) for Windows NT 4.0:
ThinkPad 390, i series 1720
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nopcmh98.exe
Filesize: 151215 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-23-98
Description: N orwegian - PCMCIA PC Card Features Diskette (v1.32) for Windows 98:
ThinkPad i series 1400
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/nopcmos2.exe
Filesize: 602487 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-15-98
Description: Norway - PCMCIA PC Card Director (v4.10) for OS/2: ThinkPad 345C, 345CS,
365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X,
560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL,
765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/tpnls/notp1os2.exe
Filesize: 815895 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-22-98
Description: Norway - TrackPoint Driver Disk I (v1.02) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E,
770, 770E, 770ED, 770X
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