URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdsp.txt
Filesize: 2527 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 12-04-97
Description: Readme for USBUPDSP - This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B
operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update
machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdsu.exe
Filesize: 984748 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 12-04-97
Description: This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to
Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already
equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (Finland)
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdsu.txt
Filesize: 2194 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 12-04-97
Description: Readme for USBUPDSU - This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B
operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update
machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdsv.exe
Filesize: 965764 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 12-04-97
Description: This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to
Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already
equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (Sweden)
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdsv.txt
Filesize: 1936 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 12-04-97
Description: Readme for USBUPDSV - This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B
operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update
machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/usbupduk.exe
Filesize: 981093 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 12-04-97
Description: This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to
Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already
equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (UK)
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/usbupduk.txt
Filesize: 2087 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 12-04-97
Description: Readme for USBUPDUK - This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B
operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update
machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdus.exe
Filesize: 980296 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 12-04-97
Description: This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to
Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already
equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (US)
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdus.txt
Filesize: 2087 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 12-04-97
Description: Readme for USBUPDUS - This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B
operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update
machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/usm751_2.pdf
Filesize: 809287 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-15-98
Description: User's Guide for the Aptiva MM75 monitor.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/v90faq.txt
Filesize: 5022 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-23-99
Description: Frequently Asked Questions about V.90 and 56K Connections.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/vflash.exe
Filesize: 820181 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 01-22-99
Description: BIOS Version BVA__4K. Executing this file will run a program which
creates a bootable floppy. Booting the computer off of the bootable floppy will flash the
BIOS, updating it to the most current level. This can solve conflicts with hardware and
software that require information not in the original bios in order to interact with the
system. For use with 2161 and 2162 Aptivas.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/vflash.txt
Filesize: 6002 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-21-99
Description: Instructions for using vflash.exe
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/vrnfix.exe
Filesize: 334220 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 03-11-98
Description: This diskette will update the RingCentral modem parameters to avoid the
12-14 second connection delay that may occur when using the speakerphone. This diskette
should be applied again after the modem has been uninstalled and reinstalled or if the
system has been reloaded.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/w95apt.exe
Filesize: 1155496 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-11-96
Description: Executing the program will create a bootable floppy diskette. Booting the
system off of a diskette will initiate the Windows 95 installation program. The
W95APT.EXE diskette will assist in installing Windows 95 on your system. You must also
have a copy of Windows 95 on CDROM from Microsoft. Aptiva 21xx-xxP, 2144-P30,
2144-S15systems only.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/w95apt.txt
Filesize: 6635 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-08-95
Description: This is the readme file contained in the file W95APT.EXE.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/w95mpeg.exe
Filesize: 957735 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-17-96
Description: Executing this file creates a bootable floppy diskette. Booting the
system up off of this diskette will load the updated MPEG v1.21 drivers. This file
improves MPEG play back quality over the original drivers. It also correct errors caused
by the previous MPEG Update that caused MM281 Errors and DCI Errors when playing
preloaded MPEG CDs (Dreams of Flight,Silent Steel).
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/w95mpeg.txt
Filesize: 4785 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-10-97
Description: Readme for W95MPEG.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/w95mxx.exe
Filesize: 1173402 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 03-29-96
Description: Executing this file creates a bootable diskette. This diskette replaces
the one shipped with the IBM Windows 95 Upgrade Kits. This disk can ONLY be used as part
of the IBM Windows 95 Upgrade Kit and requires the Aptiva Software CD that was included
with that kit, and the Windows95 Upgrade CD.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/w95mxx.txt
Filesize: 4933 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-10-97
Description: Readme for W95MXX.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/w95upfix.exe
Filesize: 55741 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 03-13-96
Description: Running this file will create a diskette which will correct certain
issues caused by upgrading an Aptiva Mxx to Windows95 using the IBM Upgrade Kit. These
issues include: Missing icons in Device Manager, Online Housecall not working properly,
Online Services (AOL, Prodigy, etc) not working properly.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/w95upfix.txt
Filesize: 6813 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-12-97
Description: Readme for W95UPFIX.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/w95us1q1.exe
Filesize: 780206 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-28-97
Description: Recovery Diskette For Use With Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx Models Preloaded with
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/wallst.exe
Filesize: 1045258 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 02-23-96
Description: Running this file will create a diskette which contains files that
correct problems with the charting functions within the Wall Street Money program.
Specifically, systems would often experience a General Protection Fault in Windows 3.1 or
Windows 95; or reboot when one attempted to use the New Chart or Open Chart
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/wallst.txt
Filesize: 5046 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-12-97
Description: Readme for WALLST.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/waveamp.exe
Filesize: 115200 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 03-11-98
Description: Some Aptiva users have found that the volume level of RingCentral's
default outgoing message and the voice menu prompts are difficult to hear when in a noisy
environment or when using a cellular phone. The file WAVEAMP.EXE will increase the volume
of the default outgoing message and the voice menu prompts.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/windows.cnt
Filesize: 17710 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-15-97
Description: This is a Windows95 Help File index update for French Aptiva systems
2162-56S and 2162-58S. Once downloaded, this file will need to be placed in the
c:\window\help directory.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/wininst.reg
Filesize: 125 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 01-26-99
Description: Updates Windows 98 Registry on 2139 and 2153 systems to remove the prompt
for the Windows 98 CD when installing new components.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/workcom.exe
Filesize: 304513 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-17-97
Description: This diskette updates the registry of Aptiva 2162 systems with the
VF2US0N preload. This registry update will prevent the system from crashing when the MS
Works communications tool is invoked.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/workcom.txt
Filesize: 673 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-17-97
Description: Readme for WORKCOM.EXE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/xa1flash.exe
Filesize: 573897 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 03-26-98
Description: This file updates the BIOS on Aptiva 2137-E24 and E34 systems
experiencing lockup when using Via Voice. To apply this update, you will have to first
identify the current level of BIOS on your system. If the next to last character of your
BIOS level is a "2" (example: JW3EN2E), XA1FLASH.EXE is the correct BIOS update.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/aptiva/xa1flash.txt
Filesize: 4534 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 03-26-98
Description: Readme for XA1FLASH.EXE.
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