URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/sytpz102.exe
Filesize: 519321 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 01-13-99
Description: REPLACED BY SPSDIE25 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.02):
ThinkPad 560Z [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3YTKKV
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/sytpz102.txt
Filesize: 5303 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 01-13-99
Description: REPLACED BY SPSDIE25 - README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS
v1.02): ThinkPad 560Z [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3YTKKV
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tbook.pdf
Filesize: 176093 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 12-03-98
Description: Quick Reference Sheets for all currently available ThinkPads (December
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/ths6017f.pdf
Filesize: 97843 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 04-28-98
Description: ThinkPad Docking and Port Replication Solutions Marketing Brochure
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/ths6063f.pdf
Filesize: 185921 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 04-28-98
Description: ThinkPad 380ED and 380XD Marketing Brochure
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/ths6090f.pdf
Filesize: 229900 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 04-28-98
Description: ThinkPad 770 series US Marketing Brochure
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/ths6144f.pdf
Filesize: 147213 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 04-28-98
Description: ThinkPad 600 Series US Marketing Brochure
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/ths6216f.pdf
Filesize: 196314 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-02-98
Description: ThinkPad 390 Series US Marketing Brochure
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tp211fix.exe
Filesize: 1591683 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-02-94
Description: OS2 2.11 Hibernation Fix for ThinkPads ...This file addresses suspend and
hibernation problems encountered when running OS/2 2.11 on ISA ThinkPad units (355, 360,
750, 755). File is also known as BRAPPK.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tp600.pdf
Filesize: 1129870 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 04-23-98
Description: HMM ThinkPad 600 (April 1998)
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tp600ent.exe
Filesize: 6263932 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-26-98
Description: Windows NT Package (v1.00) for the ThinkPad 600E - This is a self
extracting zip file of all the current NT Device drivers. All drivers contained in this
package are also available separately. Please see TP600ENT.TXT for a listing of all
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tp600ent.txt
Filesize: 13080 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-26-98
Description: README: Windows NT Package (v1.00) for the ThinkPad 600E - This is a self
extracting zip file of all the current NT Device drivers. All drivers contained in this
package are also available separately.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tp600nt.exe
Filesize: 7039613 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-26-98
Description: Windows NT Package (v1.30) for the ThinkPad 600 - This is a self
extracting zip file of all the current NT Device drivers. All drivers contained in this
package are also available separately. Please see TP600NT.TXT for a listing of all
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tp600nt.txt
Filesize: 16444 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-26-98
Description: README: Windows NT Package (v1.30) for the ThinkPad 600 - This is a self
extracting zip file of all the current NT Device drivers. All drivers contained in this
package are also available separately.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tp760fix.txt
Filesize: 2974 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 12-31-95
Description: Instructions for how to fix Pink Display and systems hangs requiring a
power off/on cycle in Preloaded Windows 95: ThinkPad 760CD
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tp76xwnt.exe
Filesize: 5980982 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-25-98
Description: Windows NT Package (v1.00) for the ThinkPad 760XD, 765D - This is a self
extracting zip file of all the current NT Device drivers. All drivers contained in this
package are also available separately. Please see TP76XWNT.TXT for a listing of all
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tp76xwnt.txt
Filesize: 24487 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-25-98
Description: README: Windows NT Package (v1.00) for the ThinkPad 760XD, 765D - This is
a self extracting zip file of all the current NT Device drivers. All drivers contained in
this package are also available separately.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tp770egu.exe
Filesize: 4034487 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-26-98
Description: ThinkPad 770 Electronic Information Guide
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tp770wnt.exe
Filesize: 7460460 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-18-98
Description: Windows NT Package (v1.00) for the ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED - This is a
self extracting zip file of all the current NT Device drivers. All drivers contained in
this package are also available separately. Please see TP770WNT.TXT for a detailed
listing of all files.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tp770wnt.txt
Filesize: 26009 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 11-18-98
Description: README: Windows NT Package (v1.00) for the ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED -
This is a self extracting zip file of all the current NT Device drivers. All drivers
contained in this package are also available separately. Please see TP770WNT.TXT for a
detailed listing of all files.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tp770xnt.exe
Filesize: 6608402 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-03-99
Description: This is a self extracting zip file of all the current NT device drivers.
All drivers contained in this package are also available separately.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tp770xnt.txt
Filesize: 23819 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-03-99
Description: This is a self extracting zip file of all the current NT device drivers.
All drivers contained in this package are also available separately.
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tp8xcdug.pdf
Filesize: 80042 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-28-98
Description: ThinkPad 8X CD-ROM drive installation guide for ThinkPad 760,765 (not all
760's support CD-ROM drives)
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tpcomsaf.pdf
Filesize: 17361 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 04-23-98
Description: Tips for Using You ThinkPad Comfortably and Safely
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tpichart.pdf
Filesize: 892452 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 04-01-98
Description: ThinkPad Quick Refence sheets for all models
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tpmemhlp.exe
Filesize: 38772 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-21-95
Description: Updated Crystal Audio driver to free up addition memory: ThinkPad 355,
360, 750, 755C, 755CS
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tpmwhpfs.exe
Filesize: 37123 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 04-27-95
Description: Patch to MWave 1.10 Upgrade on HPFS sys
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tpntdtct.exe
Filesize: 44408 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-01-96
Description: Patch diskette: ThinkPad 345C, 370C
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tpos2snd.exe
Filesize: 109491 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 08-28-96
Description: Crystal Audio Drivers for WINOS2: ThinkPads 755
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tpp95rld.exe
Filesize: 839220 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-12-98
Description: Windows 95 OSR2 Reload Boot Diskette (v2.50) with added PCMCIA CD-ROM
Support: ThinkPad 380(all), 560E, 560X, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770ED
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tpp95rld.txt
Filesize: 1933 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-24-97
Description: README: Windows 95 OSR2 Reload Boot Diskette with added PCMCIA CD-ROM
Support: ThinkPad 380(all) ,560E, 560X, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tpproven.pdf
Filesize: byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-10-98
Description: IBM ThinkPad Proven Solutions and Vendors
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tpsetvga.exe
Filesize: 1183034 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-15-94
Description: Resets Corrupted OS2 Video to VGA
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tpthreed.exe
Filesize: 174199 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 03-21-95
Description: THREED.VBX dated 4/28/93 supplied on ThinkPad: Fixes Threed.vbx errors in
Windows 95 [PFTW]
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tpthreed.txt
Filesize: 372 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 03-21-95
Description: README: THREED.VBX dated 4/28/93 supplied on ThinkPad: Fixes Threed.vbx
errors in Windows 95 [PFTW]
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tpvol1.pdf
Filesize: 3382703 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 04-01-98
Description: HMM Volume 1 (May 1995) for the ThinkPad 300, 350, 500, 510, 710T, Dock
I, Dock II, l40SX, CL57, N45 and N51
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tpvol2.pdf
Filesize: 3716188 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 03-30-98
Description: HMM Volume 2 for the ThinkPad 340, 355, 360, 370, 700, 720, 701, 750 and
755 systems
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tpvol3.pdf
Filesize: 7233011 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 03-17-99
Description: HMM Volume 3 ThinkPad 365, 380, 385, 560, 760 and SelectaDock III (March
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tpw2000.exe
Filesize: 267264 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 04-28-99
Description: ThinkPad TrackPoint Driver Diskette for Microsoft Windows 2000 Beta 3:
ThinkPad 600, 770 - Please view the readme file for installation and support information
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tpw2000.txt
Filesize: 3099 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 04-28-99
Description: README: ThinkPad TrackPoint Driver Diskette for Microsoft Windows 2000
Beta 3: ThinkPad 600, 770 - Please view the readme file for installation and support
information [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: MIGR-476HV2
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tpwinnt.txt
Filesize: 49577 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-31-96
Description: README: (v1.40) for Windows NT 3.51 on ThinkPads
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tpwint40.txt
Filesize: 84642 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-16-97
Description: README: (v1.30) for Windows NT 4.0 on ThinkPads
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tpzip100.pdf
Filesize: 605106 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 12-09-98
Description: IBM Zip 100MB UltraslimBay Drive User's Guide
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tracpto1.exe
Filesize: 813158 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-15-98
Description: TrackPoint Driver Disk I (v1.02) for OS/2: ThinkPad 390, 390E, 600, 600E,
770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: YAST-3MDRHL
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tracpto1.txt
Filesize: 2625 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-27-99
Description: README: TrackPoint Driver Disk I (v1.02) for OS/2: ThinkPad 390, 390E,
600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID:
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tracpto2.exe
Filesize: 813021 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-09-98
Description: TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.00) for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 380Z,
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tracpto2.txt
Filesize: 1985 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-09-98
Description: README: TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.00) for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad
380Z, 560Z
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tracptw1.exe
Filesize: 1063235 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-20-99
Description: TrackPoint Driver Package I (v1.13) for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT:
ThinkPad 390, 390E, 570, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z, i series 1400, 1500,
1720, 1721 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3PWQT4
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tracptw1.txt
Filesize: 8411 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-20-99
Description: README: TrackPoint Driver Package I (v1.13) for Windows 95/98 and Windows
NT: ThinkPad 390, 390E, 570, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z, i series 1400,
1500, 1720, 1721 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3PWQT4
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tracptw2.exe
Filesize: 270778 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-30-99
Description: TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.02) for Windows 95, Windows 98, and
Windows NT: ThinkPad 240, 380Z, 560Z [PFTW] Web DOC ID: DSHY-3Y5MGY
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tracptw2.txt
Filesize: 6839 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-30-99
Description: README: TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.02) for Windows 95, Windows 98,
and Windows NT: ThinkPad 240, 380Z, 560Z [PFTW] Web DOC ID: DSHY-3Y5MGY
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tranx31a.exe
Filesize: 1189287 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-15-97
Description: Puma Tranxit Full Install (v3.00.10) Disk 1 of 2: Thinkpad 380, 380D,
380E, 380ED, 385D, 385ED
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/tranx31b.exe
Filesize: 1129824 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-15-97
Description: Puma Tranxit Full Install (v3.00.10) Disk 2 of 2: Thinkpad 380, 380D,
380E, 380ED, 385D, 385ED
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/twbook.pdf
Filesize: 714864 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-23-98
Description: Quick Reference Sheets for all withdrawn ThinkPads
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/umapwpd.exe
Filesize: 887743 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 04-20-99
Description: Universal Management Agent (UMA): WorkPad z50 [PFTW] Web Doc ID:
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/umapwpd.txt
Filesize: 6371 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 04-20-99
Description: README: Universal Management Agent (UMA): WorkPad z50 [PFTW] Web Doc ID:
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/umd31w95.exe
Filesize: 1280000 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-03-99
Description: Notebook Manager Utility Package (v1.69) for Windows 95, Windows 98:
ThinkPad 310,310D,310E,310ED,315 [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: GCOR-3JDBBE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/umd31w95.txt
Filesize: 2110 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-03-99
Description: README: Notebook Manager Utility Package (v1.69) for Windows 95, Windows
98: ThinkPad 310,310D,310E,310ED,315 [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: GCOR-3JDBBE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/upcon305.exe
Filesize: 12473420 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 02-10-99
Description: Update Connector (v3.05): ThinkPad 380, 385, 390, 600, 770, and i Series
1400 and 172X
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/upcon305.txt
Filesize: 2305 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 02-10-99
Description: README: Update Connector (v3.05): ThinkPad 380, 385, 390, 600, 770, and i
Series 1400 and 172X
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/updatecs.exe
Filesize: 169984 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-14-99
Description: Year 2000 patch for ConfigSafe Version 2.00.06 or earlier [PFTW]
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/updatecs.txt
Filesize: 1053 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-14-99
Description: README: Year 2000 patch for ConfigSafe Version 2.00.06 or earlier
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/usm31dwx.exe
Filesize: 832030 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 07-06-98
Description: Sleep Manager Utility Diskette (v1.55) for DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95,
Windows 98: ThinkPad 310, 310D, 310E, 310ED, 315D, 315ED
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/usm31dwx.txt
Filesize: 1501 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-16-97
Description: README: Sleep Manager Utility Diskette (v1.55) for DOS, Windows 3.1,
Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 310, 310D, 310E, 310ED, 315D, 315ED
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/usu31w95.exe
Filesize: 835584 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-03-99
Description: SafeOFF Utility Package (v1.43) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 310,
310D, 310E, 310ED, 315 [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: GCOR-3JDAJK
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/usu31w95.txt
Filesize: 2107 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-03-99
Description: README: SafeOFF Utility Package (v1.43) for Windows 95, Windows 98:
ThinkPad 310, 310D, 310E, 310ED, 315 [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: GCOR-3JDAJK
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/ut36b120.exe
Filesize: 44398 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-18-96
Description: Utility Diskette (v1.20) for Windows 3.11 and Windows 95: ThinkPad
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/ut36b120.txt
Filesize: 2476 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 09-17-96
Description: README: Utility Diskette (v1.20) for Windows 3.11 and Windows 95:
ThinkPad 365C/CD/E/ED
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/ut500100.exe
Filesize: 123863 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 08-18-94
Description: Utility Diskette (v1.00): ThinkPad 500
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/ut510100.exe
Filesize: 1074448 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 12-23-94
Description: Utility Diskette (v1.00): ThinkPad 510
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/ut75xwnt.exe
Filesize: 1101824 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 03-27-96
Description: ThinkPad Features (v1.00) for Windows NT 3.51/4.0: ThinkPad 345CS, 360C,
360CS, 370C, 755C, 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX [PFTW] Web Doc ID:
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/ut75xwnt.txt
Filesize: 7331 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 12-05-96
Description: README: ThinkPad Features (v1.00) for Windows NT 3.51/4.0: ThinkPad
345CS, 360C, 360CS, 370C, 755C, 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX [PFTW] Web Doc
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/utnmhw98.exe
Filesize: 1241088 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-30-98
Description: NoteBook Manager Utility (v2.21) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 1400 [PFTW];Web
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/utnmhw98.txt
Filesize: 1114 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-30-98
Description: README: NoteBook Manager Utility I Package (v2.21) for Windows 98:
ThinkPad 1400 [NOTE: Only the following Model/Type numbers are supported: 2611 - 434,
435, (41x's except 412), (45x's except 452 and 456)] [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3ZQUUB
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/utnmjw98.exe
Filesize: 1096627 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-18-99
Description: Notebook Manager Utility Package II (v1.02) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i
Series 1500, i Series 1400 Models: 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435)
[PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-48Y225
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/utnmjw98.txt
Filesize: 1370 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-14-99
Description: README: Notebook Manager Utility Package II (v1.02) for Windows 98:
ThinkPad i Series 1500, i Series 1400 Models: 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except
434, 435) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/utskhw98.exe
Filesize: 1098752 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-30-98
Description: ShortCut Key Utility Package (v0.99): ThinkPad 1400 [PFTW];Web DOC-ID:
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/utskhw98.txt
Filesize: 1115 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-30-98
Description: README: ShortCut Key Utility Package (v0.99): ThinkPad 1400 [NOTE: Only
the following Model/Type numbers are supported: 2611 - 434, 435, (41x's except 412),
(45x's except 452 and 456)] [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3ZQUWQ
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/utskjw98.exe
Filesize: 1271161 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-21-99
Description: Shortcut Key Utility Package II (v1.40) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series
1500, i Series 1400 Models: 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) [PFTW]
Web Doc ID: MIGR-493SC9
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/utskjw98.txt
Filesize: 1418 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-21-99
Description: README: Shortcut Key Utility Package II (v1.40) for Windows 98: ThinkPad
i Series 1500, i Series 1400 Models: 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434,
435) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-493SC9
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/utsmhw98.exe
Filesize: 929792 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-30-98
Description: Sleep Manager Package (v1.63) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 1400 [PFTW];Web
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/utsmhw98.txt
Filesize: 1055 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 10-30-98
Description: README: Sleep Manager Package I (v1.63) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 1400
[NOTE: Only the following Model/Type numbers are supported: 2611 - 434, 435, (41x's
except 412), (45x's except 452 and 456)] [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3ZQUP9
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/utsmjw98.exe
Filesize: 942814 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-14-99
Description: Sleep Manager package II (v1.63) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1500,
i Series 1400 Models: 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) [PFTW] Web
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/utsmjw98.txt
Filesize: 1368 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-14-99
Description: README: Sleep Manager package II (v1.63) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i
Series 1500, i Series 1400 Models: 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435)
[PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/utsohw98.exe
Filesize: 882526 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 08-03-99
Description: SafeOff Utility Package (v1.50) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1400
Models: 434, 435, (41x's except 412), (45x's except 452 and 456) [PFTW] Web DOC-ID:
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/utsohw98.txt
Filesize: 1190 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 08-03-99
Description: README: SafeOff Utility Package (v1.50) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series
1400 Models: 434, 435, (41x's except 412), (45x's except 452 and 456) [PFTW] Web DOC-ID:
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/utsojw98.exe
Filesize: 853225 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 08-03-99
Description: SafeOff Utility Package II (v1.44) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series
1500, i Series 1400 Models: 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) [PFTW]
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/utsojw98.txt
Filesize: 1364 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 08-03-99
Description: README: SafeOff Utility Package II (v1.44) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i
Series 1500, i Series 1400 Models: 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435)
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/uttp1os2.exe
Filesize: 1463296 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-25-99
Description: Utility Features (v4.14a) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD,
760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED,
770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NP6UJ
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/uttp1w31.exe
Filesize: 1245184 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-25-99
Description: Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C,
760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E,
770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-3AZJEQ
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/uttp1w98.exe
Filesize: 3165951 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-15-99
Description: Utility Features (v1.11a) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760E,
760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/uttp1w9x.exe
Filesize: 2231296 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-18-99
Description: Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600, 600E*, 760C,
760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E,
770ED, 770X* (*NOT FOR USE ON 600E, 770X WITH WINDOWS 98!) [PFTW] Web Doc ID:
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/uttp1wnt.exe
Filesize: 2386944 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-14-99
Description: Utility Features (v4.15) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD,
760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED,
770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NCUWE
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/uttp2000.exe
Filesize: 3880941 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 08-05-99
Description: ThinkPad Utility Features Package for Windows 2000 Beta 3: ThinkPad
380E/ED/XD/Z, 385E/ED/XD, 390/E, 560E/X/Z, 570, 600/E, 760XD/XL, 765D/L, 600 (all), 770
(all) [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: LWIK-46SNR3
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/uttp2000.txt
Filesize: 3715 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 08-05-99
Description: README: ThinkPad Utility Features Package for Windows 2000 Beta 3:
ThinkPad 380E/ED/XD/Z, 385E/ED/XD, 390/E, 560E/X/Z, 570, 600/E, 760XD/XL, 765D/L, 600
(all), 770 (all) [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: LWIK-46SNR3
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/uttp2os2.exe
Filesize: 1637376 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-25-99
Description: Utility Features (v4.14a) for OS/2: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D,
380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID:
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/uttp2w31.exe
Filesize: 1428480 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-25-99
Description: Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380,
380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z [LZHEXE] Web
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/uttp2w98.exe
Filesize: 3623258 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 06-15-99
Description: Utility Features (v1.11a) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380,
380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570 [PFTW] Web
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/uttp2w9x.exe
Filesize: 2187264 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-18-99
Description: Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380,
380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z*, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z* (*NOTE: NOT
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/uttp2wnt.exe
Filesize: 2532352 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 05-18-99
Description: Utility Features (v4.15) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D,
380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570[PFTW] Web Doc
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/uttpbase.exe
Filesize: 232334 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 04-20-99
Description: UltraBase Swap Utility Driver II (1.01) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 570
URL-address: ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/mobiles/uttpbase.txt
Filesize: 2850 byte Filename:
/ Filedate: 04-20-99
Description: README: UltraBase Swap Utility Driver II (1.01) for Windows 95/98:
ThinkPad 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID:DSHY-46YQN5
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