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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-3BBEP5

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PC800 - Installing Microsoft Shrinkwrap Windows NT

Applicable to: World-Wide

Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 Shrinkwrap (Workstation or Server) will not install on PC 800.

Problem Isolation Aids:

Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 Workstation shrink-wrap code is not exactly the same as the IBM supplied Windows NT (PowerPC Edition) preload. However, it is possible to install and use the Microsoft shrink-wrap code on an IBM PC 800 series. The main issue when installing is that the Microsoft shrink-wrap does not contain the device drivers for the IBM quad speed CDROM that is installed in the PC 800 series. Therefore, the simplest way of installing the Microsoft shrink-wrap is to replace the IBM quad speed CDROM with an IBM dual speed CDROM.

It is likely that the IBM quad speed CDROM device drivers will be included in the Microsoft shrink-wrap in the near future. It is important to note that the IBM Windows NT preload contains various features, such as SoftMIDI and SoftMPEG, that are not available with the Microsoft shrink-wrap.

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Windows NT

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6050, 6050



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