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Product Information

Document ID: MCGN-3Z8R66

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

Servers - SPORE Program Definition

Applicable to: United States

What is SPORE?

This is the reason for SPORE, an acronym for Server Proven Request Opportunity Evaluation. This allows the field rep to request certain configurations be tested, hopefully before they are bid, but definitely before the customer needs to install them. SPORE is intended to respond to a specific sales need, where the customer requirements are not met by our standard offerings from IBM or OEMs (on the ServerProven list). It is for a specific configuration at a specific customer. It makes no statement about applicability for even slightly modified configurations or for different customers. Test information for a SPORE does not get posted on the ServerProven web (though an internal list is maintained by customer for our internal use and for the help center reference). If another sales situation comes up with a different config, different system and/or different customer a new SPORE must be entered.

As with ServerProven, SPORE testing is intended to allow us to respond to customer needs while avoiding or limiting customer problems with what they wish to or what we sell them. SPORE does not change what or how "support" is provided to your customers. In an effort to prevent client frustrations and issues, it is STRONGLY recommend that you insure the client clearly understands the following statement regarding the SPORE program:

"You should be aware of information contained in this note, before you convey the results of compatibility testing under the SPORE program to your customer. The SPORE program is designed to help sales teams provide a tested configuration for the customer which should reduce customer integration risks and provide a smoother installation. IBM tests specific configurations for compatibility and the tested configurations have been shown to work properly when installed exactly as listed. However, NO service, warranty, or support are being offered by IBM, and IBM makes NO Guarantee of compatibility for the non-IBM products tested. IBM will warranty, service and support the IBM products, with warranty, service, and support for non-IBM products to be provided by the non-IBM manufacturer, supplier, or publisher of the product. IBM service and support centers will provide system problem determination, but if the problem points to a non-IBM component they may request the customer to call the non-IBM manufacturer for service and support."


1. The SPORE process should be invoked PRIOR to implementation of a solution! SPOREs requested at time of implementation adversely affect everyone. Expedited SPOREs and CritSits caused by improperly timed SPORE activity cause everyone's SPOREs to be delayed. As in most programs, CritSits get put to the front of the line and everyone else gets pushed back.

2. Once ALL of the information has been collected and the SPORE request has been accepted for evaluation, evaluations usually require 2-5 weeks for completion. Some SPORE tests are conducted by 3rd party or OEM manufactures. Time is required to acquire products if the SPORE lab does not have them in inventory. In order to expedite an evaluation, the lab may request to borrow products from the client for testing.

3. Approval for bid does not provide any sort of IBM "certification". Some of the OEM manufacturers provide certification as a result of SPOREs.

4. It is imperative that the Client, Sales Specialist, and the FTSS ALL agree on and understand the configuration, and exactly what is being asked to be tested. Then, communicate that in DETAIL on the SPORE entry form.

5. The SPORE Lab IS NOT a development lab. It is a test lab. They do not have time to research applications or product to complete a solution for you. SPOREs requesting that sort of support by the lab will not be accepted. So do your homework, please.

6. Understand the SPORE entry form and complete ALL applicable fields as requested. YOU CANNOT GIVE TOO MUCH DETAIL! The evaluation team must build a mirror configuration of your configuration. They also need to understand what you want the configuration to achieve. With everyone's busy schedule, every time we have to request additional information, you can estimate adding at least one (1) day to the process.

7. Each request is for one (1) processor configuration and one (1) client. NO EXCEPTIONS.

8. After SPORE approval, the Help Center has access to the SPORE database. You should INFORM THE CLIENT of the following; should they require support from the Help Center on this SPORE approved product, they should make the Help Center aware of the SPORE activity for this configuration at the outset of the call. (And make sure that you have reviewed the statement at the beginning of this document with your client.)

9. Is there an IBM solution?!?!?!?!?!?

10. Check, and double check, the ServerProven list for the products that you are requesting in the SPORE.

11. Any SPOREs received for generic, "...we need adapter 'x' on systems 'a', 'b', & 'c'..." are rejected with instructions that they should submit this requirement to geo brand marketing (In many cases SPOREs for specific sales situations have resulted in an understanding that wider coverage of support is required. An example is support for the Adaptec RAID and RAIDport adapters, where multiple sales situations drove recognition of this need and ServerProven now provides compatibility information over a wide range of systems.

12. There is a real selling benefit due to customer confidence that their configuration has been tested.

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