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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-38ZLAS

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PC Server 320 / 520 - System won't boot to correct sperating system

Applicable to: World-Wide

After flashing to BIOS 16T3B/16T3C or later, from BIOS 09N/09F, the following symptoms may be observed :

a. Error 1300, No Operating System found;
b. The system boots the wrong operating system.

The system will boot from the Operating System installed on RAID adapter in slot 2 (middle slot), instead of booting from Operating System installed on RAID adapter in slot 1 (nearest the memory sockets)

Problem Isolation Aids:
The system is an IBM PC Server 320/520 (PCI/EISA) with multiple IBM PCI RAID Adapters : FRU P/N 06H5078 (option P/N 07H0508) and/or FRU P/N 06H9334 (Option P/N 70G8489). The BIOS has been upgraded from 09N/09F to 16T3B/16T3C

This is not a hardware failure. After the BIOS upgrade, swap the RAID adapter in the PCI slot nearest the memory sockets (J23) with the RAID adapter in the middle PCI slot (J22).

Servers with BIOS 16T3B and 16T3C will now correctly boot from the RAID adapter in the PCI slot (J23) if multiple RAID adapters are installed.

Servers with BIOS 09F and 09N incorrectly booted from the RAID adapter in the middle PCI slot (J22) if multiple RAID adapters were installed.

System Server 320 Server520
Board slot PCI PCI
Location slot # slot #
J21 0 1
J22 1 2
J23 2 3

PSY2 SERVER 520 8641
SERVER RAID D/T8640 8640 320

Search Keywords

Hint Category

RAID, Lock-up/Hang

Date Created


Last Updated


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IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 320, PC Server 520

Machine Type

8640, 8641



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