NOTE: This driver will now automatically extract to your hard drive. It will only extract under Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT. The extraction process will NOT work with any other operating system. For instructions on how to transfer files greater than 1.44 MB to multiple floppies, click here.
Installation Guide for Windows 95/98
(Windows 98)
1. Start Windows 98.
2. Extract the Audio drivers onto the hard drive.
3. Click on Start -> Run...
4. Type in "x:\<path name>\SETUP.EXE". Then click on OK.
where x: is the drive letter and <path name> is the path you extracted the files to.
Default path is C:\DRIVERS\W9X\AUDIO
5. Click on the "Uninstall Crystal Driver" button at the pop-up window, and then select "Shut Down". Re-start Windows 98.
6. When Windows 98 detects "Unknown Device", select "Next" button. It will default to "Search for best driver for your device", press the "Next" button. This window should have search "Specify a location" checked.
7. Specify the directory where the driver files are extracted and click on the 'Next' button. The Audio device list appears.
Default path is C:\DRIVERS\W9X\AUDIO\
It will then identify the device as a "Crystal SoundFusion(TM) PCI Audio Accelerator" with the location of the driver set to "CWCAUDIO.INF", press the "Next" button.
8. When coping completes, press the 'Finish' button.
(Windows 95)
1. Start Windows 95.
2. Extract the drivers onto the hard drive.
3. Click on Start -> Run.
4. Specify the installation program 'SETUP.EXE' with full path you extracted in the step 2 and click on OK.
Default path is C:\DRIVERS\W9X\AUDIO\.
5. Click on the "Uninstall Crystal Driver" button at the pop-up window, and then select "Shut Down". Re-start Windows 95.
6. When Windows 95 detects "Unknown Device", it will show the "Update Device Driver Wizard" window, click the "Next" button.
7. Click "Other Locations..." and specify the directory where the driver files are extracted and click on the 'OK' button.
Default path is C:\DRIVERS\W9X\AUDIO\
8. It will then identify the device as a "Crystal PnP Audio System CODEC".
9. Click Finish.
10. If you get a Insert Disk window, press OK.
11. In the "Copy files from:" box, specify the directory where the driver files are extracted and click on the 'OK' button.
Default path is C:\DRIVERS\W9X\AUDIO\
12. Windows 95 will now detect the PCI Multimedia Audio Device.
13. Click Next -> Other Location... Specify the directory where the driver files are extracted.
Default path is C:\DRIVERS\W9X\AUDIO\
14. Click OK, then click on Finish.
15. At the Insert Disk window, click OK.
16. In the "Copy files from:" box, specify the directory where the driver files are extracted and click on the 'OK' button.
Default path is C:\DRIVERS\W9X\AUDIO\
It will then identify the device as a "Crystal SoundFusion(TM) PCI Audio Accelerator".
Summary of Changes
- (New) Support for ThinkPad 570.