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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MIGR-47EDWN

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Aptiva - 2163/2164 Considerations - Sound Recorder error in Finnish preload

Applicable to: Finland

No playback from Sound Recorder.

Models affected:
2163 and 2164 in Finland.

How to duplicate:
Open Sound Recorder
Record midi output and save to file
Playback file, only white noise

The latest version of the ESS audio driver, v3015ML2, permanently mutes the Wave signal from the Record input. This was required because a Windows bug keeps this input from being changed from mute to un-mute. Thus when ViaVoice tries to mute all devices except for the microphone, the wave devices can't be muted. This caused ViaVoice to have problems (Biltmore V66M, I-0114).

The solution was to have the driver permently mute the wave input. This also affects the ability to record midi files as the SW wavetable converts the midi into a wave output. This is a known limitation.

If the ViaVoice issue is not a concern, un-mute the wave input. Otherwise, none.

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Audio, Considerations, Error Messages

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IBM Aptiva

Product Family


Machine Type

2163, 2164


502; 512; 542; 552; 572; 582; 54Z; 55Z; 503; 513; 702; 732; 734; 736; 56Z; 71Z; 74Z


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