Additional Information: |
NOTE: This driver will automatically extract to your hard drive. It will only extract under Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT. The extraction process will NOT work with any other operating system. For instructions on how to transfer files greater than 1.44 MB to multiple floppies, click here.
This package has been reorganized. Depending on the type of ThinkPad system, only ONE file needs to be downloaded to install the ThinkPad Features Program. This file contains the appropriate DATA diskette, Personalization Editor and DOS utilities.
User's who wish to configure the Personalization Editor will need the Personalization Editor Data Diskette.
For ThinkPad 560Z, 380Z users with Windows 98 installed, use the separate ' Utility Features for Windows 98' package.
Installation Guide
1. Start Windows 95/98.
2. Extract the drivers onto the hard disk by running the file. To do this, you can select Start->Run and specify the path and filename of the file you downloaded, or you can double-click on the file in Windows Explorer. This will extract the drivers.
3. Click on Start -> Run...
4. Type in "x:\<path name>\SETUP.EXE". Then click on OK.
where x: is the drive letter and <path name> is the path you extracted the files to.
Default path is C:\DRIVERS\W95\UTILITY\
5. Follow the instructions on the screen.
Summary of Changes
-(New) Support for 765D and 765L.
-(New) Support for ThinkPad 770.
-(New) Support for ThinkPad 7xx family.
-(Fix) If the run= statement in WIN.INI has a space, the option menu of ThinkPad Configuration will not respond to user input.
-(Fix) If the ThinkPad Configuration program is closed while minimized to the Taskbar, the program will not start properly thereafter.
* Version 4.02 can not fix this problem which is caused by the previous version of Utility Diskette. If this condition happens, it must be fixed in the following way.
1. get the following file. (Registry File for import) i7u5fix1.reg
2. start "Explore" and find the above file. Then, double click it.
start "MS-DOS Prompt" and execute "regedit i7u5fix1.reg"
-(New) Support for ThinkPad 380XD and 385XD.
-(New) Supported all the models by changing the diskette structure.
-(New) The uninstall program is available.
-(Fix) Fuel-gauge program causes memory shortage.
-(New) Support for ThinkPad 600, 770E and 770ED.
-(New) Changed the design of the icons.
-(New) Removed UltraBay Hot Swap Driver. (Use Utility Driver Diskette for Windows 95.)
-(Fix) Disk size is not correctly displayed on FAT32 file system.
-(Fix) IDE device setting on ThinkPad 770 does not work correctly.
-(New) Support for ThinkPad 560Z and 380Z.
-(New) Support for Windows 98.
-(New) Support for version information.
-(New) Support for CPU Power Management and PCI BUS Power Management settings.
-(New) Fuel-Gauge program has an option to customize a window size.
-(Fix) Fuel-Gauge program and Power Applet display an error under Windows 95 Release 0 or 1.
-(Fix) 16MB memory is required for installation.
-(New) Support for ThinkPad 770X and 600E.
-(New) Support for the installation option for ThinkPad Configuration for DOS.
-(Fix) Fuel-Gauge program consumes GUI resource while charging.
-(Fix) Fuel-Gauge program displays an error message when F1 key is pressed.
-(Fix) UltraBay Properties button is displayed on machines which support only UltraBay IDE devices warm swapping.
-(New) Utility packages have been re-organized. Diskettes no longer need to be built or created.
-(New) Support for long file names in installation.
National Language Support
Only some drivers will be available in other languages. If you do not see a listing like this for additional languages, then that driver is available in English only. The English driver will work in ALL countries. This driver is available in the following language format. (NOTE: If the version numbers below do not match the version number given above, then the updated driver listed above is available in ENGLISH only!):
DK -Dansk - v4.14
FI - Finnish - v4.14
FR - French - v4.14
GR - German - v4.14
IT - Italian - v4.14
NE - Dutch - v4.14
NO - Norwegian - v4.14
SP - Spanish - v4.14
SV- Swedish - v4.14