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Document ID: SCOD-46WMFA

Netfinity 5500 M20 - Installing Novell NetWare v3.2

Applicable to: World-Wide

IBM Netfinity 5500 M20 Installation Instructions for Novell NetWare v3.2
Revision: 1.00
Updated: 04/06/99

Supported Systems: 8662 All Models

Follow the Network Operating System (NOS) instructions provided in this document sequentially unless you are instructed differently. Windows and messages might differ from those in this document. Throughout this document the term 'select' is used to mean, use the arrow keys to highlight a selection on a menu and then press Enter to complete the selection.

This document contains the following:
1.0 What you will need
2.0 Where to download Drivers/Files
3.0 Quick installation instructions for experienced users
4.0 Detailed installation instructions
4.1 Setting up the hardware for NOS installation
4.2 Setting up the BIOS
4.3 Configuring arrays using the integrated IBM ServeRAID II controller
4.4 NOS installation using the integrated IBM ServeRAID II controller
4.4.1 DOS installation
4.4.2 Loading the IDE CD-ROM device driver
4.4.3 Running the NetWare 3.2 Installation Program using the IBM ServeRAID II controller

1.0 What you will need
A supported hard disk drive. Refer to http://www.pc.ibm.com/us/compat/ for a list of supported options and part numbers for your server.

A licensed copy of MS-DOS 6.22 (or later) or PC-DOS 6.3 (or later).

A licensed copy of Novell NetWare 3.12

A licensed copy of Novell NetWare 3.2 Enhancement Pack

IBM Netfinity IDE CD-ROM Support Package, v1.46 (filename: 01K7664B.EXE) or later.

IBM Netfinity and PC Server Ethernet Controller and IBM Netfinity 10/100 Fault Tolerant Device Driver Diskette v2.03B (filename: 33L3918B.EXE) or later.

The Integrated IBM ServeRAID II Adapter requires:

IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette, Version 3.10 (filename 33L3939.EXE) or later.

IBM ServeRAID Configuration Diskette, Version 3.10.11 (filename 33L3938.EXE) or later.

2.0 Where to download Drivers/Files
IBM BBS (U.S.): 1-919-517-0001

IBM FTP site: ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/pc_servers/

IBM U.S. Web site: http://www.pc.ibm.com/support?page=IBM+PC+Server
or http://www.pc.ibm.com/us/searchfiles.html

For IBM PC sites in other countries, begin at http://www.ibm.com

Novell Web site: http://support.novell.com/misc/patlst.htm#nw412

Novell FTP site: ftp://ftp.novell.com/pub/updates/nwos/nw/nw42

If you are very familiar with SCSI, hardware, and the installation process, continue with 3.0 Quick installation instructions for experienced users. If not, continue with 4.0 Detailed installation instructions.

3.0 Quick installation instructions for experienced users
1. If you plan to use the integrated ServeRAID II Adapter as the startup device and also plan to use an external direct access storage device (DASD) enclosure, refer to the documentation that comes with the external enclosure for appropriate set up.

2. If any industry-standard architecture (ISA) devices are installed (or will be installed) that need interrupt requests (IRQs) or other server resources, such as input/output (I/O) ports or memory reserved, go into the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) settings and select Plug and Play, and then the desired resource type that you want to reserve. Change the desired resource from Plug and Play to ISA Legacy.

3. Set IRQ 15 to ISA Legacy because of how Novell NetWare handles interrupts.

4. Install DOS using a DOS partition between 50MB and 2GB.

5. Install the IDE CD-ROM driver from the IDE CD-ROM support package diskette.

6. Install the IBM ServeRAID driver using the IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette.

7. Install NetWare from the NetWare 3.12 diskettes or CD without specifying a LAN adapter. Add the 3.2 upgrade; then, restart the server and add the ODI331 LAN device driver updates.

8. Use the Netfinity and PC Server Ethernet Controller Device Driver diskette for the integrated Ethernet 10/100 controller.

4.0 Detailed installation instructions

4.1 Setting up the hardware for NOS installation
1. Disconnect the power cord from the power supply.

2. Facing the rear of the server, loosen the two thumbscrews on the top-back of the server and remove the top access panel.

3. For the initial installation, remove all adapters and devices that are not required to get the base operating system installed.

For example: If installing multiple network adapters, only install one at this time. If a tape drive or external SCSI devices will be used, disconnect them temporarily. The installation instructions only will cover the integrated Ethernet adapter. After the operating system starts (boots) without errors, add these devices one at a time. This procedure streamlines the installation process.

Note: If you plan to use an external DASD enclosure, the following instructions will not apply. Refer to the documentation provided with the external enclosure for appropriate set up; then, continue with 4.2 Setting up the BIOS.

4. Install the desired number of hot-swap hard disk drives into the hot-swap bays beginning at the top and continuing downward.

5. Replace the top access panel and connect the power cord.

4.2 Setting up the BIOS
1. Power-on the server.

2. Press F1 when the IBM logo appears to enter Configuration/Setup.

3. From the Configuration/Setup Utility menu, select Load Default Settings.

4. Press Enter to return to the Configuration/Setup Utility menu.

5. Verify that you are at the latest level of BIOS.
a. Find the latest level by checking the IBM Web, FTP, or BBS site for IBM Netfinity 5500 M20 Flash BIOS Update Diskette.
b. To determine the version of BIOS running on your server, select System Information; then, select Product Data. The Flash EEPROM Revision Level field contains the BIOS version. The numbers in position 5, 6, and 7 of the level are the current BIOS level. For example, KQE116AUS is BIOS level 16A, U.S. English.
c. Press Esc (Escape) twice to return to the Configuration/Setup Utility menu.
d. If you determine that your BIOS does not need to be updated, continue with step 8. Otherwise, continue with the next step.

6. If your BIOS does need to be updated, download the appropriate image and build the diskette image by running the .EXE file. Answer Y on the last page of the licensing agreement. The current diskette image is KQE116A.EXE and is labeled IBM Netfinity 5500 M20 Flash BIOS Update Diskette.

7. Start (boot) with the BIOS diskette in the server and answer the questions appropriately. After the BIOS update is complete, you might receive a '162 Configuration has changed' error on startup (boot). Ignore this message. Setup will start and you can continue with step 8.

Note: If you do not see the '162 Configuration has changed' message at startup (boot) time, you will need to press F1 when the IBM logo appears to enter Setup.

8. Select Start Options.

9. Use the arrow keys to change the Primary Startup Sequence to the following:

First Startup Device: Diskette Drive 0
Second Startup Device: Hard Disk 0
Third Startup Device: CD-ROM
Fourth Startup Device: Disabled

10. Press Esc (Escape) to return to the Configuration/Setup Utility menu.

11. Select Plug and Play.

12. Select Interrupt Resources and then use the arrow keys to change the IRQ 15 setting from Plug and Play to ISA Legacy.

13. If you do not have any ISA devices installed in the server, continue with step 17. Otherwise, press Esc (Escape) to continue with the next step.

14. Determine the I/O, Memory, DMA, and Interrupt resources that each ISA adapter will require.

15. Select the appropriate resource type and press Enter.

16. Scroll through the selections to the value that matches the ISA Legacy Resource. Use the arrow keys to change the value from Plug and Play to ISA Legacy.

17. Press Esc (Escape) twice to return to the Configuration/Setup Utility menu.

18. Select Exit Setup.

19. Select Yes, save and exit the Setup Utility.

4.3 Configuring arrays using the integrated IBM ServeRAID II controller
1. Insert the IBM ServeRAID DOS Configuration diskette into drive A: and start the server. During the initial startup (boot), an error message similar to the following might occur:

- Following drives not responding (oldstate:newstate:ch:bay)
Your server has a configuration error due to above condition(s).

Press F5 - to accept any configuration changes that might occur. The drives will be set up later in this section to match your configuration.

2. Select 3. EZ-RAID Configuration from the Main Menu.

3. Select Yes to confirm.

4. Press any key to return to the Main Menu.

5. Select Exit. Ignore the message to back up the RAID configuration by pressing any key.

6. Select Yes to Confirm.

4.4 NOS installation using the integrated IBM ServeRAID II controller

4.4.1 DOS installation
1. Install DOS. Be sure to create a DOS partition between 50MB and 2GB in size. Novell recommends 50MB for typical installations.

2. After installing DOS restart the server. If you receive a message Virus Warning it can be ignored. Select Change is expected in response to the warning message.

4.4.2 Loading the IDE CD-ROM device driver
1. Insert IDE CD-ROM Support Package diskette.

2. Type:


3. Follow the on-screen instructions.

4. Using a standard text editor, determine if the following lines are contained within the CONFIG.SYS on C. If they are, type REM at the beginning of them:


Note: Since D is the default drive letter for the CD-ROM drive, D will be used in all of the following examples to indicate the CD-ROM drive. If you have chosen to change the default drive letter assignment, substitute the drive letter you have chosen for the D in the examples.

4.4.3 Running the NetWare 3.2 Installation Program using the IBM ServeRAID II controller
1. Remove any diskettes and restart the server.

2. At the DOS command prompt, type:


to create the SERVER.312 directory.

3. Move to the SERVER.312 directory by typing CD SERVER.312.

4. Insert the IBM ServeRAID Device Driver diskette into the diskette drive and type:


to copy the necessary RAID and SCSI device drivers to the directory.

5. Insert the NetWare 3.12 Operating System CD into the CD-ROM drive. Move to the CD-ROM drive letter and type:


then, Press Enter.

6. Type:


and press Enter to begin the installation.

7. Read the ETHERNET USERS PLEASE NOTE: window; then, press any key to continue.

8. From the Select an Installation Option window, select Install new NetWare v3.12.

9. From the Disk Partition Options menu, select Retain current disk partitions.

Note: You might receive a message about the DOS partition size. Press Enter to continue. Select Yes to Proceed in spite of this condition.

10. Type the server name and press Enter.

11. Unless you have a specific method of setting internal IPX numbers, accept the default by pressing Enter.

12. At the Copy server boot files to the DOS partition window, insert the NetWare 3.2 Licensed Diskette into the diskette drive and press Enter.

13. Select a locale configuration for the server. Press F10 when selection is complete.

14. Select DOS Filename Format (for DOS, Win 3.0, Win 3.1). If you require long-file-name support (OS/2, Win 95 and Win NT use long-file-name support), choose NetWare Filename Format. Refer to your NetWare documentation for more information on choosing a file name format.

15. Select Yes to Do you want to specify any special startup set commands.

16. Add the following commands:

REGISTER MEMORY 1000000 7000000

Note: If you have installed more than 128MB of memory, you will need to adjust the 7000000 value in the REGISTER MEMORY command above to be the hexadecimal equivalent of the amount of memory installed minus 16MB.

For example: 16MB = 1000000, 256MB = F000000, 384MB = 17000000,
512MB = 1F000000, 1024MB = 3F000000

17. Press F10 to save and continue.

18. Choose whether or not to automatically load SERVER.EXE, and press Enter (the default is Yes). If you choose Yes, specify a path to the DOS AUTOEXEC.BAT and press Enter.

19. To load the necessary patches and disk drivers for the IBM ServeRAID II Controller to create Partitions and Volumes at the System Console:
a. Type:


b. Press Enter.
c. Type:


d. Ignore the loader patch message at this time.

20. Press Enter to accept the slot option.

21. At the server console, type:


then, press Enter to continue to install NetWare.

22. Select Disk Options.

23. Select Partition Tables.

24. If multiple hard disk drives are installed in the server, select a drive by highlighting the drive and pressing Enter.

25. Select Create NetWare Partition.

26. Specify the Partition size by pressing Enter on the Partition Size field, typing the new partition size, and pressing Enter again.

27. Specify Redirection Area size by pressing Enter on the Redirection Area field, typing the new Redirection Area size, and pressing Enter again.

Note: Redirection Area might be set down to 0.5% in most situations without jeopardizing system reliability. Refer to your NetWare 3.12 documentation for further information.

28. Press Esc (Escape); then, press Enter when you have completed the Partition changes.

29. When you have created the NetWare partition, select Return to Previous Menu.

30. From the Available Disk Options menu, select Return to Main Menu.

31. Select Volume Options.

32. Press Ins (Insert) to create a new volume.

33. Press Enter while any item is highlighted to make modifications. The first volume is by default SYS, which you must accept. You can name any additional volumes any name. When you have completed all the changes, press Esc (Escape); then, press Enter.

Note: A NetWare volume can not exceed 4GB in size. To change the volume size, select Initial Segment Size and change to a number equal to or less then 1,000,000.

34. Create additional volumes by repeating the preceding two steps. When you have created all the volumes, press Esc (Escape).

35. Select System Options.

36. Select Copy System and Public Files. You will receive the message, Volume SYS needs to be mounted before the selected action can be done (Press Escape To Continue), this is normal. Press Esc (Escape).

37. Press Enter to Mount Volume SYS.

38. Press F6 to specify the CD-ROM path.

39. Delete A:\ and then, type:


(where D is the CD-ROM drive letter); then, press Enter.

40. System and Public files are now copied to the SYS Volume. Press Esc (Escape) when the File Upload Complete window appears.

41. Select Create AUTOEXEC.NCF File.

42. Press Esc (Escape); then, press Enter to save AUTOEXEC.NCF.

43. Select Edit STARTUP.NCF, then Enter to accept the path.

44. Modify the load IPSRAID.HAM statement to add slot=10002.

45. Press Esc (Escape); then, press Enter to save STARTUP.NCF.

46. Press Esc (Escape) to return to the Installation Options menu.

47. Replace the NetWare 3.12 Operating System CD with the 3.2 Enhancement Pack CD in the CD-ROM drive.

48. Select Product Options from the Installation Options menu.

49. Press Ins (Insert) at the Currently Installed Products window.

50. Delete A and then, type:


(where D is the CD-ROM drive letter); then, press Enter.

51. After the file transfer is complete, press Alt-F10; then, press Enter to exit the NetWare 3.2 Enhancement Pack Installation.

52. Press Esc (Escape); then, select Exit and press Enter. Press Enter again to confirm exit to the NetWare system console.

53. Remove the diskette from the diskette drive and insert the Netfinity and PC Server Ethernet Controller device driver diskette.

54. Type:


and press Enter.

55. Type:


and press Enter.

56. Enter the following DOS commands (where D: is the CD-ROM drive letter):


57. Answer the question, Overwrite C:\SERVER.312\DRIVERS\ETHERTSM.NLM (YES/NO/ALL)?, with a Y.

58. At the DOS prompt, type


and press Enter. This will reload NetWare with the 3.2 Enhancements.

59. At the server console, type:


and press Enter.

60. Select System Options.

61. Select Edit AUTOEXEC.NCF file.

62. Below the IPX Internal Net line, add the following lines.


63. Below these lines, add any bind statements for Network Protocol support. These will vary depending upon which Network Protocols you choose to add to the server and internal network number you might already have in use.

This is an example of a bind statement:


64. Press Esc (Escape); then, press Enter to save the changes.

Note: If you want your volumes to automatically mount when the server is started, include the statement MOUNT ALL as the very last line of the AUTOEXEC.NCF. Press Esc (Escape); then, press Enter to save the changes.

65. Press Esc (Escape) to go back to the Installation Options menu, and select Exit.

66. Select Yes to return to the server console.

67. At the server console, type:


and press Enter.

68. Type:


and press Enter to shut down and exit the server.

69. Before using the CD-ROM as a volume in NetWare, comment out any lines in the DOS AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files that pertain to CD-ROM support. To comment out these lines, type REM at the beginning of each line.

70. Remove all diskettes and CDs, and restart (reboot) the server by typing SERVER at the C:\SERVER.312 prompt.

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IBM PC Server

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Netfinity 5500 M20

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