Additional Information: |
NOTE: This driver will now automatically extract to your hard drive. It will only extract under Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT. The extraction process will NOT work with any other operating system. For instructions on how to transfer files greater than 1.44 MB to multiple floppies, click here.
Summary of Changes
-(New) Initial release for ThinkPad 390 and i Series 1720.
-(Fix) Hissing sound can be heard when the system returns to normal operation from hibernation mode.
-(Fix) Hissing sound can be heard when the system returns to normal operation from hibernation or suspend mode under Windows 95 OSR2.5J.
-(Fix) Garbage dots appear on the master volume control in Windows98 J.
-(Fix) Hibernation causes 3DX config sliders to all in min.
-(New) Support for ThinkPad i Series 1721
-(Fix) After installing the audio driver and restart the system, the system can't play a wave file.
Installation Guide
1. Start Windows 95 or Windows 98.
2. Extract the drivers to the hard drive.
3. Exit all Windows programs.
4. Click on 'Start' -> 'Run'.
5. Type "C:\DRIVERS\W9X\AUDIO\SETUP" and click on OK.
6. At the Welcome window, click 'Next>'.
7. If you agree to the terms stated in the License Agreement, click 'Yes'.
8. At the Choose Installation Configuration window, select only the following:
- MagicMedia 256AV Audio System
- NeoMagic MagicWave 3DX Audio System
Do NOT select MagicMedia 256ZX Audio System.
9. Click 'Next'. It will start copying files to the system.
10. At the "Setup is Complete" window, select "Yes, I want to restart my computer now." and click on 'Finished'.