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Document ID: MIGR-47SU4G |
Network Station - AS/400: R420 Reference - II10942
Applicable to: World-Wide
AS/400: R420 Reference - II10942
The IBM Network Station Manager license program you order for AS/400 systems using Version 4 Release 2 is 5648-B07 (5648B07); this is the same number used for AS/400 systems with R370 or R410. This product installs and runs on Version 3 Release 7, Version 4 Release 1, and Version 4 Release 2. Please note that all references to this product on the AS/400 system and On-Line information (including the install command) will refer to the program as 5733-A07 (5733A07). Note: On an R420 AS/400 system, the product 5733A07 will display as release level R370 (when using the DSPSFWRSC command).
This document contains information specific for the IBM Network Station Manager for AS/400 systems using Version 4 Release 2. Since this document will be updated on a regular basis, it is suggested that you reference it on a regular basis.
Related Documents
For an index of related documents, refer to document: II10405 -
AS/400: Network Station Reference.
Release 3 of Network Station Manager is now available. To obtain this release, you must order product 5648C05 to receive CDs containing the license program and the required AS/400 PTFs (for OS/400 systems at release V3R7, V4R1, and V4R2). For ordering information, please visit our Web site at http://service.boulder.ibm.com/nc/index.shtml . Important: It is necessary to remove the current version of Network Station Manager (5733A07) before installing the new release (5648C05). To remove the current version, you should use the DLTLICPGM command and specify License Program 5733A07. Note that removing the current version of the product does not remove all your user preferences and configuration information. In fact, release 3 will migrate the current user preferences as needed.
You must also remove any and all of the Network Station browsers (products 5648B08, 5648B10, 5648B18, and 5648B20) before installing release 3 of the Network Station Manager. Note that the NC Navigator (40-bit) browser is included in the new release of the Network Station Manager.
Note: After installing the release 3 of NSM you will no longer have to refer to this document. Instead, refer to document (insert) which will include the latest Network Station Manager release 3 information.
Initial PTFs Required
Before using the IBM Network Station Manager on your AS/400 system at Version 4 Release 2, you must install the latest OS/400 Cumulative PTF package onto the AS/400 system.
Group PTF for NSM (Manager)
The list of PTFs documented here contains the most current set of PTFs available for the IBM Network Station Manager for AS/400 systems at OS/400 Version 4 Release 2. We strongly suggest you obtain and apply the complete set of 5733A07 PTFs documented here so your AS/400 system is at the latest level.
For your convenience, we have made a Group PTF for the IBM Network Station Manager PTFs. You can simply order the single PTF 5733A07-SF99081 and all of the PTFs included in the group (which is the entire set described in the list below) will be ordered. Note that SF99081 may only be requested through ECS, and the PTFs in the list will be delivered on media (CD). If you prefer to obtain the PTFs electronically, you may order each PTF in the list individually rather than ordering SF99081. When ordering the Group or individual PTFs, you will need to specify the product as 5733A07 and the version as V3R7M0 (because 5733A07 is a Version 3 Release 7 product that can be used on Version 4 Release 2).
Note: Applying the latest OS/400 Cumulative PTF package will not necessarily result in a complete set of the latest Network Station PTFs; customers are advised to obtain the most recent group PTF SF99081 in order to obtain the latest Network Station code levels.
ProductPTF Number Included in Group PTF SF99081 5733A07:
Browser PTFs for Release 2.5+
For your convenience, this section provides a list of PTFs available for the browsers supported on the IBM Network Station. These PTFs are for the license products shown, the browser applications are Version 3 Release 2 LPPs, so these PTFs will show as R320 PTFs.
Important Information: As of 11/24/97, if the customer applies the Group PTF SF99081 (R370 and higher), and has the IBM or NC Navigator installed, then the customer must also apply the appropriate PTFs shown above with an asterisk.
Series 1000 (Model 8362) Network Station
As of 11/21/97, the Group PTF SF99081 provides support for the IBM Network Station Series 1000; this is type 8362. Additional information about the support for the Series 1000 Network Station can be found in the general information document (insert) .
Note: The Series 1000 Network Stations can boot from a R370 or higher AS/400 system (R320 does not currently support the 8362 model Network Stations).
Java Virtual Machine 1.1.2
As of 11/21/97, the Group PTF SF99081 provides support for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) version 1.1.2. Additional information about the support for JVM 1.1.2 can be found in the general information document (insert).
Browser Support
The PTFs provided in the Group PTF 5733A07 - SF99081 includes all of the enablement support for the NC Navigator (License Programs 5648-B10 and 5648-B20). Therefore, be sure to apply these PTFs if you plan on using the NC Navigator on your IBM Network Stations. To support the NC Navigator, changes to the Network Station Manager configuration files are performed by some of these PTFs. Therefore, once this set of PTFs is on your system you should not remove them unless you have a plan to re-install them (or the most current set of PTFs at the time.)
Note: Additional information concerning both the NC Navigator and the IBM Network Station Browser can be found in the general information document (insert) .
The NSM (Manager) Browse Option
When using the IBM Network Station Manager to customize user configurations, you need to change the authority to QYTCMCLS in library QYTC in order for the Browse option to work correctly. Follow the steps provided here at your AS/400 command prompt:
Search Keywords |
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Document Category |
General Information, Installation Guides, System Administration Tools, User Guides | |
Date Created |
12-05-99 | |
Last Updated |
11-05-99 | |
Revision Date |
12-11-99 | |
Brand |
IBM Network Station, Network Computers | |
Product Family |
Network Station, AS/400 - Network Station, NT Server - Network Station, OS/2 Warp Server - Network Station, RS/6000 - Network Station, S/390 OS/390 - Network Station, S/390 VM/ESA - Network Station | |
Machine Type |
8361, 8362 | |
Model |
All | |
TypeModel |
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