6.880 bytes

System Support Disks

Document ID: DSHY-46YR2T

TP 570 - Supplement File Diskette III for Windows 95

Applicable to: World-Wide


This package contains updated INF files for Laptop resolution, Texas Instruments PCI CardBus support and registry patch file for CardBus/Ethernet Port Replicator support on ThinkPad 570.

This package is applicable to following ThinkPad computer:
- Th inkPad 570


Name & Size (bytes)
w95sfdv.exe : 272207
w95sfdv.txt : 5293


The files contained in this document have been archived.

Double-click here for more information on the Archive process - .

The files can be obtained

From the IBM PC Company ftp site on the Internet at the address noted above,
(copy & paste the address into your Web Browser, or, if you are connected to an Internotes or Domino server, double-click on the address to hot-link directly to the URL. Note that the file type on the ftp site may be a different file type from the file originally attached to this document - eg .ZIP instead of .EXE)

From the Archive Database -
LN V3 - IBM PC Service Information Archive Database - CD1 1997
LN V4 - IBM PC Service Information Archive Database - CD1a 1997
- : or as indicated below:-

Disk Release Date:


Disk Version/Release:


Additional Information:

For instructions and limitations on creating the diskette(s), click here:

I. How to install Windows 95 OEM Service Release 0/ OEM Service Release 1
1. Copy all the cabinet files and installation programs to your hard disk.
1-1. Make a temporary directory (for instance, C:\WIN95) and make sure enough hard-disk space is available to store the cabinet files and installation programs (the required free space vary depending on the language of Windows 95).
1-2. Copy all the cabinet (.CAB) files and installation programs from \WIN95 directory of Windows 95 retail CD.

Type "COPY src_cd:\WIN95\*.* tgt_drv:\tgt_dir" and press Enter.

src_cd: Drive letter of CD-ROM drive (e.g. D, E,..)
tgt_drv:\tgt_dir: Drive letter and temporary directory made in 1-1 (e.g. C:\WIN95)

2. Copy updated files from the Windows 95 Supplement diskette to the temporary directory created in step 1-1.
2-1. Insert Windows 95 supplement file diskette into a floppy drive.
2-2. Type "COPY A:\OSR0INF\*.* tgt_drv:\tgt_dir" and press enter

tgt_drv:\tgt_dir: Drive letter and temporary directory made in 1-1 (e.g. C:\WIN95)

3. Start Installation from the temporary directory.
3-1. Run "SETUP.EXE" in the temporary directory
3-2. Refer to the Windows 95 documentation and instructions on the screen to complete the installation.
4. If needed, apply Windows 95 Service Pack 1 available from Microsoft Internet home page.
5. If additional hard drive free space is needed, remove all the files in the temporary directory after installation is completed.

II. How to install Windows 95 OEM Service Release 2 (OSR2), OEM Service Release 2.1 (OSR2.1).

1. Copy all the cabinet files and installation programs to your hard disk.
1-1. Make a temporary directory (for instance, C:\WIN95) and make sure enough hard disk space is available to store the cabinet files and installation programs (the required free space vary depending on the language of Windows 95).

1-2. Copy all the cabinet (.CAB) files and installation programs from \WIN95 directory of Windows 95 OSR2 CD.

Type "COPY src_cd:\WIN95\*.* tgt_drv:\tgt_dir" and press Enter

src_cd: Drive letter of CD-ROM drive (e.g. C, D,..)
tgt_drv:\tgt_dir: Drive letter and temporary directory made in 1-1 (e.g. C:\WIN95)

2. Copy updated files from Windows 95 supplement file diskette to the temporary directory.
2-1. Insert Windows 95 supplement file diskette into a floppy drive.
2-2. Type "COPY a:\OSR2INF\*.* tgt_drv:\tgt_dir" and press enter.
2-3. Type "COPY a:\CARDBUS\*.* tgt_drv:\tgt_dir" and press enter.

tgt_drv:\tgt_dir: Drive letter and temporary directory made in 1-1 (e.g. C:\WIN95)3. Start Installation from the temporary directory
3-1. Run "SETUP.EXE" in the temporary directory
3-2. Refer to the Windows 95 documentation and instructions on the screen to complete the installation.

Next step is to install some fix modules on Windows 95 OSR2.X.

4. Install PC Card driver fix.
4-1. Insert Windows 95 supplement file diskette into a floppy drive.
4-2. Run "A:\QFE444\PCCARDUP.EXE".
4-3. Reboot the system.

5. Replace Unimodem drivers to support Intel Video Phone application.
5-1. Insert Windows 95 supplement file diskette into a floppy drive.
5-2. From the command prompt, go to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM (or SYSTEM subdirectory under the directory where Windows 95 installed).
5-3. Rename a couple of files as follows.
5-4. Copy new files as follows.
Type "COPY A:\UNIMODEM\*.*".

The last step is to install OSR 2.X. To install the OSR2.X, refer to its documentation. As for USB Supplement file update, please see \other\usb folder (Windows 95 SR2.1) in your Windows 95 backup CD-ROM.

Summary of Changes
-(New) PCMCIA TI 1450 Support.
-(New) Port Replicator Support.

Search Keywords

Disk Category

Software, Windows 95

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 570

Machine Type





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