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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MIGR-47STT5

Network Station - AS/400: 5250 Keyboard Map - II10837

Applicable to: World-Wide

AS/400: Network Station 5250 Keyboard Map - II10837

This document includes information about the 5250 Emulation Keyboard mapping function for the IBM Network Station. This document is appropriate for OS/400 version/release levels Version 3 Release 2 (R320), Version 3 Release 7 (R370), Version 4 Release 1 (R410), and subsequent releases. Information in this document is limited to the 5250 Emulation Keyboard Mapping Function.

Related Documents

For additional information, it is suggested that you read document II10405 which contains an index of all the other AS/400 documents relating to IBM Network Station.

General Information (5250 Keyboard Re-Mapper)

The 5250 Keyboard Re-mapping function works in conjunction with one or more 5250 emulation sessions on an IBM Network Station. This function allows the user to set or change the function provided by a single keystroke (or combination of) on the keyboard while the 5250 session is the active window.

To access the Keyboard Re-mapping function, click on the Option menu item from the menu bar of an active 5250 emulation session, then click on the item, Keyboard Re-mapping.

The use of the Keyboard Re-mapping function is documented in the On-Line Help text (from the Keyboard Re-mapping window, click on the Help button). Some documentation is contained in the Getting Started Redbook, SG24-2153. Check the release levels or see the section below concerning the New Keyboard Re-mapping Interface.

The Menu Item is Missing

The menu item Keyboard Re-mapping is located under the Option menu item on the menu bar of an active 5250 session. If this menu item is not functioning or is not present, then the Menu Bar, or the Keyboard Re-mapping menu item has been hidden or use has been limited by the Administrator via the NSM (Network Station Manager). To change the settings for use of the Keyboard Re-mapping menu item, see the section later in this document titled: Administrator Tasks - Disable Keyboard Remap Function.

Graphics Resolution Needs

The 5250 Keyboard Re-mapping window contains a graphic representation of the physical keyboard. This interface requires a resolution setting of 800 x 600 or higher. The 640 x 480 setting will not allow the use of the keyboard re-mapping feature.

Changing the resolution setting is done from the Setup Utility (typically accessed by escaping out of the boot sequence). Use of the Setup Utility is described in Chapter 8 of the Network Station Manager manual, SC41-0632.

Default Keyboard Layout for 5250 Emulation

The default keyboard layout for 5250 emulation has the following assignments:
Function - Key Combinations
Enter - Enter Key
Enter - Shift + Enter Keys
New Line - Right-Ctrl Key
Field Exit * - Keypad Plus (+) Key

* Field Plus is equivalent in function to Field Exit.

For a complete list of the 5250 emulator keys, see the On-Line Help text.

New Keyboard Re-mapping Interface

There is now a new interface for the keyboard re-mapping function. The new interface is easier to use; it is easier to manipulate the functions for each key in the keyboard re-mapper window.

The old interface for keyboard re-mapping is described in the On-Line text and the Redbook, AS/400 - IBM Network Station - Getting Started, SG24-2153. This interface can be recognized by the keyboard layout showing at the bottom portion of the Keyboard Re-mapping window. The new interface for keyboard re-mapping is described in the On-Line Help text and in-part, by this document (future iterations of the manuals will include the new interface). The new interface is recognized by the keyboard layout showing at the top portion of the Keyboard Re-mapping window.

To obtain the new keyboard re-mapping interface, apply a PTF (as described below) or obtain the latest group PTF for your release level.

Note: The group PTFs are described in documents II10309 (for R370) , II10406 (for R320) , and II10566 (for R410) or refer to the index document II10405 .

The specific PTFs for the New Keyboard Interface are as follows:

  1. New Interface - PTF: SF42299 (or latest supersede, like SF43237)
  2. Help Text for New Interface - PTF: SF42367 (or latest supersede PTF)

  1. New Interface - PTF: SF42285 (or latest supersede, like SF43217)
  2. Help Text for New Interface - PTF: SF42363 (or latest supersede PTF)

Map the Enter and Ctrl Keys

There has been an enhancement to allow changes to map of the Enter key and Ctrl key. A section was added to the Miscellaneous Preferences... menu item (found under the OPTION menu item on the pull-down menu from an active 5250 session). From the Miscellaneous Preferences window, click on the Enter/Field Exit Key item found on the left frame. This new feature allows the user to set the function of the Enter key and the Ctrl key, if the settings are set to DEFAULT then the settings in the Keyboard Re-mapper program are utilized. However, if changes are made to this Preferences screen, then these settings will override the default settings in the Keyboard Re-mapper function. The PTF information that allows this new function are as follows:

  1. Change to Miscellaneous Preferences - PTF: SF42299 (or latest supersede, like SF43237)

  1. Change to Miscellaneous Preferences - PTF: SF41290 (or latest supersede, like SF43217 )

Note: Setting up the Preferences settings for the Enter and Ctrl keys will only apply to the user making these settings and it will only apply to the session (and the system) wherein the change was applied. Transporting these settings to other sessions or other user profiles is not currently an option.Change to Num Lock Key

Changes have been made to the use of the Num Lock key (which impacts the Keypad). Specifically, this allows the use of the playback accelerator keys when the Num Lock is set to ON. As always, service recommends obtaining the latest Group PTFs described in index document II10405 . The PTF information for this change is as follows:

  1. Change to Num Lock - PTF: SF43237 (or latest supersede PTF)

  1. Change to Num Lock - PTF: SF43217 (or latest supersede PTF)

File Search Order

When a 5250 session starts, it will search for the keyboard map file to use for this session. The search is based, in part, on several variables -- the user profile the system the 5250 session is connection to, and the number of the session (first session to this system, second session to this system, and so on).

The 5250 session will utilize the keyboard re-mapping file it finds first, in the following search order:

Administrator Tasks - Sharing a Keyboard Map

The Administrator can use the NSM Network Station Manager) to designate a keyboard map file for all user profiles to use on all sessions to all AS/400 connections. Or the Administrator can do this on an individual basis; setting a keyboard map file for a certain user profile (any 5250 session opened by that user profile will use the map file designated).

However, the search order described above in File Search Order can override the settings made in the Network Station Manager. So, if the Administrator wants to force a user profile to use either a map file designated for that user profile, or a map file designated for all user profiles, then the Administrator will need to eliminate any existing map files that user profile may have created and remove the ability of that user profile to create a keyboard map file. These two tasks are discussed later in this document under titles: Administrator Tasks - Deleting Keyboard Map Files and Administrator Tasks - Disable Keyboard Remap Function.

Administrators attempting to designate a keyboard map file for a user profile or all user profiles should remember one important tip: while in NSM Network Station Manager) you will only be able to see/access the keyboard map files that have been created by the user profile you used to sign on to NSM.

To set up a shared keyboard map file, the Administrator should take the following steps:

  1. Start the Network Station with the same sign on (user profile) that you will use to access the NSM. This user profile will need to have Security Officer authority for using the NSM (later).
  2. Start a 5250 session.
  3. Use the menu bar to access the Option menu item, then select the Keyboard Remapping menu item.
  4. Change the keyboard map as needed, then use the SAVE function to save the settings as a DEFAULT keyboard map file.
  5. Exit the Keyboard Remapping window.

  1. Start the Network Station Manager program and sign on with the same user profile you used to create the default keyboard map file. This user profile will need Security Officer authority to make changes to SYSTEM DEFAULTS.
  2. Click on the 5250 option from the left frame.
  3. Choose the SYSTEM DEFAULTS, then click NEXT. Or, if the Administrator is setting a default map file for a certain user profile, then use the USER DEFAULTS option to designate the user profile (then click Next).
  4. Near the upper right portion of the frame, you should see a set of fields under the title "Default Keyboard File For:". Each field allows you to designate the keyboard map file for each style of keyboard (101, 102, and so on). Use the pull-down button found in each field to scroll through the list of available files. If the pull-down-button does not react to the click, then no files are available for that user profile for that style of keyboard.

Note: On this screen you will also see a field for "Key Remapping Capability", this field is discussed later in this document under the title Administrator Tasks - Disable Keyboard Remap Function.

Limit the users (as needed)

Administrator Tasks - Deleting Keyboard Map Files
Administrators may want to force a user profile, or all user profiles, to use a default keyboard map file; a file that has been designated as the default by the Administrator (see the previous item Administrator Tasks - Sharing a Keyboard Map). However, if there is an existing keyboard map file (if a map file was set up by a user), or if the user creates a new keyboard map file (subsequent to the Administrator designating a default file) then that existing (or new) map file could possibly override that user profile's use of the Administrator-designated map file.

A user profile will use the Administrator-designated default map file unless the 5250 session finds a different keyboard map file. The 5250 session will employ a search order (described in the previous item File Search Order) to locate which keyboard map file to employ.

So, the Administrator may want to eliminate (delete) an existing map file in order to force a user profile to use the designated-default map file. Also, the Administrator may want to eliminate (delete) a map file because it is unusable (if the user has made undesirable changes to a map file and it is now too difficult to work with).

There are two methods for removing (deleting) a keyboard map file (one is recommended and one is not recommended).
Recommended Method for Deleting a Keyboard Map File

  1. Using WRKLNK command use option "5 Next Level" to navigate the IFS directory structure to view the location of map files.
  2. Navigate to the directory or directories /QIBM/UserData/NetworkStation/xxxx/NS5250/K/ (where xxxx equals the user profile).
  3. Looking at the contents of the above directory, the Administrator can see what keyboard map files (if any) have been created for this user profile. Keyboard map files located in this directory could take precedence over the designate-default keyboard map file. Whether the map file(s) in this directory will take precedence over the designated-default file depends on what type of map file is observed (if the map file in this directory is for a particular session, then it will only take precedence over the designated-default file for that session). For a better understanding, see the File Search Order section earlier in this document.

Note: The user will not be able to use the keyboard remap function if you have disabled the capability for this function in the NSM (see the next section, Administrator Tasks - Disable Keyboard Remap Function).

Alternate Method for Deleting a Keyboard Map File

Administrator Tasks - Disable Keyboard Remap Function

Administrators may want to force a user profile, or all user profiles, to use a default keyboard map file; a file that has been designated as the default by the Administrator (see the previous item Administrator Tasks - Sharing a Keyboard Map). However, if there is an existing keyboard map file (if a map file was set up by a user), or if the user creates a new keyboard map file (subsequent to the Administrator designating a default file) then that existing (or new) map file could possibly override that user profile's use of the Administrator-designated map file.

A user profile will use the Administrator-designated default map file unless the 5250 session finds a different keyboard map file. The 5250 session will employ a search order (described in the previous item File Search Order) to locate which keyboard map file to employ.

So, the Administrator may want to eliminate (delete) an existing map file in order to force a user profile to use the designated-default map file. This is discussed in the previous section Administrator Tasks - Deleting Keyboard Map Files. Note: If the Administrator plans to have a user(s) employ the Keyboard Remapper to delete existing map files, then the Administrator should wait until that delete operation is completed before limiting access to the Keyboard Remapping function.

Further, the Administrator may want to limit a user (or many users, or all users) from using the Keyboard Remapping function. Limiting the use of the Keyboard Remapper ensures that the user does not have access to this function and cannot create a keyboard map file that will take precedence over the Administrator-designated default keyboard map file.

To limit the use of the Keyboard Remap function, the Administrator should take the following steps:

  1. DEFAULT (whatever the default is)

Note: The ENABLED option allows the users by default (if changing SYSTEM DEFAULTS), or a certain user (if changing a USER DEFAULTS) to access the Keyboard Remapping function. Conversely, selecting DISABLED will result in the Keyboard Remapping option on the menu bar to be grayed; the option is seen but it will not function. And the HIDDEN option removes the Keyboard Remapping option from the menu bar (the user(s) cannot see this option).

Search Keywords

Document Category

General Information, Installation Guides, System Administration Tools, User Guides

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM Network Station, Network Computers

Product Family

Network Station, AS/400 - Network Station, NT Server - Network Station, OS/2 Warp Server - Network Station, RS/6000 - Network Station, S/390 OS/390 - Network Station, S/390 VM/ESA - Network Station

Machine Type

8361, 8362




Retain Tip (if applicable)

Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes