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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-3U7RXG

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TP 770 - No power problem

Applicable to: AP-N, AP-S, EMEA

Abstract: TP 770 - NO POWER PROBLEM

A "no power" problem has been found on the TP770 family. This problem can sometimes be cleared by removing and reseating the Intel MMO Card ( CPU Card )

The root cause of the problem has been identified as the metal heatsink touching components on the system board.

A fix is being applied in Manufacturing to add kapton tape to the heatsink. The FRU P/N of the heatsink has changed from 12J0414 to 05K7039.

It is recommended that any TP770 that is returned to a repair center has the tape fix or the new heatsink with the tape applied as a proactive fix to help reduce warranty cost and to prevent further failures.

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 770

Machine Type

9548, 9549




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