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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-3DHMAR

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IBM PS/2 - Adapter Installation Restrictions 3270, Token Ring, etc.

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
The following list of installation restrictions should be observed when installing the 3270 connection adapter, Token Ring Adapter/A, or PC Network Adapter/A in Personal System/2 models 8550, 8555, 8560, 8565, 8570, 8580 and 9585, to avoid hardware arbitration and interrupt level conflicts.

Level Conflicts:
1. When installing the 3270 connection adapter, it must be located in the lowest numbered slot available, preferably slot No.1. The 3270 connection adapter uses only interrupt No.2.
2. When installing the Token Ring Adapter/A, it should be in a higher numbered slot than the 3270 connection adapter (if present). It should be assigned interrupt No.10 or No.11 using the reference diskette, "Change Configuration" utility on the "Set Configuration" menu. See caution below.
3. When installing the PC Network Adapter/A, it must be located in a higher numbered slot than the 3270 connection and Token Ring Adapters (if present). It should be assigned interrupt level No. 3 using the reference diskette, "Change Configuration" utility on the "Set Configuration" menu. See note below.

Once interrupt levels are selected as described above, and have been changed through the "Set Configuration" utility, they must be saved using the "Backup Configuration" utility on the "Set Configuration" menu. This will protect user selected interrupt levels from being changed to their system default settings when the "Automatic Configuration" utility is executed. Should the automatic configuration utility ever be executed, and the users previously selected interrupt levels are reset to the system defaults, the user may then execute the "Restore Configuration" utility on the "Set Configuration" menu to restore the interrupt levels to those that were saved with the "Backup Configuration" utility.


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Hint Category

Adapter Cards, Retain

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Product Family


Machine Type

9585, 8550, 8555, 8560, 8565, 8570, 8580



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