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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3BBH79

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TP 760E/ED/EL/ELD - Hard drive and CD-ROM FRU changes

Applicable to: World-Wide

Abstract :
9546 & 9547 HMM. 1.2GB HD is FRU P/N 29H9228 etc.

Text :
1. The September Volume 3 ThinkPad HMM (S82G-1503-04) page 358, page 366, and page 379 require a change to index 16b, hard disk drive (1.2 GB, 17mm). The current number listed as, P/N 29H9288, must be changed to FRU P/N 29H9228.

2. Also note that index 26a on pages 367 and 379 requires the following changes:

26a FDD Drive (3 mode) remove--> "760E thick type)"
for Japan (4 mode) remove--> "760E thick type)"
CD-ROM Drive add--> "4X"
CD-ROM Drive add--> "4X" change-> "46H5500" to "46H8136".

Note : P/N 46H5500 automatically subs to P/N46H8136.

3. Index 19a DIMM Door on page 367. Change--> "29H9138" to "69H8422". All other DIMM Door references of index 19a should be changed from FRU P/N 29H9195 to FRU P/N 69H8422

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Hint Category

CD-ROM Drives, Hard Drives

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 760E, ThinkPad 760ED, ThinkPad 760EL/ELD

Machine Type

9546, 9547




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