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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: JBAR-3CAL9N

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IBM PC330/PC350 - Intermittent PCI adapter failure

Applicable to: World-Wide

An issue has been reported which pertains to the installation of certain PCI adapters in 6577/6587 systems. The problem is that a PCI adapter installed by itself will work intermittently or not at all. So far the problem has only been seen with the PCI Token Ring Lan Streamer adapter giving network errors during CID installs. It could, however, manifest itself with other adapters and in other ways.

This problem has been found to be a slot sensitive issue and will only occur with certain types of PCI adapters in the system by themselves. This problem does not occur if more than one PCI adapter is installed in the system and does not occur if the only PCI adapter installed is in the bottom slot.

Customers who are installing a single PCI adapter in a 6577/6587 and having difficulty getting it to work consistently or at all, should install the PCI adapter in the bottom slot. If the customer has more than one PCI adapter in the system or if the customer installs the PCI adapter in the bottom slot and it still does not work, then this News Item does not apply. Continue with normal troubleshooting.

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Hint Category

Adapter Cards

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Product Family

PC 330, PC 350

Machine Type

6577, 6587




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