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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-3FXD47

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PS/2 Server 95 / PC Server 500 - RAID Array Systems with SCSI Tape or CD-ROMs

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
RAID Array systems, which have an optional CD-ROM or tape drive connected to the RAID controller adapter, may experience difficult to diagnose configuration problems if the device address is not set correctly, terminators are installed, or if other option jumpers are set incorrectly (9595A & 8641 systems).
The supported optional tape drive is shipped preset as SCSI address 5. The optional CD-ROM is usually set to address 6. Use the preset address, or 4 thru 6, to avoid conflicts with addresses 0 through 3, which are reserved by the adapter firmware (RAID Controller Diskette) for fixed disks in the RAID array.
There should be NO TERMINATORS on these devices when installed in these systems. Termination is preset by the DASD fixed disk support structure.

This restriction does not apply to devices attached to any other optional SCSI adapter, which may be installed in the system.

The only tape option supported on the RAID array controller used in the 9595A is:
IBM 4/10GB 4MM DAT TAPE DRIVE OPTION kit, Feature code 7499, option number 74G8632.

The option number was originally 8191339 and was recently changed to 74G8632.
The FRU is P/N16G8456, which supplies only the tape drive.

Rear View of 4MM SCSI Tape Drive

_________________________________________ SCSI ID= 4 | 5 | 6
| ____________________________ | -----------|---|----
| | SCSI Connector | ___ | sw 1 X | O | X
| |__________________________| |ooo| | sw 2 X | X | O
| <terminator> |ooo| | sw 3 O | O | O
| <terminator> | X= off
| ______ oo _______________ | O= on
| |oooo| | |8<--->4|3|2|1|<---address and
| ------ | |_______|_|_|_| | configuration
|_Power____|____________________________| switches
No jumpers should Switches 4 thru 8
be installed here Must be off.
(JMP3 & JMP4)

* Note:
1. 01291500 errors may be caused by jumpers in positions JMP3 and JMP4 on 9595A RAID ARRAY systems.
2. SCSI Bus Adapter FRU P/N92F0324.

A SCSI bus adapter is required between the WIDE SCSI cable and NARROW SCSI devices, such as the CD-ROM or the 4mm optional tape drive. CARE MUST BE EXERCISED WHEN THIS ADAPTER IS INSERTED INTO THE REAR OF THE TAPE UNIT TO PREVENT MIS-PLUGGING. The adapter is keyed, however some tape drives have connectors that do not have the corresponding keyway. This allows the adapter to be mis-plugged one pin position, either direction.
Mis-plugging one direction has been known to cause the systems to shut down (power supply self-protect). When this condition is corrected the system power supply will operate normally. (Power supply self-protect is explained on page 290 of the PS/2 Hardware Maintenance Manual S52G-9971-01, dated Sept, 1993.)
Mis-plugging in the other direction has been know to cause the device to be unrecognized (configuration failures).

PSY2 PSY2ADPT D/T9595a 16G8456
0206 8641 CD ROM
GUIDE 02067043 180A CDROM
95 500 4/10

Search Keywords

Hint Category

CD-ROM Drives, Hard Drives, Tape Drives, Retain

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 500, Server 95

Machine Type

8641, 9595



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