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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DETR-43EPU9

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Aptiva - 2158/2163/2164 Considerations - "Illegal operation" error message shows up during Windows 98 Setup

Applicable to: World-Wide

"Illegal operation" error message shows up during Windows 98 Setup.

Models affected:
All with DVD

How to duplicate:
1. Put recovery CD to DVD-ROM and choose "Full Recovery".
2. Answer "Y" 3 times.
3. Recovery is complete,and remove the recovery CD.
4. Restart system.
5. Key in User name to "user information" page.
6. Key in Product key.
7. Key in user name & password.
8. "Aptiva System Setup".
9. Error message show up on screen.

Root cause:
A bug in the DVD Express registry entry routines occasionally opens registry entries outside of DVD ExpressÆs scope. If another program attempts to access the same registry key before the DVD Express setup exits, the setup GPFs. Since the opened key is a random one in the HLKM\Software tree, the likelihood of this happening is very low.

Reinstall the preload if this occurs.

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Hint Category

Error Messages, Windows 98, Considerations, DVD Drives

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IBM Aptiva

Product Family


Machine Type

2158, 2163, 2164




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