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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: ROSN-45GVR6

Network Station - Network Station Manager Release 3 PTF information - All Platforms

Applicable to: World-Wide

The Network Station Manager Software is supported in the following platforms:

To download the Network Station Manager Release 3 software for OS/400 visit our Web site at: http://service.boulder.ibm.com/nc/index.shtml . To have the latest level of the Network Station Release 3 software for OS/400 , you need to order group PTF SF99082. This group PTF can be ordered via ECS (Electronic Customer Support) from the OS/400 command line SNDPTFORD SF99082). A CD will then be mailed to you with latest NSM R3 PTFs and any OS/400 pre-requisites for V3R7,V4R1,V4R2 and V4R3. To order the Network Station Manager Release 3 software on CD select the "Order on CD" section in the
same Web site.

To download the latest Network Station Manager Release 3 software for NT visit our Web site at: http://service.boulder.ibm.com/nc/index.shtml To order the Network Station Manager Release 3 software on CD select the "Order on CD" section in the same Web site.

To download the latest Network Station Manager Release 3 software for OS/2 visit our Web site a: http://service.boulder.ibm.com/nc/index.shtml . To order the Network Station Manager Release 3 software on CD select the "Order on CD" section in the same Web site.

To download the Network Station Manager Release 3 software for AIX visit our Web site at: http://service.boulder.ibm.com/nc/index.shtml . To have the latest level of the Network Station Release 3 software for AIX follow the instructions on the Web site to download the latest AIX PTF for NSM Release 3 which is available as an APAR from FixDist. To order the Network Station Manager Release 3 software on CD select the "Order on CD" section in the same Web site.

S/390 VM/ESA
Network Station Manager R3 is available for VM/ESA and can be ordered as 5648-C05 and the 128-bit browser as 5648-C20. You can also download the code from the following site: http://www.vm.ibm.com/networkstation/nsrel30.html . Please visit the following Web site for more information: http://service.boulder.ibm.com/nc/index.shtml .

S/390 OS/390
Network Station Manager R3 is available for VM/ESA and can be ordered as 5648-C05 and the 128-bit browser as 5648-C20. Please visit the following Web site for more information: http://service.boulder.ibm.com/nc/index.shtml .

Network Station Manager Release 3.X.X Fix information

Network Station Manager Release

Fix Description

NSM Release 3.0.1 (PTF 1)

Available Electronically September 1998. It includes new boot monitor V3.0.4.

Improper Keyboard Mappings with ICA
This PTF will correct the keyboard mapping problems between ALT, CNTRL, and the left scroll and keys.

Field for DHCP Server Name Too Small
The field will correctly store the server IP with this PTF.

Multiple emulator sessions fail in double byte locales

WinCenter Parameter and Disappearing Screens
For WinCenter customers, the ${PASSWORD} parameter is still supported for Release 3. Also, the "Authentication completed in error" dialog has been removed.

NC Navigator Fails to Execute Java Reflection API
The 40-bit NC Navigator browser on the Network Station is unable to execute correctly Java applets that use Reflection APIs that are a feature of JVM 1.1x. The same applets work fine if run using the applet viewer on the Network Station.

This PTF fixes the problem of the NC Navigator browser not being able to execute applets that use some of the new JVM 1.1.x, features like reflection APIs, JAR files, and resource bundles.

Multiple JVM Fixes
1) Some non-English (not 8859-1 encoding keys are not displayed by Java.

2) It is too difficult to enable JITC on a series 1000.

3) After a Java low memory message, the network station panics or hangs.

4) There is a memory leak when handling images or fonts.

5) Out of memory errors. This includes errors when running with JITC_ENABLED=YES.

6) This fix corrects a panic that resulted in kmfree being on the analyzed dump stack.

7) On the NWS 1000, and NWS 300, the JVM seems to be incorrectly fetching the value of #729FFF for the SystemColor: window for a Java application. The incorrect color is displayed on the right half of the given application.

8) Java code that works with Host Access Class Library APIs does not work with the Network Station Presentation Space PIs.

Some DHCP Servers Do Not Allow the Client's Self-Assigned IP Address to Be in the Initial Client DHCP Packet
The DHCP server will reject the DISCOVER packet and will not assign an IP to the client.

Enable Group Support for Japanese Locales
Problem using Select User's Group setup task for Japanese locales. When selecting a group for a user, the wrong information is being saved to the configuration file.

STRNSSA Task 3400 Incorrect Admin Server Directives
Admin server access to NSM on AS/400 system is not working for OS/400 V4R2. Browsers will receive 404 error trying to use the http Admin port 2001.

Login Daemon Return Codes Incorrect
Changing password with an incorrect new password will not display an "invalid new password" message.

The QYTCUSVR program in library QYTC will be granted QPGMR *USE authority. This will allow the call to QYTCUSVR to be placed in the startup program so the daemon can start automatically at system IPL.

NSM Release 3.0.2 (PTF 1)

Available Electronically October 1998

ICA client
ICA connectivity to MS 4.0 NT Terminal Server Edition
Num Lock support for base keypad
Basic redefinition of supported keyboards in ICA
Shift Alt keymap redefined

NSM Release 3.0.3 (PTF 2)

Available Electronically November 1998. It includes new boot monitor V3.0.7.

Note: You need to restart the Login Daemon after upgrading to this new release of NSM on the AS/400 system.
To end the login Daemon, use the following command:


To Start it, use:


eSuite additional function to allow admin tool to be launched from NSM and the ability to synchronize the list of users and groups in the eSuite registry with the list of users and groups that are visible to NSM (from the server's operating system).

1) The Network Station Login Daemon needs to return the USER environment variable to the client.2) New RAP communication performance improvement NT needs user ID in uppercase.

1) Load balancing support for ICA client2) NS Panic when omron module not found
3) Slow local printing
4) ICA numlock error
5) Removed reverse video in blank VT term inputs
6) Series 300 cannot keep accurate time
7) serial port enhancements
8) Load balancing for ICA
9) Bell doesn't work on series 1000
10) Show memory bars do not change on series 1000
11) Pause/break and num pad 5 keys do not work
12) Adjust thread time-out table for Java
13) CLIENTNAME env var not set
14) New Korean input method
15) Change ICA product id for TSE support
16) TFTP support for NT
17) CTRL x/c/v does not with CAPSLOCK on in ICA
18) Browser panics after restarting in Korean
19) Add 7-bit 8-bit VT term support
20) Scroll lock needs to be pressed twice to work
21) -password parameter support for ICA
22) Ability to broadcast ICA load balancing to entire server farm
23) ICA serial support

Swedish keyboard support for the ICA client

1) Fonts need to be modified for NLS support.

1) Enter key processed twice in JAVA applets2) Java fails on 16MB Network Station
3) Mouse sticks in eSuite WorkFiles app
4) Text field memory leak in Java
5) Patch for catweb 2 applet
6) Reduce JITC load time
7) Java focus problems

1) Network Station Login slow and unpredictable.2) Remove done dialog box after authentication
3) Problem with expired passwords
4) Set RFS read/write buffer to 8k
5) Problem with disabled user in kiosk mode

1) When a keyboard mapping file created by a user was assigned to another user, the file would not be accessible if the creator's /NS5250 directory was created by saving a Miscellaneous Pref. because this would make their /NS5250 directory unreadable to other users.
2) Support for two DBCS fonts in emulators
3) Enter key setting by NSM does not work
4) Cannot start two colormaps, keymaps at same time can only have one advanced color map in 5250
5) Enable/disable cut/copy/paste for Lockheed
6) 5250 image scaling and print enhancements
7) Emulator panics when closed during connection

esuite.nsl needs to be updated to act as a startup.nsm file.

1) Token-Ring NS (8362) will not boot 2/3 of the time when using a "splitter". User receives message NS0505 ICMP ECHO.2) NFS attempts to use AS/400 path in boot prom
3) Token-Ring NS will not boot 2/3 of the time
4) Boot monitor V3.0.7

1) When numlock is pressed the ICA client does not send correct scan code.2) Add pause key to NLS keyboards.
3) Additional keyboard support for ICA.

1) Cannot save book marks on NC Navigator after upgrading to NSM R3.2) Terraserver page layout problems
3) Cigna page display problem

NSM Release 3.0.4 (PTF 3)

Available Electronically December 1998 It includes new boot monitor V3.0.7.2.

NC Navigator causes Network Station PANIC when accessingViewblue website

Added Eurosymbol to Fonts

Added Eurosymbol to Fonts

Added Eurosymbol to Fonts

The video drive has been modified to prevent too many video processes from being serviced simultaneously

Keymap files have been modified for eurocurrency support

Improved 5250/3270 emulator function

Keys on the Spanish, Italian , German and French supported keyboards will not work correctly in Java Programs

Sometimes the Network Station will PANIC on logout if NC Navigator running. Also, the login daemon was enhanced.

System dictionaries have been modified for eurocurrency support

Keymap files have been modified for eurocurrency support

Keymap files have been modified for eurocurrency support

Boot Monitor V3.0.7.2

Keymap files have been modified for eurocurrency support

Keymap files have been modified for eurocurrency support

JAVA font product properties update

Keymap files have been modified for eurocurrency support

Keymap files have been modified for eurocurrency support

NSM Release 3.1 (also known as NSM 3.0.5 - PTF 4)

Available Electronically February 1999 It includes new boot monitor V3.0.7.3.

NC Nav - Panic in Kiosk mode Parity error notification
Password shown problem
msgNSC6202 - cascading printer msg -


ICA - hang with b/w vertical line

ICA - password console box problem

ICA - Shadowing problem at various screen resolutions

ICA - DOS full screen problem

NC Nav - desktop freezes

Telnet - 'name in use' retryTelnet - TN3270E connection problem
Telnet - USSMSG10 table problem
Telnet - Fatal Error
Telnet - Focus
Telnet - TN3270 attributes

Java - 'divide' key generates wrong character Java - Oracle application Panic

Login - file mounts do not clean up

Boot Monitor - multi router entries using MS-DHCPBoot Monitor - No second boot host option with MS-DHCP

msgNSC6202 text change

NSM R3.06 (also known as PTF 5)

Available Electronically April 2,1999
It includes new boot monitor V3.0.7.5.

Note: You need to restart the Login Daemon after upgrading to this new release of NSM on AS/400 servers.

To end the login Daemon, use the following command:


To start it, use:


- Login daemon returns incorrect codes- Server code needs to send uppercase user ID
- NSM 3.0.4 code passes username + passwords to AIX

- Function key mapper error message FILEACCESS REMAPPER FILE ACCESS PROBLEM- 3250 and 5250 enhancements
- TELNET session fails to establish connection in program
- 3270 Cannot get into CICS systems when using an IBM communication server ASA GATEWAY
- 3270 SNA connection problem when using TN3270E
- USSMSG10 table is not showing the whole list of applications when using NSM3.0.3 (PTF 2.0)
- Fatal error by using the Microsoft SNA gateway
- Alpha characters keyboards not responding on 5250
- TN3270E for the network station does not display the extended attributes properly
- 3270 emulator has problems with null zero field being converted into additional space characters
- 5250 keyboard remapping is not working is not for DEFAULT.101
- First line at the top of 5250 emulator window is cut off.
- 5250 fax images not working properly.
- Network Station Panics when trying to view fax using fax support 400 in 5250 a session.
- Protected field showing as white using HUON mainframe APP on Network Station.
- 3270 cannot get into CICS system when using an IBM communication server ASA Gateway

- Message beep.JAVA application does not work on the series 1000- Buffer for DHCP server IP was truncating address.
- ICA client will not connect to Metaframe terminal.
- ICA is windowed and screen corruption "snowy screen"
- Shadowing ICA for different resolution causes problem.
- Keyboard locks up after bootup of Network Station
- Alt-Tab key sequence for toggling from 5250 to 5250 or to the browser causes 122 keyboard to lock up.
- Network Station PANICs when application is opened

- Num-Lock not working properly on release 3 of NSM- When Num Lock is pressed, the ICA client from Network Station does not send correct scan code
- Modify keyboards for Euro support
- Update Euro currency symbols on keyboards

- NC Navigator fails to execute JAVA reflection API- Cannot save the bookmark in NC Navigator
- NC Navigator causes Network Station Panic when accessing a Web site.
- NC Navigator desktop freezes when traversing through screens.
- Reloading Web page causes NS to PANIC.
- After running a JAVA applet, the NC Navigator locks up.
- NC Navigator cannot initialize NOVELL GROUPWISE e-mail attachments applets.
- Reloading Web page causes NS to PANIC.

- Improper keyboard mapping with ICA.- ICA client does not support load balancing.
- PANIC ON NC Navigator in Kiosk environment.
- ICA client will not connect to Metaframe terminal.
- Added Eurocurrency support.
- After sending a request for parity error notifications, no notifications appeared.
- Using -U $(USER) -P (PASSWORD) parameters, will show password in the console messages.
- MSGNSC6202 is issued constantly on the screen of the Network Station.
- IP address is not renewed if DHCP lease is too long.
- Shut down client desktop.

- Customer wants to use sign "" at the NC but he always gets "E". Problem occurs only at the letter "E"".

- Modify X11 font set.- Modify Korean fonts.

- Update keymap compose files.- Add euro support to key map files.
- After user logs in and ICA autostarts, he brings up console messages and attempts to enter passwords in console box fail.
- Arabic symbols missing.

- Enter key processed twice in Java applets.- "DIVIDE" key on keypad generates wrong key code.

- Wincenter parameter and disappearing screens.- RAP communication update.
- Enhance Network Station login.
- NS screen lock facility security exposure.
- Multiple login file mount jobs are generated and do not clean up.
- Logout does not terminate clients.

- Some DHCP servers do not allow the client's self assigned IP address to be in the initial client DHCO packet.- The Network Station starts responding to ICMP
- Token-Ring NS (8362) will not boot two-thirds of the time when using "splitter". User receives NS0505 ICMP ECHO.
- NS fails if there are multiple router entries on MS DHCP.
- BOOT PROM update V3.0.7.5).
- MS DHCP does not have an option to specify second Network Station boot host server.
- Modified BOOT PROM for HSRP protocol.

- Modify keyboards for Euro support.- Update Eurocurrency symbols on keyboards.

- Cannot use Swedish character when using ICA to TSE.- DOS full screen on ICA does not display correct error text.
- Eurocurrency symbol needs to be added to keyboards.

NSM 3.0.7 (Also known as PTF6)

Available Electronically May 7,1999

-Audio delay when playing .au files with series 1000

-100 mb memory leak when logging out of Network Station

-Java Media Framework 1.1 causes jjitc exception

-Java print error dialog boxes are resizable

-JDK trusted applet implementation bug

-Network Station panics in KIOSK mode and does not restart if keyboard is not reachable

-Network Station polls time server too frequently to reliably obtain synchronous time

-Show Doc not working on NC website

-Pause key improperly mapped on UK English keyboard

-3.0.6 Boot Prom missing NT NFS mount

-3.0.6 Boot Prom missing NT NFS mount

-3270 showing half screen on NETVIEW software

-Adjust Telnet negotiation timeout for V4R4

-Update Arabic keyboard file

-Middle mouse button of three button mouse is invalid for ACTLogin

Search Keywords

fix, fixes, bugs, All platforms

Document Category

Configuration, General Information, Network Station Manager, Software Updates, System Administration Tools

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



Network Computers, IBM Network Station

Product Family

AS/400 - Network Station, S/390 VM/ESA - Network Station, S/390 OS/390 - Network Station, RS/6000 - Network Station, OS/2 Warp Server - Network Station, NT Server - Network Station

Machine Type

8361, 8362, All




Retain Tip (if applicable)

Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes