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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: VLAR-3X8TE5

PS/2 XGA Display Adapter/A - Installation instructions

Applicable to: World-Wide

Installation of the XGA card is much like the installation of any other Micro Channel adapter.

First, simply place the card in a Micro Channel expansion slot. A 32-bit slot is preferred, due to the speed advantage. There is however one slot the XGA card will not fit, and that is the slot with the AVE. The XGA card does have an extension that looks much like the 8514/A extension; however, upon closer inspection you will see the extension on this card is positioned differently. The positioning of the XGA extension tab will prevent it from being inserted into the slot with the auxilliary video extension.

The XGA card only occupies 8KB of memory between 640KB and 1MB. Since the XGA card is a Bus Master, it can occupy any 8KB in the "C" or "D" range. To see which part of memory is being used by the XGA card, choose the menu option "Display Memory Map" from the Reference Diskette. Another great feature of the XGA card is that you can have up to six XGA cards installed in one machine (five if the system has XGA already on the motherboard, like the Model 90). To take advantage of multiple adapters, software must be specifically written to do so. If you have an XGA card in a system that has VGA on the system board and a display attached just to the XGA card, the XGA card will function in VGA and high resolution modes. Now, if you have the same setup as before but a display is attached to the motherboard VGA port and another to the XGA card, all VGA (and lower modes) will be displayed on the display attached to the motherboard port. The XGA card will only be used when high resolution is required. You will not get an echo of a VGA image onto the display attached to the XGA port as you would using the 8514/A.

Once the card is installed, the appropriate device driver must be installed before the high resolution can be accessed. There are two device driver diskettes that come with the XGA card. The first diskette contains all of the device drivers for DOS, Microsoft Windows 3.0, Microsoft Windows 286 2.1, and AutoCAD Release 10. The second diskette contains support for OS/2 1.2 (OS/2 1.3 ships with an XGA driver).

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