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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-3DACJ6

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IBM PS/2 - 187 Error After Auto-configuration

Applicable to: World-Wide

187 Error after running auto-configuration with Reference Diskette or IML Reference Version 1.00. System will not allow entry into the Vital Product Data area when trying to correct error.

Problem Isolation Aids:
This problem only affects systems configured with 16Mb of memory. The 187 error occurred on the first reboot after running auto-configuration. System now gets error on every reboot and operator or servicer cannot set or change information on the Vital Product Data screen.

1. From the main menu of the system partition make a Backup the System Partition.
2. View the system configuration and copy any customised setup settings. Print Screen key may be used if a printer is attached.
3. Reboot the system with Reference Diskette Version 1.02 or later in the A drive, then Restore the system partition.
4. Power OFF system
5. Remove one memory SIMM to reduce installed memory to less than 16MB.
6. Remove or insulate the battery on the riser card to drain NVRAM and CMOS. CMOS will reset in aprox. 20 to 25 min.

Before reapplying power:
1. Move the Override-jumper JMP1 (Jumper closest to riser card).
2. Unplug the fixed disk power cable for drive with SCSI ID 6.
3. Reinstall the riser battery or remove insulator.
4. With new Reference Diskette in drive A: Power ON the system.
5. Run Auto-Config then Power the system off.
6. Reconnect power cable to fixed disk.
7. Power ON the system, Answer NO to Autoconfig ? (Y/N).

When the main menu reappears, select:
5. Set Features
1. Set Time and Date
After setting time & date, return to the main menu then select:
6. Copy an Option Diskette
Insert any option diskettes that may applicable, if the diskettes are unavailable, use the system partition backup created in the first step as the option diskette.

After the options have been copied return to the main menu then select:
8. More Utilities
4. Set system identification
1. Set system identification
Follow instructions to verify or re-enter the systems serial number. Example (9557-23-AAAAA ). After VPD has been reset or verified, return to Main Menu then reboot the system.

PSY2 D/T9556 D/T9557 PSY2ERR

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