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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-3U28A3

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TP 600 - Service tips for repair

Applicable to: World-Wide

The following items should be kept in mind when repairing the TP 600 to prevent damaging the system:
1. Stereo cable replacement
Push the connectors in evenly. Do NOT push one side in and then the other or damage to the connector may result.

Care must taken with the cable routing to ensure that the cable is not crimped or caught on other components. The routing along the UltraslimBay housing must lay flat along the plastic so that it does not interfere with keyboard, however, do NOT push down firmly on the plastic or it can cause a short of the connector below it.

2. HPA panel cleaning
Care must taken when cleaning a HPA panel to not push too hard on the panel. Marks on the display can result from too much pressure. Never clean the panel in a circular pattern. Always clean along the horizontal or vertical axis.

3. Power and Suspend LED
Make sure that the LEDs on the subcard are aligned properly with the LED light pipes in the keyboard hinge cover. If the LEDs and light pipes are not aligned properly, the power and suspend status indicators will appear dim. The subcard may need to be reseated to fix the problem.

4. Fan and heat sink
Make sure that the power wires for the fan cables are not crimped by the subcard. A post 192 error will result if they are.

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Hardware Maintenance Information

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 600

Machine Type

2645, 2646




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