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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-39ZEAJ

IBM PC730/PC750 - IDE CD ROM drive failure in SCSI models using OS/2 Warp

Applicable to: World-Wide

IDE CD-ROM will not work.

Problem Isolation Aids:
Problem only occurs on PC 700 SCSI models fitted with an IDE CD-ROM drive. SCSI CD-ROM drive functions without problem. Problem root cause is that IBM2IDE.ADD will not load without an IDE hard disk present.

1. Make a backup copy of the OS/2 WARP Installation diskette and diskette 1.
2. Erase the file MITFX001.ADD from the backup copy of diskette 1.
3. From the IBM IDE CD ROM Driver Diskette, copy OS2CDROM.DMD and IBMIDECD.FLT to the backup copy of diskette 1.
4. From the PC CO. BBS at 919-517-0001, download IBM2IDE.ADD and copy it to the backup of diskette 1.
5. Erase all .BIO files and ABIOS.SYS from the backup of the installation diskette.
6. From the 6876/6886 reference diskette, copy SF83900.BIO and ABIOS.SYS to the backup copy of the installation diskette.
7. Edit the config.sys file from the backup of diskette 1 to make the following changes:
a. Add SET copyfromfloppy=1
b. Add basedev-IBM2IDE.ADD
c. REM out basedev=IBM2ADSK.ADD
d. REM out basedev=MITFX001.ADD
8. Boot with the backup copy of the installation diskette and proceed with normal installation. When the hard disk preparation is complete you will be prompted to remove the diskette from drive A and reboot the system. When the unit reboots you will receive an error, "The system cannot find the ile MITFX001.ADD". Ignore the error message and allow installation to continue until the system configuration window appears. Move the window aside and open an OS/2 window. Edit the config.sys file to make the following changes:
a. REM out basedev=IBM2ADSK.ADD
b. REM out basedev=MITFX001.ADD
9. Shutdown OS/2, reboot, and continue with a normal OS/2 WARP installation.

Search Keywords


Hint Category

CD-ROM Drives, OS/2

Date Created


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Revision Date




Product Family

PC 730, PC 750

Machine Type

6875, 6876, 6885, 6886




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