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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-3ND49E

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TP 370 - ISA 16/4 Token Ring Adapter Problem in Dock II

Applicable to: World-Wide

Users may experience problems when the attach the IBM ThinkPad 370C to an IBM Dock II Docking station which is populated with the IBM ISA 16/4 Token Ring Adapter. With such a configuration the system can exhibit problems during booting and garbage can appear on the LCD display before the system hangs. Sometimes the floppy diskette drive light also stays on - again the system then hangs.

Problem Isolation Aids:
The problem happens on IBM ThinkPad 370C systems whereby the BIOS is at the factory default of 9th March 1995 (BIOS Part No. 91G0714).

A new System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Update) Version 1.41 has now been made available.
For a copy of this diskette, please Double Click here for a copy:-

On upgrading the IBM ThinkPad 370C , the new BIOS Part No. is 91G0725.

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Hint Category

Docking/Port Replicators, Networking

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 370, ThinkPad Docking Stations

Machine Type





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