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Document ID: MCGN-44HNSE

ServeRAID - Diagnostics

Applicable to: World-Wide

IBM PC ServeRAID Adapter

The following information applies to the IBM PC ServeRAID Adapter.

All diagnostic operations for the ServeRAID adapters can be performed through the IBM ServeRAID Configuration software in the Advanced Functions option. Subsystem diagnostics may be run through the system diagnostics.

Prior to performing any test whatsoever, back up the current disk array configuration using the ServeRAID diagnostics test program.

ServeRAID Diagnostics Test Program
The IBM PC ServeRAID Adapter diagnostics test program runs independently of the operating system and is run from diskette. You can obtain a copy from the ServerGuide Diskette Factory or download it from IBM's web site.

To back up the ServeRAID configuration:

1. From the Main Menu, select Advanced Functions.
2. Select Backup IPS ServeRaid Config.

Always keep a current backup of the ServeRAID configuration information. Dynamic changes may occur in the configuration due to hot-spare replacement.

Testing the ServeRAID Subsystem
You can use the ServeRAID Subsystem Diagnostic program to test the PC ServeRAID Adapter and the devices connected to it.

To test the ServeRAID subsystem:
1. Start the ServeRAID Configuration Utility program.
2. Select Advanced Functions from the Main Menu; then, press Enter.
3. Select IBM ServeRAID Subsystem Diagnostic from the next menu; then, press Enter.
4. Select the diagnostic test that you want to run; then, press Enter. Descriptions of the diagnostic tests available include:
- Run Adapter Self-tests tests the PC ServeRAID Adapter. Restart your server after the self-test completes.
- SCSI Device Self-test runs diagnostic tests on the SCSI devices attached to the PC ServeRAID Adapter.

Additional Checkout Procedures
If you determine you have a DDD drive, follow the additional checkout procedures in "Recovery Procedures for DDD Drives".

Predictive Failure Analysis (PFA)
Determine if an HSP drive is present and follow the relevant recovery procedures as listed in "Recovery Procedures for DDD Drives". Replace the drive physically; do not software-replace the drive.

View the ServeRAID Device Event Table by clicking on a specific ServeRAID adapter in the Administration and Monitoring Utility and choosing Device Event Log. You may also view the error counters for each drive with ServeRAID Netfinity Manager. If the operating system is not functional, you can boot the ServeRAID Configuration Diskette and view the device errors by choosing Display Drive Information for each drive under Rebuild/Device Management.

For additional checkout information, see the "Symptom-to-FRU Index".

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