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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DETR-3TTGJK

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Aptiva - SimCity for OS/2 locks up

Applicable to: United States

Service Information:
If you enable sound in SimCity on a system with only 8 megabytes of RAM, the system may randomly lock up. Sound is normally disabled Fun Pack is initially installed. SimCity requires 16 megabytes of ram to work properly with sound. You can either upgrade to 16MB of ram, or disable the sound.

To disable sound in SimCity:
1. Open OS/2 System group/folder and select 'command prompts'.
2. Select 'OS/2 Window'.
3. Type CD\FUNPACK\SIMCITY and press <ENTER>.
4. Type REN PMSND.DLL PMSND.D$$ and press <ENTER>.
5. This should solve the problem. However, even with the sound disabled, SimCity will run very slow on a system with only 8MB of ram.

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Hint Category

OS/2, Audio, Entertainment Software

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IBM Aptiva

Product Family


Machine Type

2168, 2144



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