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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: VLAR-3WKS9V

Pentium Processors - Questions and Answers

Applicable to: World-Wide

I've heard that some Intel Pentium processors have a calculation bug in them. How can I tell if my IBM system has one of these faulty Pentium chips?
Try the following calculation using the Windows or OS/2 calculators:
1) Divide 4,195,835 by 3,145,727
2) Multiply the result by 3,145,727
3) Subtract 4,195,835 from the result

The total should be 0. On a Pentium with the calculation bug, the result will be non-zero. Call IBM at 800-426-3389 for more information.

I have a replacement Pentium chip on order. Is there any way to ensure the accuracy of my calculations in the meantime?
Yes. If you are using OS/2 Warp 3.0, there is a file called 586NPX.ZIP (available from various electronic sources, including CompuServe--GO OS2SUPP, in Library 23). This patch operates as an OS/2 device driver that disables the Floating Point Unit (FPU) of the Pentium processor, and redirects DOS, Windows, and OS/2 programs to use Warp's built-in FPU emulation software. This will cause a slowdown in floating point calculations, but the performance degradation in most applications will be negligible, if any. Only programs that make heavy use of floating point calculations (such as CAD and scientific/engineering programs) are likely to see a significant difference in performance. Windows 3.1x and NT users can download patches to those OSes from Microsoft's BBS (206-956-6735), CompuServe (in MSLIB), or from ftp.microsoft.com (in directory softlib/msfiles), and other electronic sources. The filenames are WW1140.EXE (for Windows 3.1x) and 35SP1.EXE for NT. Or call Microsoft at 206-637-7098 (in the U.S.), or 206-936-8661 (from outside the U.S.).

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Processors, Performance

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