1.059.643 bytes

System Support Disks

Document ID: DSHY-3NP6UJ

TP General - Utility Features for OS/2

Applicable to: World-Wide


This package provides the following utility programs for OS/2 users:
- ThinkPad Configuration program (setup program)
- Fuel-Gauge program

This package enables or updates the utility programs of the following ThinkPad computers:
- ThinkPad 365X, 365XD
- ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z
- ThinkPad 385D, 385ED, 385XD
- ThinkPad 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z
- ThinkPad 600, 600E
- ThinkPad 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD
- ThinkPad 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD
- ThinkPad 760XD, 760XL
- ThinkPad 765D, 765L
- ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z

Please see bottom of page for links to language specific versions of this file.


Name & Size (bytes)
uttpfos2.exe : 1032752
uttpfos2.txt : 7359


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Disk Release Date:


Disk Version/Release:


Additional Information:

NOTE: This driver has been repackaged into a self-extracting zip file. All files will now be extracted to your hard drive. You need to run INSTALL.BAT to complete the file extraction process! Then follow the information below to install the ThinkPad Features program.

From Version 3.50, different ThinkPad Utility Packages are provided for each operating system.

Installation Guide

OS/2 users need the following packages:

- Utility Features for OS/2
- Utility Features for DOS
- Personalization Editor with update diskette.

Before you start, please make sure you have the appropriate Utility Data files extracted for your system.
- UTTPF7XX - Utility Data Package I (for ThinkPad 6xx and 7xx family)
- UTTPF3XX - Utility Data Package II (for ThinkPad 3xx family)
- UTTPF5XX - Utility Data Package III (for ThinkPad 5xx family

Note: For easier installation, extract all files to the same directory.

(To extract the drivers, follow these procedures:)
1. Download UTTPFOS2.EXE to your hard drive and run it.
This is a self-extracting ZIP containing the following files:

2. Run INSTALL.BAT to place all the data files on your system.
The default installation path is C:\DRIVERS\OS2\UTILITY

3 Install the ThinkPad System Management device driver as follows:
a) Open a OS/2 Command Prompt Window.
b) Type DDINSTAL and press enter.
c) In the Source Directory box, click on Change...
d) Switch to the drive and directory that you extracted the files to.
Default path is C:\DRIVERS\OS2\UTILITY
e) Click on Set.
f) Click on Install...
g) Click on ThinkPad System Management Device Driver.
h) Then click on OK.
i) Click on Exit, then OK to exit the system.
j) Shutdown and restart.

4. Open the OS/2 command prompt.
5. Type [Program Path]\INSTALL2 and press Enter. Where [Program Path] is the location you extracted the files to.
Default path is C:\DRIVERS\OS2\UTILITY\
6. Follow the instructions on the screen.

Summary of Changes

-(New) Support for the XGA panel.
-(Fix) The DMA button is selected in EPP mode.
-(Fix) A conflict error occurs when Sound Blaster is disabled.
-(Fix) The installation program displays a warning message if a later version of the program has already been installed.
-(Fix) The PCI-IDE bus master driver causes data corruption on the hard disk.
-(Fix) Color corruption occurs when the installation program installs the Personalization Editor as a program for the Win-OS/2 full screen.
-(Fix) The installation program does not correctly recognize the space character in the response file during the CID installation.

-(Fix) The installation program does not check only OS/2 major versions.
-(Fix) If an unexpected PCI adapter card is installed, a system error occurs.
-(Fix) The resources of the multifunction PCI adapter card are not displayed correctly.
-(Fix) (For ESS model only) An ISA adapter card using an I/O address from 330 to 333 does not work properly.
-(Fix) When an external video card is installed, the advanced display setup reports an error.
-(Fix) 512 characters per line cannot be handled by the ESS audio setting.
-(Fix) An incorrect warning message is displayed if 56Hz is selected in 800x600 resolution with 64K color depth.

-(New) The system information panel is available.
-(New) The "Resume on incoming call" option and the "Hibernate by timer" option cannot be selected at the same time.
-(New) When the power mode detailed setting is changed, the selected power mode is also set.
-(Fix) The CRT button does not work correctly even if the system is booted without a CRT attached.

-(New) Support for ThinkPad 560E, 380, 380D and 385D.

-(New) Support for ThinkPad 765D, 765L, 380E, 380ED and 385ED.
-(Fix) Conflict Check is not done correctly on non-Midi models.

-(New) Support for ThinkPad 770.
-(New) Support for ThinkPad 7xx family only.
-(New) Changed the GUI program name from ThinkPad Features ThinkPad Configuration.

-(New) Support for ThinkPad 380XD and 385XD.
-(New) Supported all the models by changing the diskette structure.
-(New) The uninstall program is available.

-(New) Support for ThinkPad 600, 770E and 770ED.

-(New) Support for ThinkPad 560Z and 380Z.
-(New) Support for version information.
-(New) Support for CPU Power Management and PCI BUS Power Management settings.
-(New) Fuel-Gauge program has an option to customize a window size.

-(New) Support for ThinkPad 770X and 600E.
-(New) Support for the installation option for ThinkPad Configuration for DOS.

-(New) Support for ThinkPad 770Z.
-(New) Utility packages have been re-organized. In installation, there is no need to do from a diskette

-(New) Removed BIOS part number field from the system Information screen.
-(Fix) AODBSMD.SYS causes a trap D error after docked to 2 docking stations.

National Language Support

Only some drivers will be available in other languages. If you do not see a listing like this for additional languages, then that driver is available in English only. The English driver will work in ALL countries.
This driver is available in the following language format. (NOTE: If the version numbers below do not match the version number given above, then the updated driver listed above is available in ENGLISH only!):

Dansk(DK) - v4.14a
Finnish(FI) - v4.14a
French(FR) - v4.14a
German(GR) - v4.14a
Italian(IT) - v4.14a
Dutch(NE) - v4.14a
Norwegian(NO) - v4.14a
Spanish(SP) - v4.14a
Swedish(SV) - v4.14a

Search Keywords

Disk Category

Utility, OS/2

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 365X/XD, ThinkPad 380, ThinkPad 380D, ThinkPad 380E, ThinkPad 380ED, ThinkPad 380XD, ThinkPad 380Z, ThinkPad 385D, ThinkPad 385E, ThinkPad 385ED, ThinkPad 385XD, ThinkPad 560, ThinkPad 560E, ThinkPad 560X, ThinkPad 560Z, ThinkPad 600, ThinkPad 600E, ThinkPad 760C, ThinkPad 760E, ThinkPad 760CD, ThinkPad 760L/LD, ThinkPad 760ED, ThinkPad 760XD, ThinkPad 760EL/ELD, ThinkPad 760XL, ThinkPad 765L, ThinkPad 765D, ThinkPad 770, ThinkPad 770E/ED, ThinkPad 770X, ThinkPad 770Z

Machine Type

2625, 2635, 2636, 2640, 2641, 2645, 2646, 9546, 9547, 9548, 9549, 9544




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