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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DJON-3FZLRL

Aptiva - Using the SHARE Command

Applicable to: United States

The SHARE command in DOS installs file-sharing and locking capabilities on your hard disk. Typically, SHARE is used in a network or multitasking environment in which programs share files. SHARE loads the code that supports file-sharing and locking in these environments. When you install SHARE, DOS uses the code loaded by SHARE to validate all read and write requests from programs.

SHARE.EXE is normally loaded in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file so that it is available for use every time you start up the system. On PS/1 systems and on some Aptivas, the SHARE.EXE is included in AUTOEXEC.BAT. On those Aptivas where SHARE.EXE is not included, an alternate facility is provided in Windows (see below) that provides a better solution.

When SHARE is loaded, it takes up some amount of conventional memory. If you are in need of additional conventional memory, you can edit the AUTOEXEC.BAT file and insert the word LOADHIGH (or LH) at the start of the SHARE.EXE line to cause the SHARE program to be loaded in upper memory, thus freeing up the conventional memory it would otherwise use. The resulting line might thus look like:

LH C:\DOS\SHARE.EXE /l:500 /f:5100

A better approach to using LOADHIGH for the SHARE command is to disable it completely in AUTOEXEC.BAT and use the VSHARE.386 driver in Windows to handle file sharing. The WW1000.EXE file in the IBM Software Library contains the VSHARE.386 driver, along with a set of instructions for installing it. This keeps the SHARE.EXE file from taking up any conventional or upper memory, thus allowing more room for other programs that might require this memory.

Search Keywords


Hint Category

DOS/Windows 3.x

Date Created


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IBM Aptiva

Product Family


Machine Type

2144, 2168


1R2; 66P; 67P; 86P; OR8; 1R1; 1R3; 1R5; 22P; 24P; 25P; 27P; 29P; 63P; 67P; 82P; 83P; OR6; OR7; OR9; 1R0; 1R1; 26P; 62P; 2R0; P30; 2R3; S15



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