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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DETR-459RRV

Aptiva - Unable to uninstall preloaded Microsoft Office SBE

Applicable to: United States

Problem Description:
Unable to uninstall preloaded Microsoft Office Small Business Edition (SBE). When attempting to uninstall an error message is received that says "the necessary files needed to uninstall were not found on the E: drive."

Root Cause:
Microsoft Office SBE is initially installed as part of the Audit Boot of Windows 98, while the system is being built. During the Audit Boot, the CD-ROM drive letter is E:. As a result, entries are made in the Windows registry identifying the E: drive as the installation drive for SBE. After the Aptiva First Boot, the CD-ROM drive letter is set as G:, but this does not change the SBE entries in the registry. Therefore, when an attempt is made to uninstall SBE, the software looks for the E: drive, the installation drive according to the registry. Since the E: drive is no longer valid, the error message is received.

Workaround #1:
Temporarily change the CD ROM drive letter to E:
To change the drive letter use the following steps:
1. Go to Device Manager
2. Choose properties for the CD ROM drive
3. Select Settings Tab
4. Change the Drive letter to E:

The uninstall should now work. Before reinstalling the MS SBE Software, follow the previous steps again and change the CD ROM drive letter back to G:.

Workaround #2:
Reinstall SBE
To reinstall SBE, use Add/Remove Programs in Windows Control Panel

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Hint Category

Software Installation/Configuration, Productivity Software

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IBM Aptiva

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973; 974; 992; 993


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