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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-3DLHFW

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TP 350 - BIOS Level "1I"

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
The purpose of this tip is to list problems that may be fixed with flash EEPROM code level "1I".
View the flash EEPROM code level by accessing the configuration utility program using the following procedure:
1. After POST, press the "FN" and "F1" keys together to select the configuration utility.
2. Press the "Page Down" key twice to select page 3.
3. The "BIOS Revision" level will be the second item listed under the system configuration.
Example: AF4US1A - This indicates a revision level of 1A.

The problems resolved with level "1I" are as follows:
1. Intermittent 117 errors (Floppy Disk) on POST.
2. In suspended mode, the PSMCIA card draws too much current, which results in a short battery life.
3. Intermittently, Numlock does not function when using an external keyboard.
4. The serial port will not stay disabled after a manual change.
5. 301 errors when using "Special-Needs" keyboard.
6. The battery gauge does not accurately report battery charge state.
7. The system displays garbled text or image, or the image shifts while running a video application.
If upgrading BIOS to level "1I" does not resolve the failure, utilise normal problem determination procedures.

For latest level please double-click here:

Reference Retain record H122224 for additional information about upgrading BIOS on the ThinkPad 350 systems.

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IBM ThinkPad

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ThinkPad 350

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