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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-39DD59

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TP 700,720 - Low battery life when using the quick-charger

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
Low battery life may occur after charging battery FRU P/N66G2846 or P/N49G2166 with a quick charger, if the battery voltage is below 8 volts. The Quick Charger's charging cycle time is designed for a battery discharged to at or above 8 volts. A deeper discharge that results in battery voltage below 8 volts will require multiple charge cycles to completely charge the battery. Do NOT discharge between the Quick Charger cycles.

To prevent discharging the battery below the 8 volt range do the following :-
1. Charge the battery shortly after it has gone into a discharged suspend mode.
2. Do NOT attempt more then one resume operation after the discharge has occurred.

Follow normal problem determination if the battery discharge time is still short.

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IBM ThinkPad

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ThinkPad 700, ThinkPad 720

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