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Document ID: RMIE-3B4GD4

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TP 760ED - Game Port Conversion Cable FRU is wrong

Applicable to: World-Wide

Subject :
760ED Game Port Conversion Cable FRU# is Wrong in HMM
The May & September 96 HMM Vol3 S82G-1503-04 on page 398 has the inverted digits (29G9269)
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The FRU# in the HMM Vol. 3, May 1996 on page # 339 for the game port conversion cable is incorrect. It is listed as 29g9269, but 29h9629 in InfoPM. Tried to do a parts exchange for this part and 29g9269 is invalid. Tried 29h9629, this is the game port conversion cable for the 760ED.

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IBM ThinkPad

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ThinkPad 760ED

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